Chapter Sixteen

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"An Instagram photo? That's how you explain yourself!" One wouldn't be able to decipher from her tone whether she was questioning or lecturing Angelica.

Hester Schuyler's face was red with fury, her hands shaking as she gripped the phone in her hands with all her might. Her voice was soaked with anger, her mannerism bordering on aggressive.

"That would be the same as Margarita coming out through social media!" Her voice rose with each word. Peggy blushed at the comparison and the truth behind her statement.

Angelica crossed her arms, pouting as she spoke. "This doesn't concern you. It never has. I love him!"

Eliza was frightened by her sister's unnatural aggression. It reminded her of the way Angelica had been with Alexander.

Angelica acted petulantly and frantically, mirroring that of a wounded animal. Her face was pained and she had broken out in a cold sweat.

"You're not my mother!" She shouted, hoping the words would upset her aunt. The two always had a special bond, an understanding and adoration for the other.

However, Angelica's words didn't even phase Hester. She seemed repulsed by the shivering girl before her. In that moment, Angelica wasn't worthy of anything, not in Hester's eyes anyway. She was on a perilous slope, leaping victoriously to her inevitable social death.

"You're right about that." She had corrected her tone, a blatant contrast to Angelica's shouts. "I'm not your mother. But have you even stopped to think about your poor mother? Who's to tell her about him?"

"I'll tell her." Angelica hissed, a repugnant hate clearly conveyed in her voice.

"Tell her then, Angelica. Tell her about how you snuck out. Tell her about the way you lied. Who even were the wedding witnesses? Do you even know their names?" Their aunt cried out, her voice bordering on hysterics.

Angelica rose, squaring up to Hester. She towered over the other woman, but her aunt's glare alone was enough to make Angelica shrink into herself.

"I may not know the witnesses, but I know him. Mr and Mrs John Barker Church. That's what the priest said anyway. Would you like to see the ring?" Angelica sounded like a gleeful child, so pleased and absorbed with her actions.

Hester looked as though she wished to lunge at Angelica. Instead, she assaulted her with words. "You foolish girl! You're so petty and childish! You're a horrendous little child!"

"Enough!" Eliza interrupted.  "She understands you're not pleased, but leave her be. You've had your say."

They all seemed surprised by Eliza's sudden outburst, surprised by the reminder that they weren't alone. They were never having a private conversation. Besides, the whole elopement had been posted on social media. Underneath a picture of the two on their "wedding day," was a caption explaining the marriage.

"Pack your bags." Hester spoke. Her voice had lost its bite, sounding dry and monotone. It suggested that she didn't care any more. "Shouldn't you know a married woman should live with her husband?"

"I fucking love take-out." Hercules announced, pieces of fried rice shooting from his mouth. No mater how many times Lafayette had reminded him not to talk with his mouth full, he never listened.

They were sitting on the floor of Laf's apartment, laughing and acting stupid. Lafayette had to admit that they were glad Hercules was in a good mood. They assumed he would be angry about Angelica's elopement. Instead, he acted as though nothing had happened.

They considered asking him about it, but didn't want to spoil the good mood. Instead, they finished their rice and cracked open a fortune cookie.

"These are so, how you say, generic." Lafayette exclaimed, tossing the crumpled piece of paper to the side. They began to munch on the cookie, never really sure where to start with them.

"Dude, nobody eats the cookies." Hercules seemed indignant by their cookie selection. His face portrayed disgust and disappointment.

Lafayette laughed. "Non. Everyone eats the cookies, just like everyone eats Le Riz." They defended, laughing as they did so. They were sure to swallow their food first, not wishing to be contradictory.

"No! They're gross! Just ask John." Hercules argued, fiery that Laf didn't see his point of view.

Lafayette shook their head, curls shaking with them. "They're tres bién." Their eyes twinkled, so engaged in the conversation, pleased to be so loose and comfortable with Hercules.

"Oh, mon cher," Lafayette began, changing the subject out of boredom. After admitting their feelings to Hercules, they stopped referring to him as mon ami, feeling as though mon cher was more personal. It admitted tenderness and silent resolve.

"Will you take me to the mall? I wanted a new bow-tie and Sephora is having a sale on makeup." They pleaded, eyes wide open, acting like a small naive child. It was quite charming.

Hercules chuckled, his warm laughter escaping in the otherwise empty room. "Sure, you just can't get a clip-on. Go authentic or go home."

Lafayette giggled in response, their heart warmed by the close bond they shared with Hercules.

"Can I tell you something?" Hercules began and Lafayette nodded vigorously in response. "I'm not even upset about Angelica getting married. She just looked so happy, you know? It's stupid, maybe even as stupid as my affections for her, but I feel like a weight's been lifted off my chest."

Lafayette was shocked to some degree, pleased in another aspect. Perhaps this is what they'd been waiting for, Hercules Mulligan to have the same epiphany which would force him to love Lafayette in return. Partially they expected Hercules to spin them around and kiss them like there was no tomorrow.

Yet that was too drastic, and Hercules still refused any feelings to Lafayette. They were just friends. That was all. It pained Hercules to come to the conclusion, but he was positive it was truth.

"I'll never understand you." Lafayette concluded, a lack of words apparent.

Hercules shook his head, his brows furrowing. "Yeah, I don't know either. I just know she's happy. I just kept holding out for her, but I knew it would never happen. I feel like I can finally take a breath."

The words startled Laf, as they began to wonder if that would be how their story ended. Would they finally realize there was nothing between them and Hercules?

They didn't want to have to let go, to watch someone else scoop up the man of their dreams. However, there was nothing else they could do. They had admitted loving him, what else was there to do?

They knew whatever happened next would all depend on Hercules Mulligan.

A/N So I got to name the church's new office cat. (Apparently that's a thing.) Anyway, his name is Lafayette but the Pastor is calling him Diggs for short. It's great.

What was the highlight of your day? Tell me some fun and happy anecdote that makes you smile about this lovely Autumn Sunday.

Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading. 😊

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