I'll Always Be Here to Support You

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Dis is for an awesome Anon~! Hope all of you enjoy!! ~Deluct~ *Warning: Cursing Involved*


"You're a faggot!"
"Why do you even play with Delirious, Cartoonz, and Ohm?"
"You talk too much. Don't you ever shut up?"

  Bryce sat in his bedroom he shares with Ohm, reading the comments on his latest video. Lately, he's been receiving a lot of hate, not by his fans, but by Ohm's and Cartoonz's, and by Delirious' fans. Softly, Bryce shut his laptop and walked out of the bedroom. He went downstairs and entered the kitchen, opening the fridge. He grabbed himself a can of mountain dew and opened it, taking a sip. Ryan quietly crept into the kitchen and made his way behind Bryce, wrapping his arms around his waist.

  "Hey Brycey, whatcha doing?" Ryan asked, rubbing circles into Bryce's hips.

  "Nothing...." Bryce answered quietly.

  "Are you okay?" Ryan turned Bryce around, staring into his eyes.

  "Okay? Really Ohm? Okay?!? I'M NOT OKAY!!" Bryce blew up at Ohm, rage filling him. He pinched the bridge of his nose, stepping away from Ryan. "ALL I DO IS GET HATE REPEATEDLY FROM YOUR FANS, CARTOONZ'S, DELIRIOUS', AND DO YOU GUYS DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT?! NO! YOU FUCKING DON'T!" After Bryce finished his rant, he broke down in front of Ohm, sobbing and sliding down to the floor.

  "Shh, I got you." Ohm said, sitting on the floor as well while wrapping his arms around Bryce tightly. He slowly started to rock them both in a slow pace."Hey..I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner, ok? I'll tell them about it," Ohm said, a slight glare of anger in his eyes. "They shouldn't hating on you like that, you're too perfect."

  "But what if they start hating on you more, or you lose subscribers?" Bryce replied back. He had calm down and his crying reduced to small sniffles, his eyes looked puffy and red. Ryan just gave a sigh and shook his head.

  "It doesn't matter, you are more important, and they should know that," He stated firmly before continuing. "They shouldn't be hurting someone I love, that isn't acceptable and I'm willing to deal with them, okay?" Ryan looked deeply into Bryce's ocean eyes and gave him a soft smile.

  "Okay," Bryce gave a small smile back and leaned into Ohm's shoulder. "And Ohmie?"

  "Yeah Brycey?"

  "I love you."

  "I love you too Bryce."

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