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We were all sat at either Dan, Phil, or PJ's stalls trying to regain our energy, we had been running around for hours and we were all exhausted. After 15 minutes Zoe came rushing over to us and I sat bolt up right, I wasn't about to let a youtuber see my gigantic double chin.

"Hey guys, I'm so sorry about earlier Y/N, I didn't think before I spoke" I immediately wanted to accept her apology, I've only just met her in real life and I didn't want to get into a fight with her "it's totally fine! Nothing bad happened, in fact it sort of helped me out in a way" I reassured her.

"Thank goodness, I didn't want to cause you any distress" Zoe seemed like such a sweet girl, no wonder she has so many subs "let me get you something from the cafe to make it up to you"


The zoella wanted to buy me something from the cafe. This was the definition of surreal.

"S-sure" I really need to stop stuttering, it makes me look like a total idiot "great! Let me go sort out my stall and I'll be right back" phew. At least I had a grace period where I can come up with things to talk about.

As soon as I was confident that she couldn't hear me I turned to PJ "what do I do??" He looked confused by my panicking "just relax and talk to her" I groaned, that's easy enough for him to say. He's had years of experience talking and interacting with youtubers, and other humans for that matter. As for me, I was still a novice at the whole 'human interaction' concept. "Easy enough for you to say".

He rolled his eyes impatiently and folded his arms "just because she's a youtuber it doesn't mean you have to treat her any differently" I didn't want to be arguing with PJ when Zoe came back so I just agreed with him despite the fact I still resented his opinions.

"There she is, act normal" clearly PJ doesn't understand what my standard of normal is, he motioned for me to stand up and so I did. "Ok, let's go!" Zoe chirped and beamed at me, I took a deep breath and tried as hard as I could to make my smile look as natural as possible.

"Ok then!" I hope and pray that I don't fuck his up.

We sat down at one of the only tables outside of the cafe, the cafe was really small but it smelled awesome "so are you enjoying your first summer in the city?" That was odd, how did she know it was my first one? Did I really look that clueless?

"It's going really well actually, I'm really glad I came" I managed not to stutter or say something embarrassing, this is going well so far "that's good to hear! Anyway, a little birdie told me that you're a bit of an artist" when I find it who this 'little birdie' is I'm going to eviscerate them.

"Well I do a bit here and there.." please don't ask to see it, please don't ask to see it "cool! Can I see some?" Shit. I jinxed it. "Ok" I reluctantly pulled my phone out of my satchel, opened up my photos and selected the art album. "Here you go" I handed her the phone and she began to scroll, did this seem like I was bragging? I hope it didn't.

"Woah! You're so talented!" I felt myself blush, she continued to scroll and the look of amazement on her face grew bigger and bigger. "Thank you" she passed my phone back and I put it back in my bag.

"So, how did you meet Dan?" She rested her elbows on the table and rested her heard on her hands "well my cousin, PJ, introduced us briefly before I moved in with him, Chris, Phil and PJ" I explained "after that it sort of just happened" I remember the first time Dan and I slept in the same bed together, he had stayed up all night because he was worried about me, that little dork.

"Aww, that's so sweet!" Zoe gushed, as we kept talking I started to loosen up and it became easier to talk to her normally. Eventually I forgot about her being a massive youtuber and I just had fun, she was really nice and to be honest I'd love to hang out with her again.

Btw I just realised how weird it was that I write mostly heterosexual fanfics when I'm gay as fuck

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