Chapter Three: Battle in the Bar

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A/N: Picture above is Sam, you all know what he looks like but I'll be providing photos for the characters
Drawings included
Now enjoy~!

I turned my head to look at Y/N, she didn't glance back due to her talking to the bartender.
We had walked for quite a few hours until we came across a small kingdom with a little town. We were lucky to find an Inn.
Y/N walked over to me with a straight face.

"The bartender is going to talk to the Inn keeper when he gets back, he can provide us with drinks right now while we wait." She told me.

"I'll pass on drinks," I replied.

"If you say so,"
Y/N walked back over to the bar to get her drink, she walked back about a minute later with her drink.

"There's a table over here where we can talk." She told me before walking over to an empty table.
I quietly followed behind her.

"Do you always wear that rabbit hat?" She asked.

"Yes, and it's not a hat," I replied.

"It's real?" She asked, a surprised look on her face.

"Yeah I just make it look like a hat," I replied.

I'm part rabbit, it's not that hard to tell.
I thought quietly to myself.

"Well whoever you're running from will find you easier if you continue to make it look like a hat," She explained.

She's right, a voice in my head told me.

"I'm fine I just have to be careful," I lied.

"You never answered my question about who you're running from." She pointed out.

"It doesn't concern you,"

"Well it does now. I want to help," She replied.

"How do I know you're not working for him?"
I asked her.

"That's a start, I now know it's a man you're running from,"
She replied.

"Are you running from a King or something?" She asked.


"Then from who?"

"Look it doesn't matter! Just leave me alone!" I shouted, causing silence in the bar.

"Sorry," I told the people who were looking over here, moments later it went back to its loud noise.

I looked around the busy bar, I noticed a few men looking over at our table and pointing. I did my best at ignoring them by starting a conversation with Y/N.

"So what's your story?"
I asked her.

"I have no family left and I don't have any reason to stay at my old home so I decided to see the world and let my past fall behind me, focusing on the present and future,"
She explained.

We continued our conversations as time passed by. The bar had started to clear out but the Inn keeper hasn't returned yet. The bartender even left looking for the Inn keeper, leaving Y/N, myself, and three drunk guys left in the bar.

"It'll be alright Sam, he'll be back soon."
Y/N assured me.

The three drunk men walked over to our table.
They eyed Y/N who paid no attention to them.

"May we help you?"
I asked, trying to sound nice.

"Yeah, you can."
A fist met my face, which hurt like hell. I fell out of my chair and stood up only to find Y/N with her sword unsheaved, pointed at the first guy's forehead.

"I suggest you three leave now before I use this sword with it's sharp blade and make your precious pale skin turn red, it will be a memory you will never forget.".
She threatened.

They didn't move. Y/N sliced the first guy's cheek, threw her sword and jumped onto the table. She had the advantage of height when she jumped down kicking one of the guys in the face. When he fell, the other two charged at her from both sides. She jumped up and kicked them both in mid air. I grabbed her sword and threw it to her. She caught it with her right hand and slashed a cut across another guy's arm and a cut on the third guy's leg.

"Never underestimate the power of an independent woman."
She spoke aloud, her face showing no emotion.

The men ran out of the bar, pushing the returning bartender to the side.
Y/N put her sword away and smiled at me, acting like nothing happened.

"Those three just ran out of here with terrified looks on their faces, what in Gord's name did you do to them?"
The bartender asked.

"I gave them a good lesson,"
Y/N replied kindly.

"Oh thank you! Every time those three come in they cause chaos. With the looks they had, they won't be returning any time soon,"
The bartender explained.

"To thank you I'll give you two a room for free, are you staying just for the night?"
The bartender asked.

"Yes and thank you, did you speak to the manager?"
I asked before Y/N could reply.

"No need, he left me in charge anyway. Sorry for the wait folks, I'll lead you to your room,"
We gathered our things and walked upstairs. We stopped on the third floor at the sixth room. There was a single bed. I could feel myself heating up but Y/N was just normal. We thanked the bartender and he left us.

"I'll sleep on the floor, I'm used to it."
I told Y/N.

"No it's fine the bed is big enough for us both. But if you dare touch me, you'll end up worse than those three combined,"
Y/N replied before setting her stuff down and climbing into the bed, pulling the brown blankets over her. I did the same and we turned our backs to each other.

"Goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight Sam."

My hoodie came in yesterday! I accidentally fell asleep wearing it. I'm trying not to cry because the Spring Day MV was released. POOR LITTLE CUTE ADORABLE ALIEN PUPPY TAEHYUNG DIED
I have problems
This is my hoodie by the way

 DON'T LEAVE BABY JUNGKOOK ALONEI have problemsThis is my hoodie by the way

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I got dance practice in a few hours, I'll talk to you guys later.
~Lila W.

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