Chapter 2

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**3 years later**

I woke up to the sound of my fire alarm blaring and the smell of burnt food wafting upstairs from the kitchen.


I threw my blankets off of me and ran downstairs as fast as possible. As I turned the corner into a smoke infested kitchen, I could faintly see the outline of my idiot brother flailing his arms around trying to clear the smoke.

What a genius.

I reluctantly ran into the smoke filled death trap and grabbed Justin pulling him out of the room. Once we were outside the house i could hear the sounds of the approaching firetruck and sirens of the police cars. Fantastic.
Justin leaned over and put his hands on his knees to support his weight as he coughed his lungs out.

The firetruck arrived and our neighbors came over to help out and gave my brother and I water bottles knowing what happened. Seeing as this happened every time my brother tries to cook, we are all pretty used to it. The firemen cleared out the smoke and left along with the police (after consulting with my brother that is).

When everyone was finally gone Justin and I stood in our yard alone. It was peaceful... For a second, until he decided to run over to me, pick me up, put me over his shoulder, and yell

"Ya know being 24 years old and all you would think that you would know better than to try and cook breakfast for me." I chuckled in response as he finally put me down.

"Hey I was just trying to be nice and cook for you on your birthday." he looked at me with sorrow filled eyes and I couldn't help it anymore. I burst out laughing directly in his face.

"You big dummy!" I smiled at him once I had my emotions under control and wrapped my arms around him hugging him with all my might.

"Thanks Justin. it's the thought that counts but lets just go out to breakfast like we usually do on birthdays okay?"
"Sounds good to me. You get to pick the place though since it's your birthday." he replied as we walked back inside.

The smoke was out of the house but, the smell still lightly lingered so I opened all of the windows and sprayed a shit ton of ferbreeze.

I ran up to my room and changed into some jeans and a t-shirt before heading to my bathroom to brush my teeth, hair, ext.

My long brown hair just wasn't cooperating so I pulled it into a ponytail and put a headband into it to hide the bumps it had. I applied a tiny bit of concealer under my eyes to hide the bags and put on a bit of bottom eyeliner to put some life into my eyes.

I stepped back looked at myself in the mirror and shrugged.

Eh, it's about as good as it's gonna get today.

I put on a pair of black combat boots and ran downstairs looking out the window to see Justin waiting in the car listening to his music so loud I could hear it from the door. Oh boy.

I ran out to the car only to be honked at. Justin rolled down his window and yelled at me to grab his phone. I reluctantly turned back and stomped into the house.

As I turned the corner into his bedroom I heard the phone buzz. I walked over to it and saw that it was a text message from the one and only, Ryan Andrews.

'Hey bro what do I bring for the party tonight?'


Damn it.

Justin was going to try and throw me a surprise party like he has been for the past five years. Every year some catastrophe happens and it gets cancelled. Last year Justin's girlfriend broke up with him so I had to comfort him.

I sighed grabbed the phone and walked back out to the car, convincing myself to let my brother just try to have his fun. Then just as I was about to open the car door I realized something.
Ryan was coming. Shit.

I had been avoiding Ryan ever since we kissed three years ago. I'll admit he has gotten even more gorgeous over the years, while I have stayed the exact same.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts, and jumped into my brother's jeep. I handed him his phone and he discreetly attempted to text Ryan back. He placed his phone in a cup holder and started the car.

"Where do you wanna go for breakfast Kayla?" he asked but I already knew where he was driving. Starbucks. You know who's there 24/7? Ryan.

"Where are you driving to Justin?" I asked sarcastically with an eyebrow raised. He shrugged before responding.

"I was thinking maybe we could go to Starbucks, I didn't get to have any coffee this morning..." he looked over at me hopefully and pouted his lip.

"Fine! Sounds good I could go for some Starbucks." I tried to act upset, but he kept looking at me with puppy dog eyes, and I cracked.

By the time we were pulling into Starbucks I had tears in my eyes and an aching stomach.

We walked in and instantly I saw him.

He was sitting in a booth listening to music, sipping on a drink, and reading a book. He was wearing a long sleeve form fitting black tee-shirt which of course showed off his toned muscular arms and chest. Jerk.

I noticed Justin pass by me as my pace slowed walking up to the counter to place my order. I broke my gaze at him and walked up to the counter simply ordering a chai tea and blueberry scone, after Justin had ordered about half of their breakfast menu.

We got our food and of course Justin spotted him. He dragged me over to where he was sitting and sat on the opposite side of Ryan and spread out his food taking up the entire side. I tried to slip in next to him but he unknowingly adjusted himself in the middle of the seat leaving me no room.
I looked over at Ryan to see him staring at me as he smirked. He gestured for me to sit next to him and patted the empty spot. I slowly eased in the booth next to him as Justin scarfed down his food.

Then out of the blue their friend Mike walked in and Justin made room for him. Jerk.

Mike and Justin started a conversation and Ryan looked over at me. I looked straight forward, beet-red as his gaze raked down my body. Why was I reacting like this? I should be smacking him or something, but no, I just sat there helpless.

Trying to distract myself I listened into Mike and Justin's conversation. They were talking about Mike's new car, and how much Justin needed to see it. Soon enough they got up from the booth saying that they would 'be right back'. Yeah right.

Ryan had apparently already seen the car and 'offered' to stay behind with me. As soon as they left the store I felt his gaze back on me. He, not so subtly, cleared his throat and turned towards me. I reluctantly bit my lip and turned to look at him.

His eyes hardened as his gaze lowered to stare at my lips. "Stop that" he commanded and before I had time to react he pinched my bottom lip between his thumb and finger prying it out from between my teeth. I couldn't help the immediate shiver of sparks that went down my spine at his touch.
I quietly moaned at the feeling before cutting it off coming to my senses. I cleared my throat to try and cover my slip up.

He leaned close to me and whispered in my ear "It does things to me that I can't explain. And if you don't stop making those little noises, I won't be able to control myself." His lips slightly brushed my ear and I quaked as I felt his breath flow down my neck. He then abruptly sat up as I started to hear Mike and Justin loudly stomping back to the table.

I drank my tea and ate my pastry, until it was eventually time to go. Justin and I walked out to the jeep.

"Hey maybe you could go shopping with the girls today. I just need to do some stuff around the house." he shakily stated. Justin has always sucked at secrets, and he hates lying, so he's always pretty smooth when it comes to this kind of thing. I know that he just wants me out of the house so that he can set up the party, and I also know that my friends are in on it, and most likely came up with shopping just to piss me off.

I hate shopping. Damn it.

I smiled over at him and told him that that would be fun, and I called up my friends. of course none of them were busy. My best friend Rachel offered to drive.

Oh well, I guess I could use the distraction from the party and, not to mention, a certain someone that would be attending.

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