Chapter Eighteen

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"I don't even know how to go about it." John confessed, walking step in step with Peggy. It had just started to snow, flakes cascading from the sky at a steady pace.

Peggy's hands were stuffed in her pockets, her nose red from the cold. "Just give Eliza time. She's still hurting, but she'll forgive you guys."

She laughed, watching her breath cloud up in front of her. "And buy her those gummy bears that you can get at fancy candy stores. You know, they cost like thirteen bucks a pound, but they taste like heaven inside of your mouth."

John rolled his eyes, but laughed along with her. "Great, I'll have to work an hour and a half just to afford fucking gummy bears."

"Yeah, but she loves them. They come wrapped in that turquoise packaging which is her favorite color. I'm just saying, she'll have to forgive you if you buy her some." They approached the large house, and they both stood outside it, staring at it for a moment.

Even with the lights hung in celebration for Christmas, it still seemed dead. The shutters were closed tightly, the brown siding freshly painted. The tile roof was adorned with a sheet of snow.

"You know," Peggy began. "I've been here since the school semester started, but it just doesn't feel like home."

John embraced her, taking in his friend's warmth. "I'll see you around, Pegs."

She smiled at him, forgetting her previous thoughts. "Bye John! Thanks for walking me home."

Peggy walked through the large doors, smells of cinnamon wafting through her noise immediately. She heard humming coming from the kitchen and followed the noise.

Standing in the kitchen, Eliza was mixing a large bowl full of cookie dough. She hummed as she worked, the tune unfamiliar to Peggy.

Maria was also in the kitchen, something that came as a shock to Peggy. They hadn't talked in weeks, and to be honest, Peggy was purposely ignoring the other girl.

"Peggy!" They both declared, their cheerful tones surprising her.

She sat herself beside Maria, removing the yellow beanie from her head. "Smells nice." Peggy commented, basking in the warmth of the house.

"Maria just arrived a few minute ago." Eliza explained. "I wasn't sure when you'd be home but I figured she could stay and eat some cookies."

Maria hardly ever smiled, a blatant contrast to everyone else in Peggy's life. Both of Peggy's sisters had a cheerful disposition to some extent. Maria entertained no such ideal.
Though she never smiled, sometimes her eyes would light up to a certain degree, a spark of hope filling her chocolate brown eyes.

Her red lips were pressed firmly together, but her gaze had that little twinkle which overwhelmed Peggy's senses.

"The cookies won't be ready for a while." Maria announced, glancing curiously at Peggy. "Can we talk in the other room, Margarita?"

Peggy felt on edge, pressured to carry on a conversation. It agitated her that her month of ignoring Maria was coming to an end, that she would be forced to reconcile. She just wasn't ready for that.

"Fine." She relented, leading Maria up to her room. The walls were adorned with all sorts of posters, all clearly conveying and representing Peggy.

She had a whole desk dedicated to souvenirs from trips she had gone on with her family. Her father had been all over the world, and she had accumulated quite a collection of trinkets.

Maria glanced over the room, noticing everything she could. She saw Peggy's favorite book sprawled out on the bookshelf. She laughed at a piggy bank shaped like a unicorn. She caught a glance of action figures from Peggy's youth. All of this was the girl Maria loved, all her little quirks summed up in one room.

Peggy sat on the mustard yellow bedspread, gesturing for Maria to join her. "So, you wanted to talk?"

Her tone was harsh, something that shocked Maria. She had expected Peggy to be angry with her, but the mere roughness in her tone sent chills down Maria's back.

"Are you still mad about homecoming? I told you why I couldn't come."

Peggy scoffed, mentally reminding herself to calm down a little. "I waited all night for you to show up."

"Homecoming is stupid anyways. It's just a bunch of sweaty teenagers obsessed with popularity." Maria defended, wishing to take some of the tension off herself.

"Yeah, I know." Peggy responded, her tone lowered. "But I wanted to realize that with you."

Maria grabbed Peggy's hand, wanting to show her remorse. "I'm sorry. I know what people think of me. I didn't want them to think that if you."

Peggy sighed, releasing her hand from Maria's. She rolled up the other girl's sleeve, staring intently at the row of scabs and scars.

"Don't you understand?" Peggy asked, gazing at Maria's wrist instead of her eyes. "I don't care what people think."

She released Maria's wrist, placing a kiss on her cheek. Usually Maria would scramble to cover her wrists back up, but this time she didn't. She was tired of hiding.

Peggy knew everything and loved her anyway. She couldn't show weakness to the world, but she could show it in front of Peggy.

"Maria, you're worth more than the scars on your wrists. You're worth more than the insults, or the hormones, or the way others think of you."

Peggy leaned closer, gazing longingly into Maria's eye. "I love you, can't that be enough? I care for you, doesn't that matter? I'm not afraid to be with you, because I know you, I know who I love."

Maria smiled.

She knew that this wouldn't change. She knew she would still be depressed, still feel displeased with herself. She still loathed herself. It wasn't like Peggy could manage to kiss all her scars away.

Yet, now she knew that she wouldn't have to face it alone. There may not be another living person out there who was genuinely kind. No one else may exist who loved Maria for who she was.

No one else except for Peggy.

Although that didn't mean things would be better, it meant she had someone to trust and confide in, someone who loved Maria unimaginably and unconditionally.

"I love you Margarita. And I'm sorry."

Peggy giggled, a single tear falling down her face. "I forgive you, and I love you more."

Maria closed the space between them, passion overwhelming the two. Peggy's fingers ran through Maria's coarse hair, overtaken by feelings of happiness and pleasure.

The fear which lingered in both of their minds diminished, both sinking into the kiss. Maria's hands trailed down Peggy's back, roaming freely.

They were interrupted by the sound of someone coughing, both breaking off the kiss immediately.

In the doorway, Eliza stood, shock plastered on her face. Both sisters were blushing profusely though Maria was grinning smugly.

"Uh, the cookies are done."

A/N Hey, so you guys remember the office cat I named Lafayette? Well, when they checked the cat for flees and gave him a bath, turns out he's a she. So the pastor decided to rename her Eliza. Do you guys have any pets? I want a turtle soooooo bad!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading. 😊

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