Chapter Five

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A/N not sure who made that fan art, but I really like it.

My sisters and I are so happy to be with you." Eliza said with a smile. Her cheeks were red, the frigid air brushing against them.

The girl's aunt smiled politely, but the scrutiny was clear by the small crinkle on her nose. "As am I, Elizabeth." She wrapped a gentle arm around Eliza's shoulder, feeling the girl shiver against her.

"Follow me, and I'll show you to your rooms." The three did as told, examining the strange house.

Peggy ran her small finger against the woodwork, cautious not to break anything. The house was so old and delicate, as though it would break if she stared at it for too long.

She stopped outside a door, even more elaborate than the rest. It was a cream white, the finish stunning.

"Angelica Katherina, this is your room." Their aunt announced.

"Please, just call me Angie." Angelica responded, with her usual grace.

It was clear to see that their aunt adored Angelica more than any of the others. Peggy couldn't blame her, Angelica was so perfect. She was feisty, smart, with perfect hints of kindness. She was a leader, as the oldest usually is.

Eliza was given her room next, leaving Peggy alone with their aunt.

"Margarita." Her aunt announced, stopping outside another door.

Her aunt opened the door, allowing Peggy inside. "Please, just call me Peggy." She announced, mirroring Angie as best as she could.

If Peggy were to be honest, she hated it there. They were close enough to civilization, near enough for Eliza and Angelica to make it to college on time. Still, she felt strangely abandoned here.

She knew that the only reason they were here in the first place was so that Peggy could go to high school near her sisters. Their father had recognized the fact that Peggy wouldn't survive well at high school on her own.

It was a smart move, her father always trying to be benevolent to each of his beautiful daughters.

Still, Peggy was more scared of starting a new school year than she had been about going to school by herself.

Their aunt, Hester, was even less charmed by the idea. Though she was always willing to help her brother, taking in three girls for a whole school year seemed disgusting.

Perhaps it would be alright if the burden had only been one child. Yet, Hester was now put to the task of entertaining three, her affections simmering down as each child passed.

Hester didn't comprehend why the youngest couldn't be separated from the other two. It would do Margarita good, to become her own separate woman.

The other two could have settled themselves in a nice apartment complex, or a college dorm. They were separate entities, and if Philip knew what he was doing, the current arrangement would never have been made.

None the less, Hester saw it as her duty now to tend to the three in her care. That was exactly what she would do.

The next day, the weather outside was still as cold and dreary as the day before, but inside was a bustle of events. The sisters watched as their aunt scurried around, organizing everything. She said there was to be a party tonight, and all must be perfect.

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