2000 Light Years Away

912 52 43

Mike's P.O.V:
What was taking them so long?! What were they doing to my Billie?! I paced around the waiting room, feeling sick because of how worried I was about my Billie.

I sat down on one of the hard, plastic chairs and put my head in my hands, massaging my temples in an effort to try and soothe the migraine that was slowly creeping up on me.

This only seemed to make my headache worse. I groaned in pain, suddenly feeling incredibly nauseous.

Biting my lip, I got up and hurried down the hallway, trying to find the bathroom. Who knew it was possible to be this worried about someone?

When I finally found the bathroom I ran into a stall and locked the door before falling to my knees and throwing up everything that I'd eaten that day.

The acid burned my throat as I gagged and retched. Tears stung my eyes as another wave of nausea came over me.

"Billie!" I screamed in pain and fear as I threw up again.

After what felt like forever I finally stopped throwing up and I was finally able to stand up.

I grabbed the wall for support as a wave of dizziness swept over me.

A low growl of frustration ripped through my chest as I screwed my eyes shut, trying to stay upright.

I wanted Billie in my arms again. What if he never woke up?! What if I never saw him again?!

Those thoughts were all too much for me and I ended up collapsing again, hitting my head on the bathroom stall door.

The last thing I heard before blacking out was a loud crash from when I hit my head on the door.

Then my world went black...

Billie's P.O.V:
Beep... beep... beep.... what the fuck was that god awful noise?!

My eyes slowly fluttered open. My vision was blurred and it took a few seconds for me to realise where I was.

I gasped in fear when I realised that I was in a hospital... everything was white and clean... and there were lots of machines hooked up to me...

A shiver ran up my spine. I hated hospitals...! Daddy had died in a hospital...

I hid under the blanket and curled up in a ball as I remembered how my last moments with Daddy had been.

"N-no!" I sobbed while clutching Daddy's hand.

"You said you'd always be there for me! You said that you'd never leave me!"

"Billie..." Daddy whispered softly.

"Listen to me... you have to be brave sweetheart. Be brave like I know you can be... and remember... even if you... can't see me... I'll always be.... with you... in.... here...."

He then put his big, strong hand on my chest, right over my heart.

I clutched his big hand in my small one and sobbed uncontrollably.

"I love you Billie..." Daddy whispered.

Then he closed his eyes... and I knew that he was gone... gone forever...

Those were the last words he ever spoke to any of my family... I was the last one to hear his final words...

That thought has haunted me ever since. Even now, in my early forties... I will never be able to  forget those four simple words...

"I love you Billie..."

End of flashback
A shiver ran up my spine as those four words played in my mind over and over again... "I love you Billie..." "I love you Billie..." "I love you Billie..."

It was as if someone had put a CD on repeat... but this time, the CD was my thoughts... and the worst thing was that I couldn't get away from them... I couldn't just turn them off and move on with my life... they were here to stay... and they would stay forever...

I pulled the blanket over my head again as the door slowly opened.

Peaking out from under the blanket, I saw with a stab of fear that a guy in a white coat had walked in...

I think people call them doctors... god I hated that word... I'd heard it enough when I was younger...

This 'doctor' had dirty blonde hair that reached to just over his ears. He also had stormy grey eyes. And let me say this... they were quite something...

I would normally call this guy attractive, but my heart already belonged to someone... Mikey... Mikey... Mikey!

Where was my Mikey?! What had 'Grey Eyes' done with him?!

A low whimper escaped my lips as 'Grey Eyes' slowly walked towards me, a sympathetic smile on his face.

"Mr Armstrong..." he whispered softly. Ugh! He was British... I cringed inwardly. I absolutely hated the British accent...! But he continued speaking nonetheless.

"My name's Dominic. And I'll be your doctor for the duration of time that you spend here."

I groaned inwardly. Oh great! That means I was going to see a lot more of 'Grey Eyes' or Dominic as he was now known...

"Where's Mike?!" I snarled, cutting 'Grey Eyes' off mid sentence.

"Who?" 'Grey Eyes' asked.

"My friend!" I snarled. "What have you done with him?!"

'Grey Eyes' looked a little scared by my sudden outburst. He reached his hand out and slowly put it on my shoulder.

I flinched away from him and glared daggers at him.

He sighed and sat on the end of the bed. A bed that I was probably going to be seeing a lot of for a while...

"Mr Armstrong... you need to calm down..." 'Grey Eyes' whispered softly, once again putting a hand on my shoulder. Amazingly, I didn't flinch this time.

"No!" I snarled defensively. "Not until you tell me what you've done with Mike!!"

'Grey Eyes' looked at me sternly before his facial expression softened slightly.

"I'm sure your friend is fine Mr Armstrong. It's you who we need to worry about right now..."

I glared at 'Grey Eyes', biting my lip hard until it began to bleed.

He then got up and handed me some pills and a glass of water.

"What's this?!" I spat, eyeing the pills suspiciously.

"They'll help you sleep." 'Grey Eyes' replied calmly.

I was too worried, scared and tired to argue, so I just took the pills without putting up any sort of a fight.

Soon after I'd swallowed the last pill, my eyes began to grow heavy and I soon found myself drifting off into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

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