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Your POV-

"I'm back" I yelled, it was 11pm and everyone had probably already gone to sleep as most of the lights were off.

I tip toed into my bedroom being careful not to wake anyone up and turned on the light. Suddenly something moved under my covers "Y/N? Is that you?" The thing turned around and sat up, it was Dan. "Yeah it's me, what are you doing in my bed?" He wiped his eyes and yawned "I was waiting for you to come home, we were all getting really worried about you" I forgot I didn't tell them where I was going "sorry I didn't tell you guys, I was really upset".

I dumbed my bag on my desk and sat next to him on my bed "don't worry about it, you're home now, that's all that matters" I smiled at him and he smiled back "I probably won't be able to sleep tonight, I always get nightmares" he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and then coughed quietly "I could sleep in here.. only if you wanted me to of course" I responded with silence and he swung his legs off the side of the bed "never mind, it was a stupid idea any way".

"Wait, I want you to sleep in here" he looked over at me and raised his eyebrows "really?" I nodded and slipped of my shoes. "Ok then" I quickly dashed to the light switch and turned off the lights, then I returned to Dan on the bed. "C'mere" he laid back and opened up his arms, I laid next to him and he wrapped his arms around me "night Y/N" I nuzzled my head into the nook of his elbow "night Dan".

The nightmare I had that night was terrifying, my old bully's and Mia were chasing me and the more I ran the older I got, I started off as a little kid then I got to my current age when I saw PJ. "Y/N! Over here!" He yelled, I ran to him and the bully's behind me disappeared "wrong choice" PJ grinned maliciously and then he punched me, that's when I woke up.

My eyelids flew open and I felt something wrapped around my waist, it was dans arm. I started to panic but then I remembered the night before and calmed down. To be totally honest, I appreciated the physical contact, it felt like I hadn't had a hug in ages.

Dans POV-

Y/N was so nice to hug, she was so soft and calm. It all felt too good to be true, ever since I laid eyes on Y/N I sort of had a crush on her but I never mentioned it to anyone because I was dating Mia but now I'm not, I can spend more of my effort on her. I stroked her hair gently and kissed the back of her head, I was so happy, I never wanted to get up.

I suddenly heard a knock on the door, oh shit, the door swung open and PJ bounced in "morning Dan! Is Y/N back-" his jaw dropped when he saw us "what. The. Fuck" I heard Y/N groan and she adjusted herself before going still again "what are you doing??" I removed my arm from her waist, being careful not to wake her up and stood up slowly.

"She came home late last night and she said that she would like me to sleep with her incase she had a nightmare" I explained, PJ still looked horrified "PJ?" We both turned our heads to see Y/N sat up and rubbing her eyes "Y/N, did you give Dan consent to sleep next to you??" I tried not to laugh at how defensive PJ was of Y/N "of course I did, why do you ask?" He gave me a shady look and backed out of the room slowly. "I'll be watching, always watching.." Y/N giggled, pjs Roz impression was really funny (the receptionist from monsters inc).

WOOHOO!! 215 READS!! Thank you all so much! I love reading your comments! It puts a massive smile on my face every time I read one. I love you all so much! Thank you for staying with me and this book, ily.

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