✒ Chapter 1

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Hi everyone! This is the first story I'm writing here in Wattpad. Please forgive me if there are grammatical errors. So, happy reading!

Aria's picture (I don't know her name) >>>>>>>>>

"There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows fast, withers as rapidly. That which grows slowly, endures." ~Josiah Gilbert Holland

Partially edited

Chapter 1


I woke up with a groan when the morning sunlight blinded me. I forgot to close the curtains, again. Getting up groggily, I go to the bathroom and take a shower while brushing my teeth. What, I can multitask. I wrapped​ a towel around myself and open the closet door. I took out a white blouse and a black knee-length pencil skirt. After wearing my clothes, I went to my desk to take my work file.

My room is simple and cute, with one of the walls covered in maroon and the other three in cream. There is a desk in one corner and to its side stands my shelf full of novels. A queen-sized bed, and next to it is my bed lamp. There are two doors on one wall-one leading to the bathroom and the other to the closet. My room gives me all the comfort I need.

"Aria, breakfast is ready. Come and eat before it turns cold!"

Is the world coming to an end!? Since when did she care whether I ate breakfast or not?

"Coming Evelyn!" I shout. I take my file and stuff it inside my bag. Carrying my bag, I literally fly down the stairs.

When I entered​ the kitchen, I saw my mother-sorry stepmother, placing steaming hot Alfredo pasta on the table. My mother looked very young and beautiful for her age with beautiful hazel eyes, charcoal black hair and petite body. But her heart is colder than Antarctica. I am being serious.

"Good morning sweetie," she cooed, making me look at her weirdly.

I sat at the table and greeted her back warily. I noticed​ that father has left for work. He is a busy man. He had worked hard to make his company one of the best. He still works very hard to keep his company at the same spot, or so I have heard in the 24 years of my living. Busy my ass. He never had or has time for his family. He probably has been feeding off his clients' money and doing nothing. And I don't give two flying fucks about it.

I gobbled my food and picked​ my car keys from the rack. I opened​ the front door to go outside-

"Bye honey!"

What's with her today? I roll my eyes in annoyance and reply, "Bye."

I got inside my sleek black Mustang and drove to The Decoris Art Gallery, which is famous in Ohio for the beautiful paintings displayed.

I parked​ my car at one of the parking lots of the Gallery and came out of my car. I checked​ the time by my watch:


I fixed​ my outfit and entered​ the building. Many employees stuttered​ when they saw me and wished me a good morning, I nod in acknowledgement and slip into my office. I was working in my laptop when the intercom buzzed. I murmured​ a 'come in', allowing the person to come into my office. Mary enters the room with two large files​.

"Good morning Ms. Bronte, this file contains all the paintings for the upcoming competition. Please select the best ten among them."

"So many paintings?" Our gallery used to get a maximum of fifty to hundred entries. But this time, there were over three hundred of them.

"Yes Ms. Bronte, this time we have many entries this time. We need to announce the best ten in a week."

"Oh. Okay."

Only a miracle can save my ass this time.

I huffed in annoyance. "This is too much for me." I told no one in particular. I had selected the best fifty among the four hundred and sixty three paintings (yeah, I counted) in three and half hours now. I decided​ to take a break by going for a walk outside.

As I stepped​ outside the building, I was greeted by the cool breeze. I walked​ around aimlessly for some time when I noticed​ a girl, around five years-old, with blonde pigtails, playing with a boy with curly brown hair of the same age in the park. I sat on the bench near where they were and watched​ them play. Both of them were speaking​ something and then suddenly the girl angrily marched and sat beside me on the bench.


The girl looks at me with her cute brown eyes.

"Hi," She greets me shyly.

"What's your name?"


"What happened? You looked like both of you were fighting." My lips curled into a concerned smile.

"Yeah, Colton does not want to play tea party with me and my dolls." She huffed, her arms crossed and brows furrowed cutely.

"I'm sorry Eli. Come, we'll play." The boy-Colton, came running, his brown ringlets bouncing in the air.

Elizabeth grinned and left to play with an ​excited 'bye' aimed towards me. I laughed​ silently under my breath and left the park to continue with my impending work in the office.

I enjoyed​ my walk back to my office, greeting mothers and playing with babies.

"Hello, Aria! How are you? It's been so long."

I spun around and came face to face with Marilyn, one of my neighbors while I was living with my actual mother. She was the only one who was there for me during the hardest times and understood my condition, helping me during my depression. I'll forever be grateful to her.

"Marilyn!" I squealed, my arms flying to both the sides, silently asking for a hug. She immediately crushed my petite body in one of her lovely bear hugs.

"I'm fine, how have you been?"

She sighed deeply, being the ever dramatic one she was. "Ah, you know my Dec is quite the troublemaker. I'm tired of that."

"Speaking of whom, where is he?" I ask. Marilyn's son, Declan and I were friends before. Now, the both of us have become busy. He has his own motorcycle shop right now. It was his dream, to have his own shop and make a new bike.

"He is... very busy," An unknown emotion passed through Marilyn's eyes before she shot me another question. "Anyways, do you have a boyfriend yet?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"No, Marilyn. You know that I'm too busy to have boyfriends."

She rolls her eyes. "So what? A man who truly loves you will wait for you."

"Alright," I sigh, not wanting to continue this conversation. "I've got to go now. It seems that someone's waiting for me."

No one was waiting.

"Okay. Bye, bye!" I laughed​ at her, "Bye."

I continued​ my walk towards my office until I stopped to gape at the car parked in front of the art gallery. I saw a familiar red Mercedes Benz parked outside the gallery and rushed​ inside. Someone was surely waiting for me.

I froze in my tracks when I saw him.

How was the first chapter? I'm sorry for the grammatical errors. If you find any error, please comment so that I can correct them.

Please vote and comment if you like the first chapter of TRT.



[Teaser: "Please tell me this is your girlfriend."]

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