Chapter 18

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"Kayla you will not believe what I am going to tell you!" Rachel exclaimed, gasping from her twenty foot run from her seventh hour class to my locker.

"Dude. Try me." I muttered continuing to rearrange my back pack. After last night anything seems possible, next thing I'll know Harry Styles is going to storm into my AP World History class and demand my hand in marriage.
God I wish.

After I had a much needed nap last night (a twelve hour nap for the record), I awoke to find Justin sitting on the floor stuffing his face with popcorn and watching The Jungle Book. Needless to say nothing has appeared to change between us at all, though somehow I feel closer to him now than I ever had. We stayed up most of the night talking about anything and everything all at once, just like we used to.

"Kayla are you even listening to me?! This is life changing news for you!!" I shook my head and tried to focus on the sound of Rachel's voice but my mind seemed to be somewhere else today, our usual drama and gossip just didn't seem as juicy as it used to.

To be fair it wasn't her fault, it's just that after you find out your own brother is a killer nothing else seems very earth shattering.

"Yeah sorry I zoned there for a moment, what's up?" I slid a small reassuring smile onto my face to show that she had my attention.

"Okay, do you want to sit down, I don't want you to faint on me. Got it?" I shot her a quick glare.

"Okay Jeez no need to burn my soul with your eyes, Jack Mitchells is going to ask you to the winter formal!! I was talking to Jennifer- she's sits behind him in biology- and that whore Tiffany was trying to pull a move on him, and then she was like 'are you going to take me to formal or what?' And then he was like 'actually I'm already planning on asking someone else'. So she got all bitter and was like 'Oh really who are you taking'-"

I suddenly felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket, Justin never calls during school. My fingers twitched for my phone but with Rachel ranting off to me I knew that she would be pissed if I just whipped out my phone, making it obvious that I hadn't been paying attention. Then she'd start all over again.

"-And then he told her that he thought you were really cool and that he was in to you." She finally finished, just as my phone stopped ringing. Damn.

"Oh shit Kay, he's coming this way. Holy fuck. He's wearing a leather jacket, holy shit what if he asks you right now?! I can't be here, call me later okay? Bye, I love you, good luck. And for the love of god just play it cool!!" Rachel rushed out looking over my shoulder before turning and running away fairly quick for a girl wearing four inch heels.

"Hey Adams, what's up?" A deep voice questioned behind me causing me to spin around so fast that I slapped my head right into my open locker door.

Fuck. That hurt.

I looked up clutching my now sore forehead to see Jack standing there with a shocked expression covering his face.

I let out an awkward chuckle, looking down at my rubber boot clad feet before uncomfortably muttering "Just call me Grace." And he immediately seemed to snap out of his frozen stance, automatically lifting my face with one hand and gently grazing my forehead with the other.

"Ouch that looked like it hurt, are you feeling dizzy at all? It doesn't look like it's going to bruise but it will definitely be a sore spot for a day or two." He calmly stated while inspecting the small bump from my klutziness.

"T-thank you Jack, and now that we've established what an absolute train wreck I am, how are you doing? Any ridiculously uncoordinated accidents recently?" I chuckled lightly causing a  brilliant smile to spread across his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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