Chapter Three

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A/N Hey, so I haven't proof read yet, but I wanted to post this chapter. I'll tweak it tomorrow. All the French should be accurate, because I try not to use google translate. 😂 Also, slight trigger warning because there are some suicidal thoughts.

The first thing Hercules noticed was the taste. It was bitter now, the alcohol leaving a nasty residue in his mouth.

Next was the headaches. As soon as he opened his eyes, it hit him. Hercules felt the pain as though it were directly behind his eyes, a pressure so awful he could barely stand it.

He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, surveying the room after.

People were scattered all over the floor, bodies and solo-cups littering his living room. He could recognize a great deal of the people, though some were just mere strangers.

He made his way into the tiny kitchen apartment, glad no one had found occupation there. He lived on a meager pay-check, something that was evident upon further examination of his dwelling.

It was small, but not cozy, quiet but not quaint. It had the attributes and potentials of being a home, but it served no such purpose. The only significant use for the apartment was the parties.

People flooded in, all either leaving high or drunk. All Hercules bought was the alcohol. Where the other elicit items came from, he had yet to find out.

Most of Hercule's parties were something everyone strived to remember, though because of the mass alcohol consumption, it became a daunting task.

This was a party Hercules planned to forget.

"You need to move on." Lafayette had exclaimed almost out of nowhere. The topic hadn't even been brought up recently, though it seemed to always be in their mind.

Hercules sighed. "You don't understand. Angelica is just perfect."

Lafayette rubbed the bridge of their noise, agitation plastered on their face.

"Oui, she is a joiles femme, but she isn't for you."

Whenever Lafayette was excited, over joyed, or irritated, they started using French. Hercules took note of that, but still was tired of being patronized.

"Man, how would you know?" Hercules voice jumper up an octave, but he ignored it. "It's not like you're in love with anyone!"

"Hercules, you can be so stupide!"

"Then maybe you should just leave me the fuck alone!" Hercules retaliated, not even thinking about what he was saying.

Lafayette recoiled, a mix of emotions flooding their face. Their eyes dimmed and they sunk back a little.

"Laf, I'm sorry." Hercules extended a hand out to them, but they jerked away from him.

They nodded. "Ok, then I will leave you alone." Lafayette marched out the door, not saying another word.

Hercules downed three Advils, cringing a little with each swallow. God, his head was pounding.

It didn't help much when Hercule's phone started blaring music, full blast.

"Hello?" He asked, noticing his voice was still in a groggy state.

"Hey, Herc! I need your help." It was John. He sounded frantic, which worried Hercules. "Meet me at the cafe asap."

"Did he show up again? Are you ok? What happened?" Hercules yelled into the phone but John had already hung up.

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