69. This Is Us, the Interview, and the VMA's

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Lilly's POV
So, the premiere of This Is Us is today and its been a week since the trial and I have an interview tomorrow with Zayn about the trial and what happened when I was 13. I was really nervous and glad Zayn was allowed to be there.
The red carpet was amazing, I saw a few old friends and I was able to show off my ring properly and I wore a blue dress with a sparkly design all over it and it went all the way down to my ankles. Cindy wore a red dress that went to her knee's and showed off her curves. Lulu wore a orange dress that was spaghetti strap and was like a summer dress that flows that went to her knees. Jasmine wore a green dress that went past her knees and was like a princess gown. Lila wore a dark purple dress that went to her knees and showed off her curves.
I smiled and saw some old friends like Kendall from Big Time Rush, I was sad when the show ended.
The movie was hilarious and at the end, we saw the fan cut too!
Today was amazayn!!! :D ;)

The Next Day
When we were just about to start the interview, this fake bleach blonde came up with her shirt so low, I swear her breasts were going to fall out. Zayn pulled his arm around my waist and held me close. She came up and ran her hand up and down Zayn's arm saying, "I'm Taylor. I will be interviewing you guys." She winked at Zayn, went to the set, and sat down with her skirt barely covering her thighs. Zayn kissed my lips saying, "It is only for 15 minutes and a 3 minute performance, it's gonna be ok." I nodded and kissed him once more. Then, h£ll began. The interview started off saying, "Here is the hot and sexy Zayn with his tragic girlfriend, Lillian Black." We walked over to the couch and Zayn put his arm around my waist and held me close and intertwined his other hand with my right one. I was wondering what she meant by tragic. Zayn also had corrected her and said, "She is actually my fiance'" She smiled falsely and said, "Lets get to the point, Lillian, you were just on trial for a rape story is that true or untrue." I said, "It is Lilly and I wasn't the one on trial, I was the victim in that case." Taylor said, "Of course and it has come to my attention that this wasn't the first time you've been raped?" I just took a deep breath and said, "When I was 13, I was raped and was almost raped over a week ago." She mumbled an, "Of course you would be," and then said, "So now with you two, what has been going on?" I smiled and said, "Before we answer that question, what do you mean 'of course you would be'?". She smiled and said, "Well obviously you would be raped again. Then again, with that kind of fat on you, I wouldn't expect any guy to look at you in any way of attractiveness. I'm surprised Zayn even liked you." I stood up and said, "You have no right to say that!" I did not yell, I would not be made as the bad one here. The audience was just staring, waiting to see what was going to be said or done next. She just laughed without humor stood up and said, "I do sweetheart, you have no talent, no style, no taste is music, the only thing you do have is a f*cking fat body to match with your fat arse. Zayn needs to be with me, a thin girl who knows how to dress better that garbage you call clothes." I was almost in tears and then she said, "Awww look the little baby is crying, how awesome is that?" Zayn stood up and pushed me behind him saying, "You have no right to call her those things I love Lilly just the way she is, especially when she is just herself. No make up or fancy clothes. Just herself and you have no right to call her fat, she is the most beautiful girl in the world." As I heard his words I cried softly into his back. I was happy to hear those words, but sad from the words Taylor said. Taylor shoved her hands up Zayn's shirt and cooed, "I would apologise once she takes that ring off and you propose to me." I was really angry now. I shoved her hands out of Zayn's shirt and said, "You will never in a billion years take my Zayn away from me, he is my other half and mine, so back off." She slapped me against the cheek so hard I fell onto the table that was separating us and hit my forehead. My vision was blury. Zayn held my what to felt like to be bridal style and as Taylor was being dragged away by the security guards, she screamed, "NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU, YOU $LUT!!! YOU ARE THE BIGGEST B¡TCH AND THE MOST UNWANTED PERSON THERE IS ALIVE! I HOPE YOU KILL YOURSELF AFTER THIS!!!"
I cried from the pain and the hurtful words.
I was taken to the hosptial right away and it turns out. I have a really bad concussion. I had to stay there 3 days and I had to miss Liam's birthday party that Lila put together, they had a livestream of it though for me to see and I thought it was great, Zayn worked the camera, but I was able to talk to him the whole time, after the party, he brought me cake and I went to bed. The boys had a day off so they could relax before the VMA's tomorrow. I was really nervous because I had to show up and I wasn't going to miss it. I had to get glasses though, contacts weren't an option. It turns out my vision was really bad. I was a few numbers off from being legally blind. I wasn't able to get contacts because they took too long, so I had to get really thick glasses.
I had ones that were silver and they looked nice, but I was scared on what people would think, plus I feel vulnerable with them on. The doctor said it may be temporary, or permanent. I was really nervous.

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