Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N Hey guys, enjoy some Madison X Jefferson because I wrote it because I can and wanted to. Ok, here's an easy question. What's your favorite color? Here's the hard part of the question. Why is it your favorite color? Anyway, hope you all enjoy. 😊

P.S. Sight trigger warning.

"I fucking hate Hamilton." Jefferson scolded, throwing his phone on the couch in anger.

Madison knew it was awful, but he couldn't help but to laugh. His boyfriend tended to get so indignant at the prospect of Alexander Hamilton being smarter than him. He would start to pout like a child, resembling a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.

Madison set his book down, smiling gently. "What did he say this time?"

The two were wrapped in a quilt, curled up on Madison's couch. They had been in this position all afternoon and both were reluctant to move.

"We got in a political rant."

"Surprising." Madison teased, sarcasm dripping from his tone. The disagreements were practically a daily occurrence at this point.

Jefferson rolled his eyes but continued anyway. "It was about immigration. I kindly pointed out he was biased because he was an immigrant."

Jefferson paused, leaving Madison wondering what obnoxious response he had given. "And?" He prompted.

"And then he called me biased because I probably fuck macaroni." Jefferson mumbled the last part out, his ears turning red.

Madison knew it was mean, but he couldn't stop laughing. "It's so accurate though." He declared through fits of laughter. "You and macaroni forever." He was practically wheezing. "I'd read that fanfiction."

Jefferson looked uninterested, but he was secretly entranced by his laughing boyfriend. The small and sick man hardly ever laughed this much. He was usually melancholy and in distress. Now, he seemed to be so cheerful that it would give the Schuyler sister's a run for their money.

"I'm sure Peggy would gladly write that for you." Jefferson added after the laughter had subsided.

Madison chuckled in response, which led into a coughing fit. Jefferson patted his back in an attempt to help and grabbed the inhaler off the table.

Madison shook his head in response, not thinking he was in need of it quite yet. He hated being so dependent, always wishing he was strong enough to tend for himself.

"When you can breath again," Jefferson began. "I would love to make out." It sounded rude, but Madison knew it was a joke. They always said stupid things like this, acting obnoxious which really just meant I love you.

Madison recollected his breath, leaning towards his boyfriend. They began to rub noses, something Madison had always been fond of. As their lips began to meet, he quickly turned away from Jefferson, laughing as he did so.

"I'm not sure if I'm in the mood." Madison giggled.

Jefferson looked disappointed, but his eyes carried a devious look, suggesting they were just getting started.

He wrapped an arm around Madison's waist, pulling the tiny man towards himself. "Oh, come on Maddie." He purred. "Just one little kiss."

They both knew that it was not going to stop at one kiss. This wasn't their first time alone together, they were used to the antics that ensued.

The kiss lasted for a while, both wishing to never release from it. After finally gasping for breath, they both continued again, completely unaware of the surroundings around them. They didn't hear the door knob open, or the bags drop as a familiar voice mumbled profanities.

Madison did realize someone yanking him away harshly, recognized his parent's mortified faces. "Jemmy." His mother began, but words couldn't find the way to her mouth.

James Madison blushed, his stomach tossing around anxiously. His palms grew sweaty and he felt like throwing up.

"I thought the camp worked." His father began, looking more angry than his mother. "They promised to fix you."

Jefferson saw the tears forming in his boyfriend's eyes and he couldn't stand it. Though he knew Madison's parents would never hurt their child, he felt a need to protect him.

He had heard all the stories about the conversion camp, something he hadn't even known was still legal. He had seen Madison's horrified look as he told stories about his parent's disapproval.

Yes, they would never hurt their sickly son, but Jefferson worried. He had heard tales of horror. He knew that homosexuality pushed bigots off the edge, caused all sorts of negative consequences.

He used to stay up at night, worrying that Madison's father would snap. He imagined all sorts of vile things which could happen to the man he loved.

He had nightmares of Madison being hit, of him crying out. Each time, no one was there to help him. The thought of little whimpering Madison disgusted him. He couldn't comprehend how anyone could ever do anything so corrupt to such a gentle person.

So Jefferson outstretched his arm, stepping in front of his shaking boyfriend. "James will not apologize for anything." He stated, speaking on behalf of Madison.

"Jemmy, it's ok." His mother spoke softly, suspicion painted on her face. "Why don't we sit down and talk? I'm sure there is a way to fix you."

Madison let out a loose sob and it sent chills down Jefferson's spine. "No, that won't be happening." He tried to calm himself, but eventually became indifferent to how he was perceived.

"James isn't broken. He never has been, never will be." He enveloped James in a hug, moving into a slow kiss.

He heard gasps, but Jefferson didn't care. His first priority was Madison, and it always would be.

"Now if you'd excuse me, we have to pack Maddie's things." Jefferson reached for Madison's hand, beginning to tug him towards the stairs.

James heard his father walk towards them, and he thought he may have a panic attack. "Where the hell do you think you're going?"

His father's voice was sharp, cutting into Madison like a blade. It was a reminder that he had never been normal. He would never be normal.

"I didn't raise a fag-"

He was cut off by Jefferson's fist colliding with his face. Jefferson paused, trying to come up with the best speech to give at a time like this.

"You, my dear sir, are a douche." He announced triumphantly, resuming his trip to gather Madison's things. It didn't take long to get out, neither lingering longer than necessary.

Madison was horrified.

He refused to admit it, not even to himself, but he was sick to his stomach. He didn't know how this would end. He did know however that his family would sever all ties with him.

What if moving in was bad for his relationship with Jefferson? This was surely how it would end. His boyfriend would finally realize what everyone else in his life had.

He would realize that Madison was clingy and needy. He wasn't good enough, he never would be anyway.

Jefferson could practically see the thoughts leaping through Madison's head. He grabbed his boyfriend's hand, wishing to grant him peace of mind.

"You will always be enough to me."

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