13. Video Diary #1

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Lilly's POV
Once we got into the house and settled down, I had decided to do a video diary I went to my room and with the help on Zayn and the guys, I made a video diary. I said, "Hey guys it's Lilly Black and I just settled into the house and it's pretty amazing. So if you guys have questions punt them down in the comments and vote me through the next week guys! Thanks for watching!" I smiled through the whole thing and then I helped the guys with their video diary.
I called Lulu. She told me that she loved the song choice that I did and then we chatted a bit. After that, I went to do some more recording. For my first live performance I had decided to sing Beneath You Beautiful by Labyrinth and I just loved that song. I decided to record some more of my songs and it was amazing. I was really lucky Simon let me record my own songs.
When I was recording Beneath You Beautiful, Zayn came in. He watched me sing and then, when I was done, we went in their room and hung out. We had a movie night of Harry Potter and I fell asleep on Zayn.. I love him.

The Next Day
We had to do rehearsal, but since I had already did mine, I had a free day. I decided to send some of my clothes to Lulu since I had decided to head out and shop. I sent it to her in no time, all I had was my pajamas. The show was in London so I went shopping and some sight seeing, by time I was done, I was tired, I got home with like 5 bags, Zayn saw me coming from the window and helped me. I put everything in my dresser. I headed out to the studio to see Simon, he said that he just wanted to hear me sing the song and I did. Then I went to the house to get ready for the show.

The Next Day
I had to do wardrobe, make up and a photo shoot for about 2 hours and some videos. I wore dark blue Skinny jeans, a sort of black sheer shirt, TOMS, and a cute headband. It was simple, yet preppy at the same time. After that I rehearsed on stage for a bit and then after that I had to decide my own wardrobe for the show and do a quick video for the beginning. It took my about 3 hours for everything and then I had lunch with the guys and went to the recording studio. While I was lunch though, the guys had everything I did but in the opposite order. When we got to the house, we crashed, I went to bed and fell asleep.

The Next Day
It was the day of the show and we had dress rehearsal. I was in hair and make up for an hour, then I had my wardrobe, and finally, I was able to go on stage. Before all the people arrived, we did a run through of everything. It was going to be amazing. I was drinking plenty of water and then, I had to go on. Zayn,gave me a big hug and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled and I did a flawless performance! Then it was the boys turn and I gave them all a big hug! They did amazing. We we're allowed to go back to the house and the boys recorded a video diary and it was amazing! Then they helped me with mine. I said, "Hey guys it's, Lilly and I just finished my performance and I really hope you guys love it and I got a question from sophiarules564 and she asked what my favorite song is and I would have to say. Viva La Vida by Coldplay. Anyway, ok, so this is from megan673 and she asked, what is the most ridiculous pick up line I've ever heard? Ok so I was at Starbucks and this cute guy came up and said, 'Hey girl, if you and I were the alphabet, I would arrange I and u together.' I just laughed and left, and said no to the date. Ok now, this is from pandalolz678 and this person asks, if I could have any super power, what would I have, well, I would have the ability to stay forever young. So thats it and I really hope you guys will put me through! Thanks for watching!" :-)
After that we all went to bed and waited for the results tomorrow.

The Results Day
We all had decided to just hang out for the first part of the day. But when it was time to head to the stage we we're really nervous. Through the whole time I was shaking. It was my time on stage, I got in! I was in shock, and then when I went back stage I ran into Zayn's arms and cried a bit. I was so happy, then we all headed back.

Zayn's POV
It was the home visits part of the X-Factor and Lilly got to come with us because she was eventually going to Bradford with us, but her home wasn't technically in Bradford so we got to fly out to LA to see her dad. It was pretty cool, but we did the her place first and it was amazing. When we got back to the house, Lilly decided to do a video diary, she said, "Hey guys, it's Lilly Black again and well I just came from my home and it was pretty amazing. Okay so we're going right into the questions and this is from emily2fj and she asked if you could date anyone in One Direction who would it be. Well, I think all as my own brothers, especially Zayn he's always been my brother kind of thing, but I would date anyone, ok so the next question if from livvyloves1d and she asked, if I could write any song for any top selling artists, who would it be? Well I wouldn't mind anyone, but it would have to be Rihanna, she's a legend and she is amazing. Now one last question is from lizzybear990 and she asks, if I we're going to produce an album, what would the genre be. Well, my music would be about everything. Pop, a bit of a rock influence, country, ballad like, all types. It's to reach out to my fans saying I may not know what you guys like, but I'm trying to connect with you. Alice510 wants to know who I connected most to when it came to reading books. I remember reading J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, I kinda connected with Hermione and it was great. Because I was picked on at school for being smart and the stereotype of women and it connected with me, anyway. That's why it's my favorite series.
So I guess that's it, thanks guys! I love your support! hope to see you next week!"

Last Video Diary
It was the last day on the X-Factor and the guys did their video in the gym and I did mine on the stairs. I said, "Hey guys it's Lilly I just want to thank everyone who voted for me and put me through, I just want to let you guys know it's the last video diary and I really hope you guys will continue on with me and I want to thank you again okay so it's time for our first question and this is from alexandra_4729 and she wanted to know what will happen to me if I win and what will happen to me if I don't win well, if I win I'll continue on with my music and if I don't win I'll still continue on because its big part of me now and I just want to continue going, so I'm going to head out to LA to where my dad works he works for SYCO and I'm probably going to go under contract with him and this was my dreams I really want to do this since the day I was born so yeah. Okay now for the final question and thanks again guys, the final question is who will I date in One Direction because they told you guys numerous times that they like me, well I don't know right now because I really want to focus right now and just get through it but if I have to if they asked me out maybe I would go out with them. Luv you Lilinizers and goodbye see you soon."

Tomorrow was the final time on stage.

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