Chapter Nine

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Eliza brushed her hair, placing her long black strands in a high bun. Originally, she was going for a more grunge look, now she just looked like she had stayed up all night studying, which was the truth.

There were bags that showed through her sloppy attempt at concealer, and her face was pale from exhaustion.

She considered bringing a few books with her, but as the large stack of books glared at her, she lost all interest in the notion. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't be as dedicated to work as Alexander, and deep down, she didn't want to be either.

Alex never knew when to relax and it had taken its toll on Eliza. He as so dedicated to his work, trying so hard to make a difference. He wanted a legacy, and Eliza was fine with that, she just wished he would make her a part of his life.

He hardly ever had time to hang out and it had always been that way, but recently Alexander was more busy than ever.

His excuses were obviously false. He kept coming up with different stories to tell her, and apparent lies over the phone. She brushed it off at first, but now she was worried. Maybe he was getting depressed again, and whenever that would happen, he always buried himself in his work.

Eliza had noticed that Alex was hanging out with a new friend though, John Laurens.

She noticed how happy Alex seemed with him, and hoped that her boyfriend had found a good friend. Seeing him happy warmed Eliza's heart, and that was all she wanted for him.

Alex had pointed out a coffee shop to her a week ago, explaining that it was where John worked. She was on her way there now.

The coffee shop was dim looking outside, probably an effect of the rainy weather. Eliza suspected snow before the end of the month, and mentally made plans to alter her Halloween costume to make it more warm.

In the door, Eliza was greeted by a cardboard "closed" sign. She sighed, searching for her keys.

"We don't open for another hour." A voice spoke. She turned, spotting John walking down the sidewalk. He kicked a pebble as he walked, jangling a key in his hand. "But you're welcome to come in. I can make you a cup of something." He said with a smile.

She followed him in, thanking him profusely.

The inside was much more cheerful. It was warm, which was really all Eliza was concerned about at the time being. She cozied up at a bar counter across from the coffee machines.

John rolled his sleeves up, preparing the girl a drink. He always remembered what people ordered, always. Alex liked coffee with lots of milk. Hercules liked black coffee with several extra shots. Lafayette drank only tea.

John had realized a while ago Eliza's coffee choices. They had all been at a study group with the Schuyler's, and Eliza put a large spoonful of honey in her otherwise black coffee.

"How are your sisters?" John asked casually, not sure what else to say.

Eliza's face lit up at the mention of her sisters. "Peggy is acclimating well to her surroundings. She seems to like high school a lot." She paused, laughing a little to herself. "She even has a little crush on one of her fellow classmates."

"Angie on the other hand is worrying me." Eliza's smile faded. "She's so caught up with this Church guy, she seems to never have time for anyone else."

"Who's Church?" John questioned.

Eliza waved her hand as if dismissing the idea. "Some guy. I suppose your friend Hercules won't like that much."

John snorted. "Maybe it will force him and Laf to get together."

"Oh!" Eliza shot up, smiling. "Lafayette is my favorite of your friends. They gave me make-up tips once and a bunch of Sephora coupons."

John placed the mug in front of her, seating himself in the process.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked, sipping her coffee after speaking.

John nodded.

"It's about Alexander. He's been worrying me. I mean, as his girlfriend, I just notice small changes." Eliza noticed John's face change as she called herself his girlfriend. She dismissed the thought almost immediately, not thinking much of it.

"I just wondered if you knew what was wrong with him." Her words were laced with concern, her brows wrinkling.

She was so delicate, and when she spoke, she seemed so welcoming. She danced around each subject with such ease, her speech so graceful.

John knew that Angelica was the most fiery, and was well regarded because of it, but Eliza's gentleness was more charming to John.

He thought through every possible answer he could give Eliza, what string of words could satisfy her longing for answers. It was a sensitive subject, but he didn't want to completely disregard it all together.

"I think he's just longing for something, and he's not sure what. He has conflicting ideas, and he isn't sure about the right decision. That's about all I think he'd be comfortable with me sharing."

Eliza placed her hand protectively over his. "No, I'm sorry for putting you in a bad position. Just let him know I love him."

John reminded himself not to cringe, taking a drink of coffee to soothe his nerves. No matter how much he wanted to believe it, Alex wasn't just his. It didn't matter how many sweet nothings were whispered in his ears, despite all the midnight phone calls, John still had to share Alex. He could never be just his Alexander, it would constantly be this way.

"John." Eliza whispered.

John hummed in response, still partially stuck in his thoughts. He was mostly oblivious to the world around him.

"Thanks for being there for him. I appreciate it."

This sent a pang through John's heart and a shiver through his spine. Throughout everything, had he even considered how much Eliza would be hurt?

Here this young beautiful girl was, confiding in John, who was intentionally hurting her. What kind of a message would it all convey to her? Would she be left feeling inadequate and unwanted? How could he knowingly do that to Eliza, soft, gentle, caring, Eliza.

She brushed a stray strand out of her face, holding the coffee mug close to her chest. "I really appreciate you being friends with Alex. He's like a lost puppy sometimes." She giggled.

There was that word, friend. That was all John was supposed to be. God, she was so naive and easy to deceive. Perhaps that made everything even worse for John.

And how she considered him to be a friend, that alone carries certain implications. It meant she trusted him to some degree, cared for his well being to a certain extent. This girl thought they were all just the best of friends when in reality, John was her boyfriend's lover.

"I don't mind." John replied. "That's what friends are for."

A/N I am trying hard to really progress this story, so I hope no one feels like it's dragging along. I really like this chapter, and felt it was important to the story. Hope everyone enjoyed it. 😊

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