Chapter 5

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Ryan stormed over to me and trapped me against the closet door behind me. He smirked down at me and he gripped both of my wrists in one of his hands holding them over my head.

Great. Trapped again.

His hips kept mine pinned down which made escape impossible. I was just starting to raise my knee to hit him where the sun don't shine, when he tangled our legs together making that option disintegrate as well.

He leaned down to my neck placing a soft kiss at the hollow below my ear, then began to lightly nibble on my ear lobe.

"Kayla, Kayla, Kayla-" he cooed into my ear,"-when will you learn? You can't run away from me, you can't hide from me, because I will always find you."

His words sent shivers down my spine and shocks to my core.

What was he doing to me?

He roughly ground his crotch into mine, making my knees go weak, as a moan erupted from my mouth.

"Why do you even try to fight it? I know the effect I have on your body. I bet you're soaking wet right now." he growled against my neck as he kissed, nipped, and sucked at the skin.

My cheeks burned red at his words, How could he be so comfortable saying something like that?!

"I'll take that as a yes?" he questioned pulling back from my neck to look into my eyes. He tilted his head, his signature smirk crossing his features.

I quickly snapped out of my trance and shook my head 'no' rapidly.

"N-no I am not. G-get off-."I stuttered finding it hard to speak as he crashed his hips into mine once again. His lips returned to my neck as he planted a kiss at the spot where my jaw met my neck. He hotly whispered into my ear once again making shocks go to the wrong area.

"Hmm is that so? Maybe I should check-" he was cut off by his phone ringing. He groaned looking at the caller-ID


As he untangled himself from me I took my chance to escape. I ran out of my room, out of my house, and all the way out of my neighborhood to Rachel's house. I needed to be able to breathe.


When I had arrived at Rachel's she was eating ice-cream and watching scary movies, an activity that we always did together and she laughed saying that she had called me five times.

She had asked why I looked so flustered but I just shrugged her off and told her not to worry about it, she knew better than to pry information out of me so she dropped the subject.

All was going well until Rachel's phone started to ring.

She quickly paused the movie we were watching as she answered the call.

"Hello?...Oh hey Ryan what's up?... Kayla?...yeah she's sitting right across from me... Yeah sure I mean if it's an emergency.... Yup see ya soon, bye Ryan!"

I stared at her in pure shock as she told me that Ryan was on his way to pick me up.

What the actual f**k.


Ten minutes later I froze as I heard a knock at the door. Rachel had gone upstairs to 'freshen up' before Ryan arrived.

So basically, she had put on one of her tightest shirts and pounded some eyeliner onto her eyes. I didn't blame her, I knew that Ryan was gorgeous and she was no exception to the entire female population when he was around.

She didn't know about our kiss three years ago, I found it to be a one-time thing that would never happen again, besides, he was drinking that night so I had convinced myself that he had forgotten it.

Until yesterday that is.

Rachel ran down the stairs pushing her boobs up in the process and sprinted to the door fixing her hair before she opened it.

"Hey Ryannn." she purred as she ran a hand down his chest. I felt a weird surge of emotion flare through me as she touched him.

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