68. The End and a New Begining

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Zayn's POV
I couldn't sleep, but I loved watching Lilly sleep. She had a smile on her face and I held her closer I loved her so much it hurt when we were apart. I eventually fell asleep against my love's warmth.

The Next Morning
I woke up really early. Not by my choice, but I decided to make everyone breakfast for their effort.We have the trial tonight since there was enough evidence to go against Alec. I clenched my jaw at the thought of him. My love will NOT be taken from me, even by her choice.
I went upstairs and woke everyone up, as I was preparing Lilly some breakfeast, I heard a blood-curddiling scream come from our room, I sprinted up the stairs two at a time with everyone hot on my heals and I broke the door open.

Lilly's POV
I jumped at the door banging open. I saw Zayn and ran and jumped into his arms. I sobbed so hard I was hiccupping when I was crying and I couldn't breathe. Zayn pulled me into his lap as Liam shooed everyone out of our room muttering, "Let them be, Zayn will take care of her." Zayn tried to shush me, but I couldn't a pain in my heart that was in the dream when he died, had grown and I needed to let it out. After about an hour I was finally able to talk. I said horsely,"You died, the girls and guys. my dad, Simon. Everyone I loved died." Zayn kissed me softly, pulled me into a hug and wispered in my ear, "I will always be here." I cried into his shoulder more and told him more about and and then I realized, he has been crying with me, his eyes were blood shot. Zayn asked, "Would you like some breakfeast?" I shook my head, but then said, "Can we just watch TV, or a happy movie. You know, to get my mind off of stuff." He wispered, "Let me get some food and I will be right back." I nodded and went to the bathroom, but as Zayn was walking out the door I called him saying, "Zayn?" He popped his head right back in saying, "Yeah love?" I sighed and said, "Remeber how their was a mirror in my dream?" He nodded and I continued, "Can you come with me to the bathroom, I'm scared."
He simply nodded and pulled me into our bathroom where we washed our faces and then went into the closet to get into less wet clothes. I stayed at the top of the stairs while Zayn went downstairs where everyone was there eating and talking.

Zayn's POV
I could feel everyone stare at me as I got some food for me and Lilly, she says she's not hungry, but knowing her, she can't resist my scrambled eggs. I went to the living room to tell everyone what is going on. I said, "Lilly will be fine, she just had a nightmare, we have to be ready by 1 and that is in 3 hours, so be ready to go to the court house." They all nodded, everyone knew that Lilly and I had a special bond where we wouldn't tell each other's secrets, even to our own friends and family. Especially our nightmares. Lilly knows the one where she left me and a Freddy Crugger and a chainsaw one, but yeah, it was between me and her only and I couldn't dishonor her trust she has in me. I went upstairs to watch a nice movie with the love of my life.

Lulu's POV
I muttered to myself as Zayn closed the door to Lilly and his room, "I hope this won't be like last time." Harry asked me, "What did you say?" I replied, "I hope this won't be like last time. Last time, Lilly was home schooled for a month. Since you guys are still on tour and we are heading on a plane tonight to finish the tour and go to award's shows. I hope she won't be too scared to not go, I mean, she has always wanted to go to the VMA's again, to participate in 1D Day and to go to her first AMA's. I don't want her to be scared." He kissed me softly, pulled me into his lap, wispered into my ear, "Everything will be alright, she has her friends and family to keep her strong." I nodded and snuggled into Harry.

Lilly's POV
We watched the Mistle-tones. It was my favorite Christmas movie since it is coming soon. I already have the guy's and girl's gifts picked out and wrapped. I almost fell asleep, but I didn't want any nightmares. Zayn looked at the clock and said to get ready for the trial, and it would be really quick, but it would be on the news and everything. Everyone would know what has happened to me.
So, the trial was really quick, only 7 hours. It was long, but in the end, he was given the sentence of life in prison, in the count of atempted murder of 11 people, attemped rape, and sexual harrassment. I was scared for life.. I will never be able to look at myself the same again. After the deleberation of the jury, and before the sentencing, everyone said something to convince the judge to sentence Alec to a long time in prison. Lila, Lulu, and Jasmine said they would lose a step sister and biological sister. My dad would lose a beloved daughter, Simon would lose a niece, the lads would lose a great friend, and Zayn would lose the other half of himself and his fiance'.
It was my turn to speak. I said, "I'm not going to say how sad or depressed I am. I just feel sorry for you. I'm sorry, for you, that you have to live with this guilt for the rest of your life. You took away my innocence, my courage, my life. One thing you will never take away from me, is my will to live. You can't knock me down. You can try, but I will bounce right back up and be who I am today, I will be me. You took away who I was 3 years ago, but you will not take away who I am today!"
Alec was locked away from me in the Britian Penatintuary away from William, his followers were scattered all over the globe so he had no contact with them. I was finally free from him and all of his followers, but I still didn't feel me anymore. I felt really different and not in a good way.
I felt changed...

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