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Your POV-

My eyes fluttered open and I saw Sam sleeping next to my bed on a camp bed that Dan or Chris must've set up. They were fast asleep and I suddenly noticed the bags under their eyes were massive. How long do they stay up every night?

I rolled over and pulled the blanket over my shoulder, I really wanted to hug someone, preferably Dan. Speaking of which, where was he? Sam and I are still in his room so he either slept in my room or maybe at Seb's, though I think that's highly unlikely.

I pushed the duvet off of me and swung my legs over the side of the bed. Making sure I don't wake up Sam I tip toed out of dans room and into the hall. It was early so it was a bit dark but I could still see. I stumbled down the hall and stopped outside my room.

I looked into my room and saw Dan curled up on my bed only wearing his boxers and shirt. It felt wrong to be watching him sleep, especially since he wasn't wearing much but I couldn't help it. He looked adorable.

I creeped over and bent down next to dans torso so that I wouldn't startle him by having my face right next to his. After about 5 minutes I heard him start to mumble something. "Y/N.." why was he mumbling my name in his sleep? He suddenly turned around onto his back and continued to mumble my name. "Ugh.." he groaned and arched his back and then I knew exactly what he was dreaming about.

I stood up and ran out the room, I felt my cheeks heat up and I tried not to laugh. Did I just catch Dan having a bit of an inappropriate dream about me? I rushed back to dans room, jumped onto his bed and stuffed a pillow over my mouth to stop me from laughing.

I must've woken up Sam because they turned around and as soon as they saw me, sat bolt upright. "Y/N? What's wrong?" I removed the pillow from my face and they relaxed their muscles. "I thought you were crying! Why are you laughing with a pillow over your face?" I wanted to tell them but my giggles kept interrupting me.

Once I had finally calmed down enough I told them about how I stumbled upon Dan having a dream about me, I think he was anyway, and how he groaned and arched his back. "Oh my fucking god" they laughed "really? Are you gonna ask him about it?" I thought about it for a little while, on one hand I didn't want to embarrass him but on the other hand I really wanted to know.

"Just ask him if he had a dream last night and if he says yes, ask him what it was about" they explained "and you will be able to tell from his reaction" that was a brilliant idea! I can't wait to see his reaction.

Dans POV-

I can't believe I had a dream like that. I hadn't had one like that since I was 16. I walked down the hall towards my room with bright red cheeks. I'm going to have to bleach my brain to get rid of those mental images otherwise I won't be able to be around her without getting an erection "Morning guys" I opened the door to my bed room and saw Y/N and Sam talking in bed.

"Morning... Dan.." Sam giggled, what had they been talking about? "Morning, so.. had any dreams last night?" How did they know?? What should I tell them? I'm a terrible liar! "Uh.. yeah" Sam snorted but then Y/N shushed her.

"Do you mind telling us what it's about?" SHIT. I've been rumbled. What do I say now?? "Uh... well.. you see.." eventually I gave up trying to explain and looked over at Sam "cover your ears" she grabbed a pillow, pulled it over her ears and started to whistle all star by smash mouth.

"Was it.. inappropriate, by any chance?" Y/N raised an eye brow and I rubbed the back of my neck "maybe..." Sam stood up and exclaimed "I'm going to the loo!" She then ran out the room and as I watched her close the door behind her I suddenly felt Y/N hook her arms around my neck.

"Woah!" She pulled me towards her and pecked me on the lips "love you Dan" she mumbled as she rested her head on my shoulder "love you too Y/N".

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