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Pjs POV-

"Chris!" I whispered in his ear, he was asleep and I needed to wake him up "Chris!!" He jolted awake and almost hit me in the face "what? What is it?" I stood up and he rubbed his eyes. "Guess who I found cuddling up to Y/N just now" he raised his eyebrow at me "Dan".

"What??" I'm glad he was as shocked as I was, otherwise I would've thought that I was overreacting "I know right" he leaned over to his bedside table and turned on his lamp "to be honest, I kind of ship it" what. He does realise that she's my cousin right? We are practically brother and sister because we spent so much time together. "Of course you would, you're like a teenage girl, you ship everything you lay your eyes on".

He laughed at my remark and I frowned at him "lighten up PJ, it's not like dans done anything bad" I rolled my eyes and marched out the door, hopefully Phil will see my side of things.

Your POV-

"Calm down Dan, this is PJ we're talking about, he won't do anything too drastic" Dan was getting really anxious because of pjs reaction and to be honest, I can't really blame him, PJ did flip out a little too much. "But he might, he gets really protective over family, and you're like a sister to him" really? I never knew PJ thought of me like that.

"And he probably doesn't want anyone getting near you, dating wise" this was such an awkward situation, it's not like we can just go home and ignore PJ. "He'll come around" Dan sat back down on the bed next to me and without warning kissed me on the forehead, I felt my cheeks go bright red.

I smiled at him and kissed him back, on the lips this time. Something about kissing Dan just felt right, it felt like the entire world had disappeared and it was just me and him, nothing else mattered.

Phil's POV-

"Phil!" PJ stormed into my room and I turned around on my chair to face him "ever heard of knocking?" He rolled his eyes "guess who I found cuddling up to my cousin this morning" I tried to think it through, it definitely wouldn't be Chris because he just wouldn't do something like that, Dan on the other hand would "Dan?" He nodded "meh, what you gonna do?" I turned my chair back around and continued to work on my computer.

"Why is no one taking this seriously??" I rolled my eyes, he really needs to chill out "because it's not that big of a deal" he looked like I just slapped him in the face "she's old enough to decide who she hugs" he needed a reality check so I am going to give it to him "she's not your little cousin anymore, she's a grown up adult who can make decisions on her own".

He groaned in frustration and stomped out of my room, slamming the door behind him, I heard him march down the hall and he shut his bedroom door so hard that it shook the building. "Damn, PJ needs to chill out" I mumbled to myself, I shrugged and got back to editing my video.

Hey guys! Since this story is getting such positive feedback I thought I might do a face reveal? Comment if you would actually want to see what I look like😬

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