✒ Chapter 2

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Alex's picture >>>>>>>>>

"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it." ~Dennis P. Kimbro

Partially edited

Chapter 2


He had been standing with his back facing me so he couldn't see me coming.

I blinked​. Once. Twice. What is he doing here? When did he come? Why did he come here instead of coming home? Why didn't he inform me? Is that why mom was acting cheerful today? Why didn't she tell me? Who's that beautiful girl next to him? I was brought out of my thoughts when he shouted, "Where is my sista?"

"Alex!" I make some sound which sounds like a cross of a squeal and a giggle.

Turning around, he squealed like a girl, "Aria!"

I giggled again, jumping into his now open arms. "Oh my gosh! When did you come? Why didn't tell me?" I pouted. "This morning, I came to surprise you. So, surprise!" He chuckled.

My step-brother, Alex, a.k.a Alexander Bronte, five years older to me, is the heir to The Bronte Enterprises. He left two years ago to Los Angeles to help dad with his work. Both of us used to share our secrets with each other. Others might tell that he has a cold heart, but I don't agree with them. He is a little overprotective with me, okay, he is a lot more overprotective than the Beast Master, he is the best brother anyone could have asked for. With blonde hair, green eyes and a perfect jaw line, he had many girls worshipping the ground he walks on. Unfortunately, he was a womanizer. Just as I was thinking this, I noticed​ a girl and whispered​ in Alex's ear, "Please tell me this is your girlfriend."

"Erm, yeah." he replied shyly, scratching the back of his head.

I widened my eyes in surprise. I've never seen him this shy before. "Finally!" I squealed like a kid during Christmas. Grinning widely, I looked at the girl. She smiled and said, "Hi, it's January."

I frowned at her in confusion. "Um, it isn't January now, it's March."

"No idiot, her name's January." He mused.

"Oh, sorry." I said, smiling sheepishly at January. "You should be." He said, earning a smack from me on the head.

We decided to go home since January, whom I started to call Ry, wanted to see Evelyn. We were walking towards my car when Alex cursed looking at the screen of his new iPhone, "Shit!"

"Language bro." I scolded​ him half-heartedly.

He ignored me and continued, "I have to pick my friends from the airport. You go ahead, I'll come."

"Wait, your friends came too?"

"I'll explain later. Bye!"

"You better."


Glancing once at my annoying friends, I continue to play the new addicting game in my mobile phone. I check the time again.

Will I meet her? Would she be angry with me for leaving? She would understand, wouldn't she?

Sighing loud enough for my friends to hear, I asked, "What's up guys?"

"Ceiling," Logan deadpanned. "Come to the point."

Groaning loudly, I stretched my sore limbs, "Fine. When will we reach?"

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