Chapter Nineteen

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In the weeks before Christmas, Samuel had grown closer to Charles at an accelerated rate. They spent hours at a time talking together, always walking together on their way back from class.

Charles wouldn't admit it, but he always felt a rush of emotions around Samuel. His heart beat uncontrollably fast, his palms, were sweaty all the time. He thought he could controls his feelings, convince himself that he only appreciated Samuel's company.

He was lying.

In reality, Charles had noticed a sort of bond between the two. Samuel confessed everything to Charles, trusting him for some inconceivable reason. He resembled a loyal puppy, always following Charles, always happy to be with him.

Samuel on the other hand, realized nothing. He didn't notice that his dedication to Charles bordered on concerning. When George would press Samuel about his relationship, Samuel dismissed it. He was just friends with Charles. They were two people who had a grand understanding for each other.

As his relationship with Samuel grew, Charles's relationship with his regular friend group died down. He stopped talking to Reynolds and Eaker. If they saw each other in the hallway, Charles simply ignored them.

Charles knew it was a ticking time bomb, only so long until they snapped and lashed out. Reynolds didn't like being ignored, and he sure as hell didn't like being undermined.

He tried to not linger on the thoughts too long, confident with what he had going on with Samuel. He imagined it was only a matter of time until Samuel confessed feelings for Charles, and although he wouldn't admit it, he couldn't wait.

Samuel had decided it was best to pack his things ahead of time. George wasn't expected to be home until six, and if everything was already moved, Samuel wouldn't have to come back later for them.

It had been agreed that Samuel had to break up with George. The relationship which was already hazardous to Samuel's health, spiraled out of control in the months prior.

George found any little thing he could to fight over. Everything became Samuel's fault, everything resulting in cruel words and harsh actions. Bruises lined Samuel's body like a physical piece of art, shades of all colors dancing on his flesh.

It disgusted Charles when he looked at the bruise, his thoughts becoming vile as he wished to kill whoever did such things to Samuel. He had known for a while that they came from George, and he couldn't stand it.

After hours of conversation, Samuel consented, agreeing that he couldn't stay with George any longer. What George had used in an attempt to break Samuel ended up only making him more confident in his resolve to leave.

Charles had told Samuel repeatedly that he would be there with him when he broke it off. He claimed that things could get ugly, that Samuel might need a friend.

The request to accompany him was becoming redundant, each time Samuel claiming he had to go alone. He knew that this was something he had to sort on his own, something personal.

Most of the boxes had already been moved to Charles's, room. Samuel was packing the last one when he heard a voice which made him blush.

"What are you doing?" George's accent was still heavy, hardly tainted by the three years he had spent away from home. His tone was steady, but he sounded betrayed.

Samuel turned slowly, looking into George's focused eyes. "George, this isn't going to work anymore. I'm sorry."

Samuel had claimed he wouldn't cave or cry, but he had already given into the latter. He had expected George to yell, to get aggressive. He never expected this.

George ran a hand through his blond hair, thoughts racing through his head at a million miles per hour. "You're leaving me, aren't you?"

Samuel knew that this wasn't the first time someone would leave George. All of his past relationships had ended the same way, but Samuel tried to convince himself that this was different. The other's left George without an explanation on confession. Samuel had too much decency and propriety to behave in such a manner.

"I wanted to have everything packed before you came, but I always intended to explain myself first. Can we talk?" Samuel admitted, his heart breaking a little.

He was the one breaking up with George. This was his decision and he wasn't sure why it hurt so badly.

George stood in the doorway, uncomfortably leaning against the frame. He nodded in agreement, but remained a good distance from Samuel.

"Right." Samuel mumbled. "I suppose I stopped loving you a long time ago." He began.

George cringed, swiping tears from his eyes. Samuel thought about stopping. It wasn't too late to apologize, to beg for George to take him back. He knew George would, but he also knew nothing would get better if he did.

"I just kept hoping things would be like they used to be." His voice wavered, but he held his ground. "I thought you'd stop hating me and you'd stop treating me so awfully, but you didn't."

"I'll stop now!" George pled, approaching Samuel. "I'll be the best boyfriend ever and I'll never mess up again! Please!"

Samuel backed away from him, only stopping as he bumped into a dresser. "No. I can't, and I won't. George, I refuse to do this. It's not healthy in any way, and I won't allow this to continue. I'm sorry. I really am."

Samuel moved away from George, heading towards the doorway. There was nothing more to be said, nothing more to do.

"It's Lee's fault, isn't it?" George called after Samuel who turned in order to face him again. "I know he loves you, I know it."

Samuel felt a blush spread across his face, his voice quivering again. "How do you know that?"

George stared off into nothingness for a moment before speaking again. "He changed drastically for you. That's more than anyone else has ever done for you, Samuel."

In that moment, Samuel really understood the effect he had on Charles. No one else had changed to protect or better care for Samuel.

Samuel kept holding out for George to change, George to become a better person. He never realized that everything he wished for from George, Charles was already doing.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He smiled to himself, picking up the last box and heading out the door.

Just before the door closed, Samuel heard a voice call out. Though he didn't stop and listen, he heard exactly what was said.

"You'll be back."

A/N Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if it's not the best you've read, I'm having extreme writer's block and I've been sleeping awfully.

Anyway, do you guys have any exciting plans for this weekend? My friend's spending the night tonight, and that's probably the only noteworthy thing I have going on.

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