Chapter Four: A man and his daughter

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My body jerked awake when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I relaxed when I saw it was only Y/N.

"Relax will you?" Was how she greeted me.

"Sorry," I replied.

I got up and faced Y/N.

"How long were you there?"
I asked her.

"About five minutes, you're cute when you sleep,"

I blushed at her compliment. Trying not to show my red face I turned away to grab my things.

"Do you want to leave now or later?" She asked me.

"Now would be great," I replied.

I'm still not far enough,
I thought to myself.

"Okay, we can get breakfast downstairs and afterwards we can leave," She replied.

I nodded in agreement.

"Okay lets go,"

We headed downstairs, back to the bar we were at last night.

"They serve breakfast here?" I asked Y/N.

"Yep, now lets hurry before its all gone," She replied. .

A long wooden table was at the back of the bar, food scattered across it.
I swear I almost started to drool at the sight of all that food.
Y/N walked over and grabbed an apple and chucked it at me.
I quickly caught it.

"You need your strength." She told me.

I took a bite of the apple and watched as Y/N grabbed fruits, vegetables, and some bread.

"Do they have any type of meat?" I asked her when she walked up.

"Sadly not, we'll have to find that on our own," She replied.

We walked over to the same table where we talked last night.
I finished my apple and threw the core in a nearby wooden bin.
Y/N handed me a small orange she had already peeled.

"Do you like oranges?" She asked me.

"Love them," I replied.

Y/N wrapped the rest of the food up and put it in her bag for the road.

"Do they have any milk or something?" I asked her.

"Sadly not, there's a goat farmer nearby though. I can try and pay him for some goat milk and cheese," She replied.

"Sounds like a plan,"

After we finished breakfast I followed Y/N to where the goat farmer lived.

"Aye there lass, what can I do for ye' today?" The man asked us.

Before I could reply, Y/N spoke for me.

"I would like to buy some goat milk from you,"

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