Chapter 7

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Author POV:

The next day.


Lauren groaned and reached over to her alarm. Her head was killing her and she felt like her body was made  of rock. She suddenly got up and sighed with relief when she realised she was in her room and not another person's.

She reached over to her phone which was on the ground and went through her texts hoping she did not send anything embarrassing.

Lauren raised her eyebrows when she read the message she had received from Camila and couldn't help herself from moving her fingers to reply.

(9:49 am) Miamicutie: Sorry for the late reply camz....what's wrong?

(9:52 am) Camila_Cabello: OMG you replied. Thank god I really need you now. Something happened.

(9:53 am) Miamicutie: I'm here tell me everything.

(9:54 am) Camila_Cabello: It's Austin. He cheated on me.

(9:55 am) Miamicutie: Who is Austin?

Camila_Cabello: He is my boyfriend.
Camila_Cabello: well ex-boyfriend now...

"A boyfriend?" Lauren asked herself wow she forgot that some people are actually straight.

Camila_Cabello: I can't believe this Lauren. He cheated on me.

Lauren sighed honestly guys are such assholes.

Miamicutie: well I had a bad breakup too....I kind of cheated on my girlfriend

Lauren quickly erased her message without sending it. What kind of an impression would that give of her! She smacked herself on the head.

Camila shifted from her bed and got up. She went to her bathroom to take a look at how messed up she probably looks. She looked at herself in the mirror.

Seeing dark circles around her eyes, messy hair, skin paler then usual. "Damn messed up is an understatement" she muttered. She went back to her bed to see if she received a message.

(9:59 am) Miamicutie: Don't worry Camz! You deserve someone better and trust me he's not worth any single thought of yours! Heartbreak doesn't last forever and there is someone out there for you! Who is searching.

(10:02 am) Camila_Cabello: But why would he cheat on me? He told me that I was his princess. He even said that he loved me. I guess I didn't mean anything for him. I guess I am just some worthless girl.

(10:03 am)Miamicutie: Don't you say that don't you EVER SAY THAT. You're a princess who does not need a prince!

(10:05 am) Camila_Cabello: But why didn't he just break up with me. Why did he have to cheat. It would have hurt less.

(10:06 am) Miamicutie: Feel the pain Camila so that it numbs away after some time but  remember his name.

(10:07 am) Camila_Cabello: He literally threw away my heart. How will I get over this?

(10:09 am) Miamicutie: By picking it up and holding it tighter than ever because a broken heart is worth a thousand broken words a thousand broken promises a thousand faded scars.

Camila smiled at this. This is the Lauren she remembered. The girl who puts together the perfect words. It always comforted her in a way.

(10:11 am) Camila_Cabello: You know I always loved the way you formulate your words. I miss to hear them.

(10:13 am) Miamicutie: Speaking of which. Where are you?

(10:14 am) Camila_Cabello: Just at home in my bed. Why?

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