Too Much Too Soon

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Mike's P.O.V:
I hadn't seen Billie in a couple days now and I was starting to get really worried. I kept telling myself over and over again that everything was fine and that I was just being paranoid. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was seriously wrong.

Should I go and see him? Yes. But not yet. First I should call Tré and see if he knows anything about what's been going on.

I took my phone off its charger and ran my fingers through my hair as I waited impatiently for Tré to pick up.

After waiting a few seconds Tré finally answered his phone.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice answered. "Tré I need to ask you something." I said a little bit too fast.

"What is it Mike?" Tré yawned. "Have you seen Billie recently?" I asked, praying that Tré would say yes and make my worries completely unnecessary.

"No. Not since the last time we practiced. Which was last Monday right?"

I felt my heart sink. My breathing quickened. "You ok Mike?" Tré's worried voice asked.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered. "Do you haven't seen Bill?"

"Nope." Tré answered. "But seriously Mike. Are you ok?" "I'm fine." I replied quickly. That's it. I was going over to Billie's right now. I had a feeling that something was really wrong and I had to find out what it was. Billie needed me. I could feel it.

"Mike?" The sound of Tre's voice made me jump, nearly making me drop my phone.

"Sorry Tré I gotta go." I quickly hung up before Tré could ask why. That's it. I was going to see Billie. He needed me.

Billie's P.O.V:
My eyes felt heavy and I didn't want to open them. I just wanted to sleep forever. Unfortunately that wasn't an option as I could clearly feel that I was awake.

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes, immediately regretting it as the bright light hurt my head.

A wave of nausea suddenly swept over me. I desperately tried to hold it in but it got too much and I ended up throwing up all over the floor.

A whimper escaped my lips and I pulled my knees to my chest, not giving a shit that I was sitting in my own throw up.

I tried to stand but my knees felt weak and I just ended up collapsing again, hitting my head on the coffee table. It didn't take long after that for me to pass out.

Mike's P.O.V:
I sprinted all the way to Billie's house. When I got there I was completely out of breath. I knocked on the door and Adrienne answered it.

"Oh hello Mike." She said. "H-hey Adie." I gasped, looking up.

Adrienne had red cheeks and puffy eyes. It looked like she'd been crying.

"What's up?" I asked her, generally concerned. She looked at me and more tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Billie left me Mike." She sobbed and I hugged her. "What happened?" I asked her quietly as she sobbed against my chest.

"H-he wa-was c-c-coming home drunk or high most nights and he trashed the house and h-hit me. It eventually all got too much and I told him I didn't ever want to see him again." Adie sobbed.

I gasped. Billie would hardly ever do something like that. He'd have to have a very good reason to be drinking like that.

"Oh Adie." I whispered. "I'm so sorry. Billie would never do that unless he had a good reason to."

Adrienne continued to cry against my chest. "He said he never loved me Mike." She sobbed.

I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. I stood in complete shock for a few seconds, trying to comprehend what I'd heard. After about 30 seconds I finally found my voice again.

"You don't deserve that asshole Adie." I growled, feeling extremely pissed off. "You deserve someone way better and I know that one day you'll find him."

"Thank you Mike." Adrienne sobbed, looking up at me. "You have no idea how much those words mean to me."

I nodded and smiled slightly. "Well uh I should get going." I said awkwardly. Adie nodded and hugged me one last time.

"Thank you Mike." She whispered. "No problem." I replied. "You'll get through this. I know you will."

Not long after this Adrienne went back inside and I continued my search for Billie. The only other place that I could think of where he'd possibly be was the apartment that he'd bought.

I just hoped that's where he was because if he wasn't I didn't know where else to look...

When I finally got to the apartment I no longer doubted that there was something seriously wrong. I could feel it in the pit of my stomach as I grabbed the spare key from my pocket and rammed it into the lock.

Once inside the apartment a rancid smell greeted me. I gagged and looked around. There was a light on in the living room.

"Beej?" I called out. No reply. I sighed and walked into the living room. What I saw made all the anger that I'd been feeling towards Billie moments earlier all slip away.

Billie was passed out on the floor, surrounded by throw up, which explained the awful smell. And I could clearly see what had cause him to throw up in the first place.

There were empty cans of beer littering the floor and coffee table. I gasped and slowly walked over to Billie.

I crouched down next to him and ran my fingers through his jet black hair. A whimper escaped my lips as my hand came away covered in blood.

Billie started to stir and he woke up. He groaned. I could clearly see the fear and pain in his eyes.

He quickly sat up. A little too quickly and swayed dangerously. I wrapped my arms around him to stop him from falling again.

I could clearly feel him flinch as my arms made contact with his body. He whimpered and tried to wriggle out of my arms.

"Shhh." I whispered. Billie gasped and started thrashing around in my arms. Jesus. The alcohol must've really gotten to him if he didn't even know who I was.

"It's ok Bill." I cooed. "It's me. It's Mike buddy. As soon as I'd said those words, recognition immediately flashed in Billie's eyes.

"Mikey?" He croaked. "Yeah I'm here buddy." I whispered.

Billie immediately threw his arms around my neck and started sobbing against my chest. "It's ok Bill." I cooed, not caring that Billie was covered in throw up. I couldn't care less. "You're ok."

This made Billie sob louder against my shoulder. "Shhh..." I whispered, rocking Billie back and forth.

Before I could say or do anything else I noticed with a stab of fear that Billie had passed out in my arms.

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