12. The Long Morning

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Lilly's POV 
It was 23:30 (11:30) when I got up, I got ready and by time I was done, it was, 24:07 (12:07) I decided it was almost time to get the boys up, I went to pack the rest of my things, I packed Zayn's stuff too and then went to wake up the boys. I went downstairs to cook the boy some breakfast. I first went into Louis' bunk and poked him and eventually jumped on him and he got up and I told him breakfast was down stairs... Then I went to Harry's bunk to find that he was in his boxers, through a sheet over him, ruffled his curls to wake him up, and told him to get ready and breakfeast is downstairs when he was sort of coherent. Then I went back into the kitchen grabbed Niall's big plate of food and brought it to him upstairs in his bunk. I whispered food and he woke up, I gave him his food and went to Liam's bunk.... He looked so peaceful, I sat on his bed saying, "Liam, wake up..." I shook him a bit and he opened his eyes. He smiled and said, "Thanks for waking me up." I smiled and replied, "No problem, I made breakfast down stairs." He mumbled a thank you and I went to Zayn's bed. I opened the door and saw him sleep peacefully I went to the side of the bed and shook him a bit I herd him groan, I kissed his forehead and said, "I just need you to eat, you can sleep on the plane."
After about 15 minutes, I decided to pick out his clothes, bring the food upstairs for him and I said, "Zayn, just change and eat, then, I'll wake you up for when we have to leave." He groaned and said, "I don't want to get up." I said, "I know that, but it's time to go to the X-Factor house." He groaned, got up, sleepily smiled at me, and said, "Thanks Lilly." I smiled and started walking towards the door, I said, "No problem, Z, I'll see you in about 30 minutes." I went down stairs to see the guys eating, I said, "Morning." They chorused back, "Morning." Liam said, "Thanks Lilly for making us breakfast." I smiled and said, "No problem, Niall is you want more, I made some more bacon, eggs and toast, they're in the microwave." He smiled and said, "Thanks a lot Lilly!" I grabbed him his food and mine, I just had eggs and toast. Then, Zayn came down and we had 20 minutes until we had to go. Zayn helped me load up the car, and with some help from Liam. We set out for another say for the X-Factor.
We had about half an hour until we had to board onto the plane. I just decided to go to the book store with Louis and he was being a little spastic. He was yelling to me, "Lilly here is the book that you wanted!" I shushed and thanked him. I grabbed it, bought it and then went back to the boys and boarded the plane. Another 14 hour flight.
The seating was the same, only it was a row of 3 and a row of 3, it was Harry, Louis, and Niall in one row and Liam, me, and Zayn in the other row, I brought out my laptop to edit my songs I recorded at Simon's.. I had Perfect, A Thousand Years, and You Don't Know About Us and a few others. By time I was done, 2 hours had passed, we had about 12hours left. I decided to read the latest book from Cassandra Clare. She created the Clockwork Series and now she has the Mortal Instruments. It's called City of Glass. It came out last year, but I had to wait until the paper back came out. I decided to read the whole series first. I started City of Bones, then City of Ashes and finally City of Glass. The series is amazing! By time I skipped to my favorites in the 2 books and reading the new one from cover to cover we we're 8 hours into the flight. I decided to watch movies I have loaded on my Amazon account. I watched Harry Potter for a while and since Zayn was asleep, Liam watched it too with me. I think I fell asleep on Liam, again.

Liam's POV
As Lilly and I watched the Harry Potter series, Lilly soon fell asleep on my shoulder again, I left her there and fell asleep too.

Niall's POV
I saw Lilly and Liam fall asleep on each other again while I was eating my sandwich and watching the movie.... I could tell Liam liked her and Zayn liked her too... eventually, everyone fell asleep...

Zayn's POV
I saw her there, everything had changed. Her hair was longer, she had gotten a bit taller, she had done movie after movie with a TV show. She went on tour with a music group. We had lost contact. She became big without the support of me, she's been through a lot when I barely know her anymore. She had a boyfriend?!

She had changed.

I shook awake from my nightmare. It was where me and Lilly had split ways and she wasn't the girl from my childhood, she changed. I shook myself from the thought of not seeing Lilly again, I looked at the time and it was 20 minutes before we had to land, I pulled Lilly off of Liam and shook her awake. She smiled at me and said, "Hey, you're up before me." I laughed and said, "Yeah, it's a miracle. Anyway, we have 20 minutes until we land." She layed her head on my shoulder and said, "We have 10 minutes to talk." I asked, "What do you want to talk about?" She giggled and said, "I want to talk about why you are a bit clammy. The only time you are clammy is when you have a nightmare. What happened?" She held my hand and I sighed. She knew me too well. I described how I had lost her and how we grew apart. She looked in my eyes and took both of my hands. She said, "Nothing will ever keep me away from you, we are always going to be friends, if we date and break up, I hope we will always be friends, I want us to be best friend for literally forever, if for some odd and stupid reason we aren't, well I know it won't happen so we don't need to worry. How about this? We take an oath? My oath to you is to never, ever forget you or lose you. Okay?" I got a bit teary eye. I replied, "My oath to you is to never, ever leave you." We shook hands, hugged and cuddled until we we're landing. I kissed Lilly's cheek and we held hands until it was time to go to the car. I knew that I wouldn't lose her, I just hope she will be mine someday.
We arrived in the house and settled in, Lilly wanted to make a video diary of everything and she went around the house and stuff. Then me and the guys wanted to do one and Lilly had helped us. We went on the stair case, we video taped it, and gave it to the producers to put on You Tube. We we're excited to start. Lilly started rehearsals before we needed too, a few hours after we settled in, I was looking for her and found her in the studio recording more songs. She told me about this song book she had and it was filled with songs. It was like a 5 subject notebook, but had sheet music on it, she printed sheet music out from the internet and taped them onto the notebook when she finished a song. I read a few and herd her sing a few, then in one of the sections she has covers of all of her most favorite songs. She was going to sing Beneath Your Beautiful by Labyrinth and she was already recording it. I listened to her sing and I loved that voice. When things happened in school, she helped me thought it. I absolutely love her without a doubt. I just need to tell her.

Going to see This Is Us a second time! :-) ;-)

     -Lilly ;) :)

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