Chapter 1

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I ran as fast as I could away from his house. Tears streamed down my face as his words repeated through my head:

"Stop squirming or I'll knock you out you stupid bitch." "You're hideous do you really think that anyone would ever love you?" "Stop crying before I make you stop!"

I could still feel his hands probing my body, his lips attacking my neck.

Thankfully his younger brother had walked in and I had managed enough time to run out his back door and escape. Just in time, if his brother had barged in just a second later he would have stolen my first kiss, and most likely much more than that.

As I yanked my houses front door open I looked around to notice that all of my older brothers friends ,including himself, were passed out in my living room. All but one. Ryan Andrews.

He looked up to me as I stood in the doorway and flashed his breathtaking smile revealing his perfectly white teeth and accentuating his pink heart shaped lips. His cropped blonde hair was tousled as though he had been running his hands through it a lot, and his beautiful blue eyes held their familiar sparks of mischief and happiness.

His smile faltered as he stared At my face, most likely noticing the tears and puffy red eyes. He lifted his hand and signaled me over to him with a worried expression on his face.

I straightened my shoulders and attempted to have a steady walk, to try and show that I was okay, but when I was just two steps away I tripped on my own feet falling forward. I fell into his arms as he cradled me to his chest. sparks immediately flew up my arms and down my spine giving me goosebumps at his touch. I felt his body tense up as he held me before he quickly composed himself and bent down to my ear causing more shivers to go down my spine.

"Kayla, what's wrong?" he whispered into my ear and at that moment my façade crumbled as I sobbed into his chest. His strong arms tightened around me as I my body shook with tears. In all my 15 years of life I had never felt so drained.

"Shh Kayla don't cry. You're gonna wake up the guys here let's get you to bed, okay?" He loosened his grip and leaned back to talk to my face and tucked my long brown hair behind my ear as I nodded.

"Do you want me to carry you." he had concern in his eyes as a blush crept to my cheeks at his question. I shook my head rapidly assuring him that I was quite able to walk on my own, and he laughed at my reaction. He kept his arm around my waist as we walked upstairs to my bedroom.

It was just me and my brother in our house that week, as usual, because our parents were out of town on a business trip. They leave us home alone often because My brother, Justin, was 21 years old and perfectly able to take care of me while they were gone.

When we reached my room Ryan walked me in and sat with me on the edge of my bed. I stared down at my feet not wanting to meet his eyes.

"Kayla, what happened?" I ignored him and started to fiddle with my thumbs in my lap. Suddenly, he reached down and grabbed my hands in his, stopping my fiddling, and moved them to one of his enormous hands while he reached up with the other one to cup my face forcing my green eyes to lock with his blue.

"Kayla Adams, tell me what happened." his eyes were filled with concern but I knew it wasn't a question it was a demand. Tears once again slipped from my eyes as I recited all that had happened and what William had said and done. His eyes hardened with anger as I told him about the way he held my hips down and ground into me. I sobbed as I recited the words he said to me and his eyes softened with sadness as he stared into mine.

Without saying a word he pulled me into his embrace and stroked my hair as I sobbed. I felt safe in his arms for some strange reason.

He held me as my sobs softened and turned into silent tears. He pulled back and once again tucked my hair behind my ear.

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