Chapter Two

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"Hello, what can I get you sir?" John greeted the man before him with a smile. The man didn't respond immediately. John checked the clock on the back wall.

Ten minutes till his shift ended.

John tapped the counter with his fingers, beginning to grow impatient. He had no intentions of staying later than necessary. It would take about five minutes to make the man's drink, regardless of what he ordered. Then, John only had to wait for Madison to take his shift.

The man finally spoke, breaking John from his thoughts. "Can I have a latte?"

"Sure thing." John said with a smile. "For here or to go?" He hoped it would be to go. If he got it to go, John could spend the last five minutes on his phone.

"For here."

John began preparation on the latte, knowing his plans of being idle were no longer probable.

"You know, I live right down the street, but I've never been here before." The stranger spoke.

John glanced towards the man, noticing stacks of paper scattered before the man. He had a pen in one hand, a laptop glaring down on him, and a phone on the table before him. In short, his set-up was a hot mess.

John poured the coffee into a glass cup, carrying it over. "Finals or something?" John attempted at a joke.

The man let out a cruel chuckle. "Debate homework."

"Ah." John hummed out. He wasn't familiar with debate homework, but he had friends who took it, and they all told John that it sucked.

"Do you go to Columbia?" John inquired, though he knew it was none of his business.

The man relaxed a bit, a smile spreading across his face. "Actually, yes. I'm Alexander Hamilton." He said, extending a hand.

"John Laurens. What's your major?"

Alexander ran a hand through his hair. John wondered if that was some sort of nervous tick. Judging by the mess Alex's hair was now, he could only assume it was a bad habit.

"Political science. Do you go to Columbia as well?" Alexander questioned.

John nodded in response. "Yeah, although I'm just getting my general studies out of the way now."

Alexander smiled in response. He seemed welcoming. He smiled a lot, radiating friendliness.

"You know, you're easy to talk to." John noted.
Alexander smiled, his noise crinkling ever so little.

"I'm glad you think so." Was his only response.

Now, John wouldn't admit it, but he had an awkward disposition. He read too far into every situation, wondering if somehow he had startled the other person. If one were to pause too long, John would wonder if it was his fault. John worried of killing a conversation if he were to say something that didn't elicit a response.

Now, John Laurens wondered if in one absent minded statement if he had ruined a great discussion. It was true that his conversation had been easy and lighthearted up until that point. It was not a false pretense stated to drag along something that had already died down. It was a truth, something relevant. Now, John worried that it no longer applied.

Just as sudden as John's worries had come, even quicker was a second response from Alexander.

"I don't think I've ever seen you around campus."

John agreed, not recognizing the man before him at all.

"Do you go to any parties? My friend Hercules throws the craziest parties." Hercules forced John on many occasions to attend his get-togethers. He cringed at the thought of it. There was ridiculous alcohol consumption and memories that even John couldn't forget.

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