The Forgotten

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Mike's P.O.V:
I didn't want to wake up. I was having a nice dream about me and Billie. I wanted to sleep forever so that the dream could continue...

Well, I guess I had to wake up at some point... keeping my eyes closed, I reached my arms out for Billie, trying to pull him closer to me. But... he wasn't there...

"Bill?" I whispered, still not bothered to open my eyes. No reply. That's when I started to get really worried.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw with a stab of fear that Billie was gone. I immediately jumped out of bed and ran out into the hallway, wracking my brains for a place where Billie might be.

I ran all over the house, desperately trying to find my friend. But every room I looked in I was always disappointed when he wasn't there.

My stomach churned nervously when I realised that there was only one more room left in the house. The bathroom.

As I ran up the stairs to the bathroom I crossed my fingers that's that where Billie was. If he wasn't, I was pretty much screwed.

When I got to the bathroom I discovered that the door was locked. Well, at least I knew that Beej was in there alright.

"Billie?!" I called out, biting my lip and hoping for an answer. Nothing. I rammed my shoulder against the door, trying desperately to get it open.

I growled in frustration when I found that the door wouldn't budge. I tried again, ramming my shoulder against the door, this time twice as hard.

I heard a click and the door finally flew open. What I saw made my heart stop. Billie was lying sprawled out on the bathroom floor and there was a box of pills scattered all around him.

"No!!" I half screamed half sobbed as I ran over to Billie and fell to my knees beside his motionless body. I immediately took my hoodie off and wrapped it around Billie before taking him into my arms.

"Y-y-yo-you c-ca-can't di-die!" I sobbed whilst kissing his head over and over again. "I need you Billie. You're my everything. Please. Don't go!"

There was no response from my friend. With one hand, I cradled him protectively against my chest while with the other hand I was desperately trying to get my phone out of my pocket.

When I finally managed to get my phone out of my pocket and dial 911, I could barely see because of the tears that were rapidly flowing down my cheeks and obscuring my vision.

"911, what is the nature of your emergency?" A female automated voice spoke on the other end of the phone.

"M-my f-fr-friend tr-tried to k-kill him-himself..." I sobbed whilst clutching Billie's body to my chest.

I couldn't bare to say anymore so I hung up the phone, hoping that they would be able to track the call like they do in the movies.

"Please be ok Billie!" I sobbed, running my fingers through his hair. "I can't live without you! You're my everything! Please... I'll kill myself in anything happens to you... Please..."

My vision was obscured by tears and I laid down on the floor and pulled Billie down next to me.

I could feel the beginnings of a panic attack building in my chest. It was getting harder and harder to breathe with every passing second. I bit my lip and closed my eyes as I felt the room start to spin.

A small whimper of fear escaped my lips. I couldn't lose Billie! He was the only reason that I was alive. I needed him... and I had a feeling that he needed me too.

I felt my chest tighten. It was getting harder and harder to breathe... "please Billie..." I gasped, clutching at my chest. I knew that if my panic attack got too bad, I could potentially die because of my heart condition...

I curled into a tight ball and pulled Billie close to, holding him protectively against my chest.

Oh god... I think I was gonna be sick... I leaned over and threw up all over the bathroom floor before collapsing back on the ground with my head resting on Billie's chest.

After what felt like 15 years but could only have been something like 10 minutes, I heard the sound of sirens in the distance. I would've gotten up and gone downstairs but I was way too weak for that.

The sound of the door opening made me breathe a sigh of relief. I must've left the door unlocked. 'Nice one Mike... you could've been robbed!'

Soon, two paramedics ran into the bathroom. One of them tried to pry me off of Billie.

"No!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks. "He needs me!" I clung to Billie as if my life depended on it. I had a feeling it did...

"Please sir." The other paramedic said calmly. "We need to get him to the hospital as quickly as possible." I reluctantly let go of Billie and they put him on a stretcher and carried him out of the house.

I shakily got up and followed them outside. "Can... can I come too?" I asked hopefully. "Yes." One of the paramedics said while the other one was getting in the drivers seat of the ambulance.

"Thank you." I smiled weakly as I climbed into the back of the ambulance as the paramedic was putting Billie inside.

My heart shattered as I saw him lying there. He looked so small and helpless. There was an oxygen mask covering his nose and mouth. I took his hand and squeezed it tightly.

The paramedic then got in the back of the ambulance and sat down on Billie's other side. I traced my thumb along Billie's palm as I felt tears sting my eyes.

"You can't die..." I whispered to him. "You just can't..."

The paramedic looked at me with sympathy in his eyes. "Is he your boyfriend?" He asked. I bit my lip and shook my head. I had no idea that that one question could break my heart so much.

"No..." I replied, looking down at my feet. "We're just friends..." the paramedic nodded and readjusted the oxygen mask on Billie's face.

Soon, we arrived at the hospital. I followed the two paramedics inside as they wheeled Billie into the big white building.

They told me that I had to wait in the waiting room while a doctor took a look at him. I nodded fearfully and went to sit down in the waiting room, desperately hoping that my Billie would be ok.

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