Operation: Lovestruck {Rainbow Six Siege!AU} Part 3

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  There was a constant shuffling, a lot more than a single person could make on their own. Cautiously, Bryce opened the door and was face-to-face with Ohm and the man behind it all.
  "Well well, this must be your teammate." The man said, speaking into Ohm's ear. Ryan was tied to a chair; there were chains locking him to the floor. He struggled recklessly in the chair while looking into Bryce's, pleading for him to leave.
  "Let him go." Bryce commanded in a low voice. The man laughed and threw down his weapon.
  "I think you'll have to take him from me," He cracked his knuckles. Bryce also threw down his gun, this man wanted a 1v1 without interference; if he wants Ohm, he's going to have to play it cool. Ryan's eyes instantly widened at the gesture, stopping his struggle. "Well then, shall we play?"
  "Bite me," Bryce spat before the man charged at him. He was slammed up against a wall, leaving him in a daze. With a quick recovery, Bryce threw a punch at the man and knocked him away. The man stumbled in Ohm's direction and he stepped closer, Ohm headbutted him. In return, he was socked in the eye, causing Ohm to moan in pain. Bryce instantly came to Ryan's aid and pulled the man off, punching him in thy gut. The man managed to pull Bryce down with him then pinned Bryce to the floor, choking him. Bryce struggled and reached out for a nearby object, which happen to be a brick, smashing upside the man's head. The man fell limp besides Bryce, knocked out cold.
  "Bryce......Bryce!" Delirious shouted over the com.
  "Yeah?" Bryce sounded breathless.
  "What happened? I could hear everything."
  "Nothing, just ran into a little trouble," Bryce stated. "Me and Ohm will be up in a sec."
  "Okay, see you then man." Bryce walked over to Ohm and began to pick the locks to thy chains. Then removed the cloth wrapped around Ohm's mouth.

  "Ow." Ryan whined as he stood up stretching.
  "You're welcome," Bryce sarcastically replied. Ryan just gave him a cheeky smile.
  "Sorry....Did you miss me much?" Ohm teased slightly, wobbling with each step. Bryce snorted and rolled his eyes.
  "Not really." Ohm grabbed his chest, making a hurt face.
  "Bryce how could you?!"
  "You'll be fine, anyways, let's get going before anything else happens."
  "Right, after you then." Ryan spoke in a Gentleman's voice.
  "Why thank you my good sir!" Bryce praised with a goofy grin. They both quickly headed towards the hidden stairwell, obviously making sure to lock the cell behind them. Once Bryce and Ryan made it back to the main lobby, they found Delirious and Cartoonz playing Uno behind one of the flipped tables.
  "Really guys?" Bryce gave a skeptical look. Ohm laughed while the others stopped their glory moment.
  "What? You took too long man."
  "Yeah, me and Del here were just waiting on you two lovebirds." Cartoonz supported Jon then ended the argument by walking towards the elevator. Safely, they all made it out of the State House.

~~~Timeskip - Head-Quarters~~~

  "So Bryce."
  "Yeah?" The young man had just finished his shower, drying his hair. As Bryce stepped out into the living quarters, Cartoonz was waiting for him.
  "When are going to confess to Ohm?" Luke gave a serious look.
  "I-I don't know."
  "Well, don't wait forever. Someone will take him eventually," Luke waved Bryce off as he walked into the hallway. There was silence for a minute until Bryce heard someone yell down the hall.
  "Oh Brycey~!" Ryan entered the room with a bright smile on his face. Then clutched his shoulder in pain, "Ow! Ow.."
  "Are you okay?" Bryce came to Ryan's side, helping him to the couch.
  "Yeah, but I have something to ask you."
  "Uh, ok?"
  "So...I-I was wondering if you would like to g-go out with me this Saturday?" Ohm rambled,"I mean! Y-you don't have to but-"
  "Y-you're probably not even into guys-"
  "Ohm!" Bryce yelled, snapping Ohm out of his thoughts. "Yes! I'll go out with you."
  "Really?" Ryan's eyes were hopeful.
  "Yes! Actually, I was going to ask you the same thing," Bryce confessed.
  "Ha...Wow, I can't believe this," Ryan breathed out.
  "You better believe it," Bryce winked. "I'll see you Saturday." He gave Ryan a soft kiss to the lips then left towards the hallway.
  "Right, see you Saturday......" Ohm put a hand on his lips and smiled to himself. "Hey Cartoonz! Think you can help me with a date?"

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