Chapter 14

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Four days later.

"Hey Kayla!",Rachel exclaimed, "Have you heard about Tyler?" I continued sorting through my locker as I listened to the story of the mysterious disappearance of my tyrant.

I had felt that there was something off for the past couple of days (meaning I hadn't been harassed for awhile), so when a girl came up to me earlier this morning I wasn't shocked to hear that Tyler was missing. I have a strange feeling that he isn't just missing, but that he is gone.

"Yeah I heard about that, it's strange, I just feel like I already knew before I was told, ya know?" I stated slamming my overflowing locker shut before turning to look into Rachel's bright blues.

"I guess I know what you mean, but I never would've guessed that the schools golden boy would just up and disappear."

It was true, Tyler was the schools golden boy. He had it all, perfect grades, flawless looks, and a charming personality. If only they knew how cruel and sadistic he truly was.

"Anyways, guess what?!" Rachel squealed and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at how fast she could get over Tyler's disappearance.

"What is it? New shoes on sale?" I teased while laughing at her excitement.

"Ethan and Jack are throwing a party tonight and they told me specifically to make sure that YOU would come!!!!!" She shouted, strongly emphasizing the word 'you'.

I rolled my eyes as she started to ramble off about how both of them were into me and how hot they were yada, yada, yada.

"So of course I told them that we would be there I mean how could I deny those adorable faces."

"I don't know Rachel, I don't really feel like partying tonight.." I muttered already knowing that I had no say in the matter.

She slapped my stomach before telling me to suck it up and I flinched at the sudden contact. My stitches weren't fully healed yet, but they were well bandaged and didn't hurt as bad as they had when they were brand new.

Ryan explained that he had taken me to an urgent care to get me stitched up before bringing me home so I could rest, he said that they had drugged me up for my stitching and that's why I couldn't remember being there. Unfortunately, Justin had to work overtime so he wasn't home until around twelve o'clock In the morning.

Suddenly cold air hit my bare arms and  I realized that Rachel was dragging me out to my car.

"I have the perfect dress for you to wear at my house, you are going look sooooo hot!! The twins will not be able to keep their gorgeous hands off of you! Who's the bestest friend ever? Oh, that's right, ME." She ranted whilst throwing me into the drivers seat.

"Kayla darling, I am going to make you look irresistible." She stated maniacally before throwing in an evil laugh.

I swear to god, I am best friends with a psychopath.


The party was outrageous, there were plastic cups scattered throughout the entire house and almost everywhere you turned there was a new couple eating each other's faces.


It was hot in the house due to the excessive amount of hormone filled teenage bodies and I was starting to become suffocated in the tight black dress I was wearing. I warily grabbed another drink from the kitchen-my fifth of the night- and started to venture towards the back door.

The air was cold when I stepped onto the back deck but I couldn't find it in myself to mind as I sat down on one of the chairs scattered around the porch.

I leaned back into the not-so-comfy chair and closed my eyes feeling completely trashed.

"Hey, what's a beautiful girl like you doing sitting outside in the cold?" I looked up to see Jack Mitchell standing over me with a cigarette resting between his lips.

"Hi Jack, nice party, it's been a real blast." I smiled trying desperately to keep my eyes open.

"Haha thanks Kayla, I'm glad you showed up. However, you look completely drained and I am assuming that you may need a ride home?" He chuckled his brown eyes twinkling in the moonlight.

He's so pretty, I thought to myself in awe as I stared into the eyes of the beautiful twin, but he's not nearly as pretty as Ryan.

I let out a slight giggle at my thoughts,
There are many words to describe Ryan Andrews, and pretty is most definitely not one of them.

"Let's get you home eh? I know that Justin is probably worried about you. He used to babysit me, ya know? He was always such a nice guy." Jack smiled before lightly taking my hand and helping me to my feet.

The car ride was pleasant, but I was still rather drunk so the only conversation I could muster was talking about how pretty Jack was. He would laugh every time and assure me that I was much prettier.

He's such a silly goose.

When we finally pulled up to my house I climbed out of the car before stumbling over to the drivers side and sloppily kissing Jack on the cheek.

"Thanks Jackie you're the, I love you! G'night!" I waved before hobbling up the steps to my front door and clumsily pulling the key out from under the rug.

I unlocked the door, (quite slowly I may add) and turned around to still see Jack sitting in his car, most likely waiting for me to get into the house safely.

What a babe.

I blew a kiss to him before waving again and retreating into the warm house.

And as soon as I walked in you completely wouldn't believe who was standing there with his hands on his hips.

The pretty blonde prince himself. I let out a giggle at the thought of Ryan as a pretty prince as I stumbled over towards his icy figure.

Whilst throwing my arms around him in a tight hug I shouted, "You are my pretty blonde prince!!"

He chuckled before slowly wrapping his strong arms around me and placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Kayla Adams, what the hell am I gonna do with you?" He grumbled picking up my legs to straddle his torso before starting to walk towards the stairs.

I kissed him on his chest through his shirt numerous times, once again declaring his prettiness before I slowly drifted to sleep in his comforting hold.

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