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"Is everything ok in here? I heard yelling" I glared at PJ with my arms crossed and he glared back "well PJ over here is having a great day, such a good one in fact he feels like apologising to me wouldn't be necessary" Dan looked over at PJ in shock "you wont apologised to her? You beat her up for Gods sake!" I'm glad Dan was on my side.

"I was going to apologise to her properly after I had told her the good news but she flipped out on me" ugh, I wanted to punch PJ in his obnoxious, self-absorbed face. "What good news?" PJ looked over at me to see if I wanted to tell him but I just crossed my arms and looked away from him "Phil, Chris and I are in a relationship".

PJ turned away from Dan and looked at me "Y/N, please can we stop fighting, I want my old cousin back" god damn it, PJ always did know how to pull on my heart strings, but he can't get away with it that easily "wow, you still haven't said sorry, you're just trying to get yourself out of trouble" he walked closer to my bed and held my arm "Y/N, we have been through too much to be split apart now, I am so sorry I punched you, I promise I will never do it ever again".

Ah fuck it, I probably wouldn't be alive right now if PJ wasn't my cousin, I'll let him off the hook this one time. "I swear to god if you do it again I will snap your neck" he giggled and hugged me "thank you Y/N" suddenly the front door opened and I knew it must've been Chris coming back from the shops.

"Chris! I have to ask you something!" PJ let go of my arm and ran into the hall "what is it?" I listened to their conversation intently and so did Dan "are you ok if you, Phil and I are in a relationship together?" Jesus Christ, that has to be one of the most awkward things PJ has ever said.

"Wait a minute, you're gay?" I tried so hard not to laugh but I did snigger a little bit "yeah, so what do you say?" I slowly got out of bed, I wasn't about to miss PJ getting his first boyfriend "of course! I'll be able to date the two people who made me question my sexuality in the first place".

Dan and I watched them with big grins on our faces, PJ and Chris made eye contact before Chris pulled PJ in for a kiss "FUCK YEAH" I exclaimed, I was so happy for PJ "WOOHOO! Hey Phil! Join the party!" Immediately Phil's head popped out from around his bedroom door and he instantly saw Chris and PJ kissing.

"Did Chris agree to it?" I nodded and he smiled, I'm glad we're all finally getting along again. "Love wins.." I mumbled, Dan must've heard me because he looked down at me and kissed my forehead "hell yeah it does". Phil walked over to Chris and PJ and tapped Chris on the shoulder "hey" he seemed kind of sheepish "come one PJ, let's give Phil some love too" they both surrounded Phil and hugged him.

They both kissed one side of his head and I felt my heart melt, they were all so cute together. I'm glad PJ is finally happy, and so am I.

Hey guys! I'm going to put the spoiler sentence down below from chapter 45 so if you don't want a spoiler just skip this last bit.

"What is a prowler?" I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed "I use that word instead of rapist, he's dangerous and I hate him for it"

Who said that? Who were they saying it too and why? And who is the 'prowler'? Keep reading to find out!

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