✒ Chapter 10

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"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own." ~Unknown

Not edited

Chapter 10


Alex pulled up in the parking lot of McDonalds and looked at all of us. "I'll get food for all of us. What do you guys want?"

After all of them ordered I tagged along with Alex so I wouldn't have to speak to Aria. It's not that she would confront me with others there, but I didn't want to sit there doing nothing. Even if I did sit there, I'd apologize and kiss the living daylights out of her. I won't have self control.

We ordered and were waiting for the food right now. I looked around and saw a two kids playing with their hands and their parents talking animatedly. A couple was making out in one corner.

"What did Aria do now?" Alex asked out of nowhere.

"Huh?" I asked, blinking.

"What did my sister do?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"Well, you were pissed and the last person you talked to before sitting in the car was Aria. So, spill." He said flatly.

"Uh, she asked how my parents were." I mumbled, but Alex caught on. Alex and the guys were the only ones who knew about my parents, since they were the only ones I trust. Not that I don't trust her, I don't want her to hate me after listening to my story.


Our orders were called soon after and we grabbed them and walked towards the SUV. I could see Aria chatting and laughing with Logan as he made gestures with his hands.

"You like her don't you?" Alex pointed out, daring with his eyes to lie.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Anyone with eyes can see how you look at her as if she's your world." He said rolling his eyes.

"And you like that Kate chick." I turned the tables, not wanting to talk about my love life.

"No I don't." He denied, a little too fast so I knew he was lying.

"Ah, they say that denial is the—"

"Okay okay. Fine, yeah I like her." Alex huffed and looked away from me.

"Dude, you're whipped." I laughed at Alex.

This made him glare at me though his red face said otherwise. Before he could say something, we had reached the car and the others had already ganged up on us, grabbing their drinks and food, all except Aria. She took her share and shot me a stern look as if to talk about what happened later.

I don't respond as I start eating my cheeseburger.

Soon, I start driving the car with Alex next to me in the passenger seat. The car is filled with chatter as everyone talks about themselves. Suddenly, Rose speaks. "Okay, everyone. Shall we play a game?"


"I spy with my little eyes something green."

"The trees." Ethan replies monotonously.

"I spy—" Logan starts again when Aria interrupts him. "Shut up, Logan."

"Aw, please, for one last time?" He asks no one in particular and continues without waiting for a reply. "I spy with my little eyes something red."

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