Purest? Naw, it's Sinful {Angel/Demon! AU}

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(Song - Runaway Baby by Bruno Mars) I thought the song fit perfectly.

  Anyways, here's another one shot requested by RoseTheMaskedWriter ! Hope you enjoy love! I wasn't really sure where I was going with this, but I think it turned out great. See you all later! Hwaiting! ~Deluct or Admin T~ P.s - We also has Angel!Delirious and Demon!Cartoonz.


  "Ohm! Look at this new teddy bear Cartoonz got me!" His fellow angel friend ran up to him in excitement.
  "You know Delirious.....If the 'man' upstairs catches you hanging out with him, you'll get a major punishment." Ryan replied teasingly.
  "The man upstairs can suck my dick!" Jonathan boasted back, obviously not caring. "Anyways, let's get in this carnival! Cartoonz said he'd be here!"
  Ryan just sighed and shook his head. Previously before Delirious showed up, Ohm was told to wait in the parking lot of the wonderful event behind him. He turned around and walked up to the ticket booth with Jon.
  "Two tickets please," Ohm said casually, and was handed the tickets. When they both stepped in, the small of carnival sweets filled their nostrils. "So...Do we wanna wait or?"
  "Cartoonz should be here already, so I'll text him," Delirious replied.
  "Jon! Over here!" A bearded man waved to Jonathan, there was another person with him. They both ran over to Delirious and Ohm with wide grins; well at least the bearded man did.
  "Hey Cartoonz."
  "Sup DEL-irious~" Cartoonz put the empathizes on Del, "Who's this?" He continued.
  "Oh! Right! Ryan this is Luke, Luke this is Ryan! You know, Ohm?"
  "I see, nice to finally meet you man." Luke held out his hand.
  "Yeah, I hear a lot about you from Delirious."
  "Who's your friend?" Delirious pointed to the other man standing besides Cartoonz. He was very tall, taller than Ohm, Cartoonz, and Delirious. He looked to be around 6 foot. He had blond hair that looked like a fresh wheat field and gorgeous ocean blue eyes. The man seemed younger than Luke, 'Probably in his early 20's,' Ohm thought. He wasn't really too built like Ohm himself but in Ryan's eyes that didn't matter because he thought the man looked like the purest being on the planet.
  "Sorry 'bout that," Luke apologized to the man.
  "It's fine," His voice sounded smooth and lively.
  "Anyways, everyone this is Bryce, he's pretty cool, and he's our MVP for today." Luke stated while wrapping an arm around Bryce's shoulder.
  "Hi." Bryce gave a small wave and smile, looking directly at Ohm. Ohm just gave a small nod, his face flushing slightly.
  "Alright! Let's get this party started!" Delirious jumped up.
  "Whoa-whoa there, we're gonna ride the Ferris Wheel first, then~ party." Cartoonz patted him on the shoulder before leading the way. As the walked, the sounds of children got louder and families laughing; enjoying their time. Finally, they reached the line, and surprisingly it was short.
  "Next!" One of the staff members called. Cartoonz and Delirious got in the cart with Ohm, even Bryce, trying to follow. The staff stopped Ohm. "Sorry sir, 2 per cart."
  "Sorry." Ryan rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
  "So it seems we get to ride together," Bryce exclaimed, their arms brushed together. Soon another cart came down and a couple stepped out, they looked to Ohm & Bryce.
  "Good luck you two! The view's amazing!" The woman whispered before walking off with her boyfriend.
  Ryan and Bryce flushed a bright red then stuttered out, "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!"
  The people behind them laughed, then they got on to the cart. There was a long silence between the two.
  "So...Ryan, how old are you?" Bryce questioned.
  "I rather not tell, but you can go ahead." Ohm stated, redirecting the question back. Angels and Demons don't have an age, plus, Ohm didn't know if Bryce was an angel like himself.
  "Fine, be that way, I'm 21." Bryce replied while staring outside intensely. There was a look in his eyes, as if he was lying in someway, but Ohm shrugged it off. More silence befell them, but they seemed quite content with each other's company.
  "Sorry, we're stopping the Ferris Wheel due to technical difficulties!" One of the workers exclaimed over the intercoms. Ohm & Bryce could hear the other people in carts groaning.
  That's when an Idea popped into Bryce's head.
  "Hey Ohm?"
  "What's up?"
  "I bet you can't race me to the newest roller coaster!" Bryce stood up suddenly then stepped in front of Ryan. Ohm looked completely lost.
  "What do you mean?" Ohm asked. Before he could get a reply, Bryce kissed him softly on the lips, chest to chest, surprising the angel. Ohm closed his eyes and wrapped his hands around Bryce's waist, pulling Bryce even closer. Ryan could smell something faintly burning and pulled away from the kiss, there was a burn mark from the small cross bracelet on Ryan's right hand on Bryce's waist; he couldn't be.
  "You're a demon?" Ohm's eyes widened at the new learned fact.
  "The one and only....See you at the roller coaster!" Bryce's demon wings appeared and he flew out of the cart towards the newest attraction, leaving Ohm in a dazed state. Ryan's jaw was dropped and he looked like a lost puppy, but quickly he regained his composure. He pulled out his phone and texted Delirious.

Ohm: Hey Jon.
Delirious: Yeah?
Ohm: I think I've fallen for the devil's son and no holy water will cure me for this sin I'm about to atone.
Delirious: I knew you would like Bryce! Now go get him tiger ;)

  Ohm just shook his head and smirked, his wings starting to appear. He knew that this man was a wolf in sheep's clothing because at the end of the night he's going to be the one the he'll be holding.

I love you so
That's what you'll say,
You'll tell me baby, baby please don't go away
But when I play, I never stay
To every girl that I meet here, this is what I'll say,

Run run runaway, runaway baby
Before I put my spell on you
You better get get getaway, getaway darling
'Cause everything you heard is true

You poor little heart will end up alone
'Cause lord knows I'm a rolling stone
So you better run run runaway, runaway baby

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