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I wake up laying on the floor in excruciating pain in my lower region I really couldn't pin point where exactly but I knew it was my lower area. I tried to open my eyes but they were really heavy I could hear voices around me.
"Yeah he just came in here and assulted her. I tried I really did but he choked me and said if I told on him I would be next Blue please keep this to yourself. I know she'll never forgive me once she wakes up." Kings said sniffling.
I groaned in discomfort finally able to open my eyes I looked at her and smiled she looked worried and guilty at the same time.
"Hey baby." I say in a raspy voice
"Hey love, how are you feeling? " She asked very concerned. As she asked me a wave of guilt rushed over me if I didn't have that stupid dream he wouldn't have did this to me and she wouldn't have been involved in this craziness at all. I knew what I needed to do and that was cut all ties with her but how? I knew she would never forgive me and I can live with that but I can't live with putting her life in danger over a stupid dream I thought to myself or so I thought it was to myself until I felt a stinging sensation on my right cheek I look up at a teary eyed Kyra.
"Ki King I'm sorry I really am but it'll be best if we don't be together. I still want to be cordial though. " I said looking at her for a few minutes silenced filled the room that we shared King scoffed and stood at the door with a new found disbelief in her eyes.
I felt so ashamed "King" I whispered
She looked at me with so much pain "Go to hell Trae. " she said coldly as she walked out the door all I could do was lay there and cry. 
Once again I found a way to fuck up.

I finally got out to my car I held all my tears successfully until I shut my door. I slammed my hands against my steering wheel my tears came down like a waterfall. "How dare she? All the shit I've went through with her! What just happened to me because of her!" I thought out loud as I banged harder on the steering wheel.
It's been about 2 hours since I've been sitting in my car crying my throat and head was sore from all the crying my eyes were swollen and red I decided it was time for me to leave I've been sitting out here long enough but I didn't know where to go we lived in the same apartment building I groaned as I rubbed my head trying to soothe the headache that's been lingering for about an hour. I decided to suck it up and go to my old apartment I sighed as I turn the light on in my living room I had so many mixed feelings about it all. I sat down on the couch and started to think about all the good and bad times I had with Trae I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the warm tears on my cheek. I can't believe her I loved her with all my being only to be repaid with a break up? I thought to myself as I curled up on the couch and cried myself to sleep.

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