See the Light

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Billie's P.O.V:
As my eyes slowly fluttered open, I began to panic. I was in a strange room... I can't be in a strange room! My chest tightened and my breath hitched in my throat.

"Calm the fuck down!" I told myself as I looked around the room. My eyes immediately rested on one object in particular: a bass guitar in the corner of the room. I breathed a sigh of relief as I realised that I was at Mike's place.

But how did I get here? I wracked my brains for a memory of how I'd ended up here. The last thing I remembered was waking up and realising that Mike had left during the night. Then... nothing.

"Mikey..." I whimpered quietly, way to quietly for Mike to be able to hear me. I shivered and buried my face in Mike's pillow. I wanted desperately for Mike to hold me in his arms again. I wanted him to hold me and tell me that everything was OK...

I tried to get up but I found out the hard way that I was way too weak. Once I'd stood up, I just immediately ended up collapsing on the floor, hitting my head on the bed in the process. Amazingly, I stayed conscious this time!

"Fuck!" I growled in pain. I touched my head and felt a huge bump begin to form. "Just fucking great..." I growled to myself as I shakily stood up and made my way out of the room and down the stairs.

I could hear the faint sounds of the tv from the living room as I painfully slowly made my way down the hardwood steps.

When I finally got downstairs, my vision was becoming blurry again. Just a few more steps until I made it to the living room.. come on...!

I closed my eyes tightly and staggered almost drunkenly to the entrance of the living room.

"Billie?" I heard Mike's voice whisper. "What are you doing down here? I thought you were asleep."

"M-Mike..." I whimpered as I felt myself falling forwards. The last thing I saw before my world went black was Mike getting off the couch and making his way over to me...


When I eventually woke up, I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me. I immediately knew that it was Mike. I whimpered and nuzzled against him. I felt him lean over and place a gentle kiss on my head.

"How're you feeling Bill?" He whispered. I shrugged. I felt like total shit. Mike sighed and ran his fingers through my hair. I immediately relaxed under his touch. That is, until he touched the huge bump on my head.

I hissed in pain as his fingers ran over the bump.

"Shit Billie!" Mike exclaimed. "What happened to your head?!" "Long story..." I sighed.

Mike got up and tried to lay me on the couch, but I kept my arms wrapped firmly around his neck. He chuckled and started walking towards the kitchen.

"You're so cute y'know that?" He whispered in my ear. I blushed and hid my hot face against his neck.

Mike chuckled and continued walking towards the bathroom with me held safely in his arms.

I wanted to tell Mike right then and there how I felt about him. But I obviously didn't know if he felt the same way about me, so I guess I was just going to have to wait a little longer before I would tell him...

When we got to the bathroom, Mike carefully set me down on the toilet so that my back was against the wall. I slowly brought my hand up to touch my head but I immediately regretted it as it stung like all hell.

"Ow!" I cried out. Mike whirled around to face me.

"Oh don't do that Bill." He whispered softly, coming over to me with some first aid stuff in his arms.

Mike picked me up and sat on the toilet before gently placing me on his lap. I nuzzled my face against his neck and hugged him tightly. I felt a gentle kiss on my head and I smiled against Mike's neck. Did he feel the same?

Mike started to softly hum Still Breathing in my ear as he proceeded to place an ice pack against my head.

I felt my eyes fill with tears as I listened to Mike humming. I had written this song just after I'd gotten out of rehab. That had been a very difficult time for me. Mike had helped me so, so much. He'd made me realise that if I didn't get my shit together, there would be no more Green Day. I mean, not that anyone cared anyway but y'know... I'd probably be dead if it wasn't for Mike...

If I'm being honest, which I guess I will be, I wouldn't mind if I died. I mean, I'm just another worthless person on this shit planet. I really don't think that anyone would care if I wasn't here tomorrow...

"Billie?" The sound of Mike's sweet voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him and yawned.

"It's getting late baby doll. We should go to sleep." Mike whispered, getting up. I nodded and held my arms out, signalling that I wanted Mike to pick me up.

Mike happily obliged and I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist.

Mike carefully carried me upstairs and set me down on his bed. I crawled under the warm blankets and laid my head on the pillow.

I felt a blush slowly creep to my cheeks as I saw Mike taking his shirt off. I turned away, hoping he hadn't noticed. It didn't seem like he had.

Mike then changed into some sweatpants and crawled into bed next to me. I immediately snuggled up to him and laid my head on his chest.

The sound of his gentle heartbeat was very soothing. It was beautiful.

Mike softly stroked my hair and started singing again. I loved it when he did this. It always made me feel so safe.

I felt Mike's breathing becoming slower. I knew that he was falling asleep. Now it was my turn to stroke his hair. Words could not describe how much I loved him. He was my everything.

However there was still this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that kept telling me that I was causing him too much trouble, that he'd be better off without me.

I sighed and slowly got out of bed. Mike stirred but didn't wake. Thank god. I stood by Mike's bedside for a good minute, just appreciating the sight of him sleeping. He looked so peaceful. I leaned down and softly kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry Mike. But you'll be better off without me..." I whispered in his ear.

And with that, I left the room and closed the door, not once looking back.

I made my way into the bathroom and rummaged thought the cabinets until I found them. Sleeping pills. I turned the container over and read the dosage. Two. Well then, six ought to do it...

Opening the container, I slowly and carefully tipped six pills into my cupped hand. I took them all at once, swallowing them dry.

The room started to spin and I felt myself falling. This was it. The moment I'd been waiting for my whole life...

The sound of pills scattering across the floor filled the house as my body hit the ground...

•Still Breathing• ((Bike)) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now