Chapter Seven: How am I so lucky?

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Awesome artwork above is by Munchy_Bunny
Thank you darling for the fanart!

I woke up quietly and took a moment to adjust my sleepy eyes and ears to my surroundings. Birds chirping. Squirrels squeaking. Water flowing. I then looked around and first saw trees and a nearby river. And after that, I swear my face was bright red. Y/N was laying her head on my bare chest.

Where the hell is my blanket?
I thought to myself, frantically looking around without adjusting my body.

I saw my green blanket kicked off to the side and sighed heavily.
Y/N lifted her head off my chest and yawned. She looked at me and smiled.

"Good morning."
She said to me, a cheerful look on her face.

"Morning, did you sleep well?"
I asked her.

"I did actually, what about you?"

"The same,"
I replied.

She stood up and started stretching, I slowly did the same.
After stretching, I listened to our surroundings to make sure we were alone. Sure enough, we were.
I listened closely to the other sounds and my eyes darted everywhere, looking for prey.
My eyes stopped moving when I spotted a squirrel, I slowly crept forward while hiding.
When I got closer I threw my dagger causing the squirrel to go limp. I picked up my catch and noticed Y/N wasn't beside me anymore.
I then heard rushing water, splashing onto rocks.
I walked towards the sound until I found a stream, Y/N had her spear and was eyeing the fish below her feet.
She quickly stabbed a fish and pulled it out of the water, already dead.

"I prefer to catch my fish this way."
She said to me when she saw me watching.

"If you catch them on a hook you're hurting them even more and when you pull them above water it's torturing them because they can't breath. So I just do a quick stab and they barely feel anything,"
She explained, looking at the life less fish.

I could understand where Y/N was going with this.

How can someone be so kind?
I thought to myself.

I sat at the edge of the water and took my boots off, and then my jacket.
I had a dirty shirt underneath I could clean while in the water.
My pants I didn't really care about, they always dry the quickest.
But to save a bit of time, I rolled them up so they would barely get wet.
I walked into the water, flinching as the freezing cold water touched my feet and went up to my ankles.
The fish swam away from my feet, not wanting to get stepped on.
I walked up to Y/N who looked at me with a confused look on her face. I took the sphere and fish out of her hands and threw it on the the nearby ground.

"Why did you do that? It's going to get dirty there."
She asked me with a questioning look.

"So I could take your hands in mine and ask you something,"
I replied, doing just that.

I lifted her hands up and held them in mine, just below our faces.
"How can someone like you be so kind and sweet? But also be able to do all the crazy things you do. How can you be so amazing Y/N?"
She looked at me with a confused look but in her twinkling eyes I saw love.

"That's just the way I am Sam,"
She replied, her eyes never leaving mine.

"Then how did I get so lucky?"
I asked.

She didn't reply, instead she planted her lips on mine. We shared a long and passionate kiss. She pulled away after a few long moments.

"Because you're a good person,"
She replied before walking away.

"This is your room." The man said to Y/N and I.
We looked at the man like he was crazy seeing there was only one bed.

"There's not a room with two beds?" I asked, trying not to look as nervous as I already was.

"Sorry sir, enjoy your stay," The man said to me before closing the door and leaving.

I went over and sat on the only bed, Y/N stayed where she was with her arms crossed.
We had started this morning off with me cooking the fish Y/N caught along with the squirrel I caught. After eating we started our journey again and came across a small village with an Inn where we could stay.
We had made it here at about sunset, thank Gord.
Any later and we would be sleeping outside again.

"I'll take the floor." Y/N announced, giving me a face that said she's not taking no for an answer.

"You don't have to do that," I replied.

"Well you're obviously uncomfortable that we have one bed which I find weird because you're a grown man," She hissed.

"I was uncomfortable because I don't know you that well, I don't think that way due to the life I had growing up," I explained.

"And what was your life growing up?" She asked.

I bit my lip out of nervousness. A strange habit I have.

"I don't want to go into it right now," I replied.

She didn't reply and only looked at me, her arms still crossed.

"I'm fine with it only if there's a lot of space between us and you keep your hands to yourself," She hissed.

"I promise, you should know me by now."

She didn't say anything and just walked out of the room, leaving me alone.
We shared a romantic moment and now we're fighting, and not playfully this time. I sighed and looked out the window.

No wonder she can't trust me, I can't even tell her my backstory,
I thought to myself.

Is it bad I really want to write a BTS fanfic? Michael (a fellow reader) came up to me at school today and asked me why I liked BTS. TOO MANY REASONS TO NAME! They make the funnest games too. In their show, Run S1 they played like a new hide and seek. My friends and I played it earlier, best game ever XD
Friend: *reaches hands out*
Me: *ducks under table*
I'll put the video above if you wanna play it yourself it's really fun
~Lila W.

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