Give Me Novocaine

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Mike's P.O.V:
That's twice in one day that I'd seen Billie passed out. Who knows, he could've passed out way more than twice today! I'm pretty sure that wasn't normal for him. Hell, it wasn't normal for anyone!

Making a decision to get him cleaned up and into bed, I carefully picked him up and carried him to the master bedroom.

I gently laid Billie on the bed and found a t-shirt and some sweatpants that I quickly changed him into.

I then sat down on the bed and took Billie's small body into my arms, protecting him. His body rested limply against my chest since he was still passed out.

Sighing I ran my fingers through his hair. It felt filthy under my fingers and I saw that it was was matted together with dried blood in some places.

Billie must've hit his head when he'd passed out earlier on. I didn't have the strength to get up and wash his hair right now so I decided to leave it until tomorrow. It would be fine for a night.

I carefully tucked Billie up in bed and got up. It would be better if he slept alone. As much as I might want to hold him in my arms as he slept I knew that it was wrong. I mean, Billie had just gotten to the end of a great relationship after all.

So instead I sat down on the edge of the bed and stroked Billie's filthy hair. I didn't understand why he'd drank so much. Was it to forget about Adrienne? Or did he drink just because he felt like it?

I sighed and gently kissed his forehead. I hoped he would be ok on his own. Getting up I made my way out of the room as quietly as possible. "Sweet dreams Billie." I whispered as I shut the light off and softly closed the door.

Trying to be as quiet as possible I made my way to the guest bedroom which was next to the master bedroom.

I didn't bother to change clothes and I immediately crawled into bed. I was fucking exhausted. That incident with Billie had scared the living shit out of me.

As I lay in the darkness, trying to fall asleep, I couldn't stop worrying about Billie. For one awful second when I'd seen him passed out earlier, I thought he was dead. I shuddered. I shouldn't been thinking like that right now.

Just as I felt the first signs of sleep start to overcome my body, I was immediately woken up by a loud cry coming from the master bedroom.

At first I thought I'd been dreaming and I decided to try and go back to sleep. But soon after being woken up the first time there was the sound of loud whimpering coming from the master bedroom.

Sighing, I got up and made my way cautiously to the master bedroom.

The sight that greeted me made me gasp in shock. Billie was sitting up in bed and he was once again surrounded by throw up. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he whimpered.

"Shit." I exclaimed as I rushed to Billie's side. I scooped him up in my arms and he wrapped his arms tightly around my neck. He continued to cry hysterically. He was beginning to have a nervous breakdown.

"Shhh." I cooed, gently rocking Billie as if he was a baby. "Shhh it's ok." This worked to no avail as Billie started shaking uncontrollably in my arms. I knew what this meant all too well. He was having the beginnings of a panic attack.

The strong smell of vomit made me gag and I knew that I was going to have to clean it up at some point. But at this point I really couldn't care less about the vomit that was absolutely everywhere. My main concern right now was to help my friend get out of his attack.

"M-Mike..." Billie whimpered. "Shhh Bill." I cooed, sitting on the edge of the bed with Billie cradled in my arms. "It's ok. You just gotta breath."

Billie shivered violently and I rubbed slow, large circles on his back, trying to calm him down. I knew that it would be difficult however. Because once Billie was in a panic attack it was very hard to get him out of it again.

I softly kissed Billie's head and he rested his head on my shoulder. I could feel his warm tears begin to soak my shirt.

"Shhh... it's ok Bill." I whispered, gently rubbing my friend's back. Billie weakly wrapped his arms around my neck and continued to whimper and cry against my shoulder.

The only way to get Billie out of a panic attack was to whisper soothing words in his ear. So that's what I did.

"It's alright Billie." I whispered softly, once again placing a gentle kiss on Billie's forehead. Billie's shaking continued.

"Shhh." I cooed. "You're safe Billie. It's ok. Don't be scared. Mikey's here." While I said those words I rocked Billie gently as if he was a baby.

When we were younger and whenever Billie had been upset about his dad, his mum would always rock him like this. This always comforted and calmed him down very quickly.

Billie had started to calm down after I'd said those words. I sighed in relief and continued rocking him, not wanting him to experience another panic attack.

I softly kissed Billie's head again and he nuzzled his face against my neck. I held Billie tightly to my chest, never wanting to let him go. I needed him just as much as he needed me right now.

"Mikey?" Billie whimpered against my neck. "Yeah Bill?" I whispered, running my fingers through his hair.

"Why did Adie leave me?" Billie sobbed, tightening his arms around my neck.

"Oh Billie." I whispered. "I really don't know baby doll."

Billie whimpered and looked up at me. My heart broke as I looked into his green eyes. They looked dull and lifeless. Their usual light green colour had been replaced by a dark green, which looked sunken.

I couldn't bare to see my friend like this. He looked so broken. I sighed and felt Billie lean his head on my shoulder again. He really needed me right now and whatever happened next, I was going to be there for him. No matter what.

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