✒ Chapter 6

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"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." ~Will Rogers\

Rose's picture>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Not edited

Chapter 6


"Okay, now I'll let you know about the place we're going to and what we're doing there." Alex informs.

The room fills with silence listening to his only-business-no-argument tone. I hold my laugh back and put on a neutral face when I see all of them, including my best friends, quiet. The guys have been with him all this while, haven't they? Then why do they look so scared of him, of course except for Sid, who has a bored look on his face. Sid smiles warmly at me when our gazes meet. I mirror his smile and turn to my annoying brother who's trying to scare people off.

"Why is everyone so quiet?" I ask, oh so innocently smiling.

Alex scowls as he answers, "All except you are planning for the road trip."

I try to muffle my laugh as I look at the others widening their eyes at my frank talk,

"Is it so?"

Alex scowls again. I try to stifle a smile making its way on my face, but I can't. Slowly, I start letting out giggles looking at Alex's face and the others join me, including Alex. Minutes later, we've laughed so hard that tears have been rolling down my cheeks.

"Please Alex, please don't show that face again or we'll not be able to plan our trip and end up laughing like this." I snorted. Alex grunted in response, still smiling widely, not at me, but at January and are looking at each other like long lost lovers. I am really pissed at her, she should be careful now. Stealthy Aria isn't a good sight to see, you know. I better tell Alex after everyone disperses.

"You can have that look while you're fucking each other, not now." Logan clears his throat, causing them to break their reverie. Ry has a blank look on her slightly pink face and Alex is, hmm, blushing while he's trying to scowl at Logan.

We laugh loudly, for Alex has made a fool out of himself, again. I look at my friends; especially Kate, she's smiling now, but she's obviously not happy. Last night drained her.

All this started when Alex forced me to call my friends at nine o'clock in the morning.

Earlier in the morning

Snuggling into my pillow, I pulled my comforter over my head to cover my ears from Alex's loud banter. Someone pulls the comforter off me making me shiver from the cool breeze. I groan loudly, "Allow me to sleep in peace, please."

"I want you to get up NOW and call your friends to come here in an hour." He orders, allowing no room for argument as he stomps out the room, huffing as if he has achieved the unachievable-waking me up.

I groan again and stumble into the shower. After changing into a crop top and waist-high denim shorts, I text Rose and Kate to come within thirty minutes.

I go downstairs and eat my breakfast, trying to pass my time without talking to the guys. Alex stops in his tracks; the plate which he held now shattered on the floor. I look up from my plate to see Kate in her sleepy state-she came here without even changing her pajamas, wow. And Rose is right behind her, "I know she looks very beautiful, but you guys can continue your business. Ari, can we meet in your room?" She pleads and rushes to my room, pulling Kate grunting with her. Yeah, Rose is very sarcastic; so much that everyone gets so confused of what she's trying to say. The guys are taken aback by her sarcasm. Alex gives me a funny look but I wave it off and race upstairs. Kate needs my help more than Alex's plans.

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