Chapter Thirteen

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Angelica practically sparkled the day of Eliza's heartbreak. Her black hair cascaded down her back in ripples of curls. Her dark eyes lit up and were at attention to every little detail. She wore a new dress, showing off every curve and bend to her body.

Her lips were painted a dip rouge and her eyelids were darkly shaded. These only served as enhancements, her face shining through the makeup. She was more giggly than before. She carried an air of sophistication, which suggested nothing mattered. Everything bad seemed good and intoxicating. She entered a realm of oblivion and she relished in it. Her eyes seemed to open to the world as her heart absorbed every detail of the day.

She practically skipped inside, embracing Eliza and spinning her like a princess. "All is good." She spoke, gazing curiously into Eliza's eyes.

Angelica noticed the look of embarrassment and hesitation on Eliza's face. Her sister seemed distraught, her forehead wrinkled, face red and puffy, eyes welled with tears. Angelica grabbed her wrists, studying Eliza intently. "What's the matter darling?" Her voice was still dipped in sugar, shaded by the cheerful prospects she dwelled on.

Eliza wiped roughly at her eyes, forcing out an unnatural smile. "Don't worry about me." She perked up at her sister's cheerful manner but she still carried a sense of dread in her heart. "Why are you so happy?" She asked Angelica softly, her voice suggested she wasn't interested at all, just wished for a change of discussion.

"Oh it's all splendid. I've embarked on an adventure. But we mustn't speak of that now. What's the matter darling?" Her face lit up, but her eyes darkened. It suggested excitement but also secretiveness as though her "adventures" were not to be spoken of in such a simple atmosphere. Again, she addressed Eliza as darling, the pet-name replacing the girl's actual name. Angelica was convinced that's how it always should be.

Eliza again grew flustered but she knew she couldn't dismiss the subject. "John Laurens informed me that he and Alex have been seeing each other. Romantically." Her voice dropped off after the last word, feeling like she still couldn't stomach it.

The bubble which seemed to encapsulate Angelica vanished, leaving abruptly to allow cruel thoughts to wander. Her expression darkened, her eyes filling with blood lust.

The drive to Alexander's house was silent, similar to the quiet before the storm. Angelica was seething with anger, clutching the wheel firmly enough to cause her knuckles to ache.

She didn't knock on the door, but invited herself in, slamming the door shut. The noise echoed throughout the apartment, sounding like a clap of thunder.

She found Alexander and gripped him by the collar, her sudden amount of strength frightening Eliza. "You scoundrel." She growled, her tone demanding his full attention.

Alexander didn't try to fight her attack, but he was obviously frightened. "I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"Damn right you're sorry! I'm going to make you sorry!" Angelica threatened. The Windows behind them was partially open, light shining only in Alex. The darkness enshrouded Angelica like a cape, adding dramatic effect.

Eliza placed a hand on her sister's shoulder. "Calm down."

Angelica released Alex but didn't act less hostile. "I'm surprised John Laurens would do such a thing with you." She hissed. "How ever did you deceive the kid?" She asked like it was a rhetorical question.

Alex acted offended, and for all they knew, he probably was. "Don't accuse me of deceit! I'm not that vile."

Eliza now cowered behind Angelica, disgusted at the harshness being portrayed before her. "John is kind, but the whole relationship was consensual." As she spoke, she tried to sound diplomatic instead of devastated.

"So you corrupted him?" Angelica questioned, raising her eyebrow.

Alex scoffed, crossing his arms as he did so. "Don't come to my house and accuse me of anything. You're not as innocent as everyone presumes Angelica."

Angelica's gaze sharpened as her eyes bore into his. "Whatever do you mean?" Her voice became quiet, which came off as even more unsettling than before.

Alex grinned, the look making Eliza feel nauseous. It was a look of self-satisfaction like he had the trump card to the argument. "Let's not forget your demeanor towards me. The hints of flirtations, staying up all night on the phone together. You once said that if the situation were simpler, you would have taken Eliza's place."

Eliza felt as though she should feel pained by the sudden confession, that she should at least feel something, yet the empty pain remained in her heart.

"Don't speak to me like that!" Angelica exclaimed, summoning all the ferocity she could muster. "Put what we had aside, I would always have picked Eliza over you."

Eliza knew her sister was speaking truth and it felt like some kind of cold comfort. She pressed her hand to her face, suddenly realizing that she'd been silently crying.

"You've damaged two splendid people." Angelica stated, defending both of Alexander's lovers. "If you must hurt someone, abuse yourself with people of your kind. Low-life's, blackguards, scum."

Alexander's face grew distraught. She was sullying his good name, making him into the enemy. He couldn't stand for that. He extended his hand out to Eliza. "I never meant to hurt you. You have to believe me." He pled.

Eliza began to speak but Angelica cut her off. "Leave her be!" She wrapped Eliza in her grasp, holding her tightly and safely against all.

"Leave her be." She repeated. "You are so fucking stupid to hurt her! She's the best thing to ever happen to us. How could you do this?"

"You're always so quick to feign decency and propriety. We all know that's not correct." Alexander hissed, his eyes filling with tears which he refused to shed.

Angelica acted as though she wasn't alarmed but her emotions betrayed her.

Alexander took advantage of the one moment of weakness and attached. "I heard about where you went this morning. Didn't believe it at first, but seeing you now confirms all my suspicions."

She slapped him, shocked at her own actions. "What I did only concerns me and him. Don't justify yourself by my actions." She grabbed Eliza's wrist, turning quickly.

"We're leaving." She spoke addressing Alex without looking at him. "And if you're wise, you'll leave my sister be."

Again, the ride home was silent. Angelica trying to calm her anger. Eliza trying to soothe her grief.

The only time Eliza spoke was as they approached the house. "What did you do this morning?" She questioned, worry tugging at her heart.

Angelica shook her head, refusing to look at Eliza. "Don't ask. You'll learn about it soon enough."

A/N I have yet to proof read, so sue me. I wrote this all throughout science, debate, and Latin. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed. 😊

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