Chapter 6

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"OH MY GOD" we Both exclaimed when we reached brad's house. The house was already trashed and the party had just started!. There were strippers and I forgot my wallet.... I MEAN I HAVE A GF!

"This is going to be a wild night" Lucy smiled enthusiastically.
"Sure will" I gulped.

The music was really loud and I couldn't even hear my own voice. I was busy dancing near the pool when I did not notice a hand  grabbing my waist.

"Hey Lauren" said that mysterious blonde still not letting go of my waist. I leaned in closer to inspect her face.

"Perrie? Perrie Edwards?" I gasped. Perrie was my ex and we broke up a year ago because she cheated on me with Zayn. I mean who would cheat on me?! I'm adorable!! Am I?

She dragged me to the living room so that she could talk to me without yelling on top of her lungs.

"The one and only" she flipped her hair. "So tell me Lauren how is your life? I heard you and Lucy are together now."  she seemed annoyed.

"Yeah we're together for a year now. What about you and Zayn?" I smirked taking a shot of tequila and coughed at the after taste. This tastes different. Not like the other tequila shots I had before  but I pushed that thought away.

"Lauren...Lauren" she gently stroked my face "me and Zayn broke up months ago and what we had Lauren was nothing compared to this!!" She leaned in closer and everything seemed slow motion to me. It must be the tequila? I leaned in towards her.

I leaned back when I realised what I was doing  "I'm sorry Perrie..." I shook my head and I turned to go search for Lucy who had gone to get some drink.

"LAUREN!" Perrie yelled and grabbed hold of my wrist forcing me to face her again. "You are mine! And will always be!" Her face showed anger and lust? She grabbed my face and forced her Lips on mine.

I felt disgusted and tried shoving her off but she pressed me against the wall and forced her tongue inside me.

"Has anybody seen Lauren?" I heard a voice in the background. "oh my god...Lauren...." I heard a gasp and Perrie broke the kiss with a smirk. The voice belonged to Lucy. She was holding our drinks and my heart broke into pieces when I saw the look on her face.

"Lucy please let me explain!" I ran to her side wiping that bitch's lipstick off with the back of my hand. I can't lose you to Lucy...

"I have seen enough Lauren." She broke into sobs and ran away dropping the drinks on the carpet.

"Hey that is my grandma's carpet!!" Brad yelled from behind.

No no no Lucy please!! I ran behind her trying to move through the crowd of people trying to find Lucy.

I saw her getting into a cab outside the house. I ran toward her hoping she'll see me. "Lucy please don't leave! Let me explain" I begged her not letting her get into the car.

"I trusted you Lauren and now I can't even look at you anymore! You're not the person I thought you were." she wiped her eyes with her sleeves and got into the car

"Lucy please...." I begged her one more time.

"Goodbye Lauren" and the cab moved away leaving me all alone in the darkness of the street.

"NOOO!!!" I yelled on top of my lungs and fell onto my knees sobbing hard. I lost Camila I can't lose you too Lucy. I can't do this....

I need to find that Perrie! I wiped my tears and walked into the house and walked through the same crowd. I saw Normani talking to Bea in a corner. They both saw me and waved. "Have you seen Perrie?" I yelled so

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