⭐ Chapter 1⭐

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Skylynn's POV

"But that isn't what I want to do!" I yelled back.

"But it's what you should do regardless you want to or not, Skylynn." My dad yelled back.

"I'm twenty years old dad for goodness sake! You can't tell me what to do. I wanna be a photographer so that's what I'll be."

"I can't believe you, Skylynn!" He raises his hands up in the air in frustration.

My dad isn't really happy with the idea of me wanting to be a professional photographer. He always pushed me towards a more prestigious career "worthy of my level of intelligence," his words not mine. He kept pushing and pushing me during my last year of high school. However, my mom convinced him to give me a gap year. That way I could make up my mind about what I wanted to study and what I wanted to do with my life. And finally I have decided that photography is what I am passionate about. It's something I love and makes me happy. So here I am, telling my father my plans and here he is pulling his hairs out at my "mediocre decision."

"Well you better believe it, Dad. That's what I will do."

"Are you seriously going to throw away all the opportunities you have with an academic record like yours, out the window and just take pictures?" He questions and I see the fury in his eyes. My mom simply sits quietly at the side of the table watching us bicker and fight.

"It's more than just taking pictures, Dad. Photography is an art just like painting. It requires skill and passion. Being able to capture the pure and true beauty of something forever. It's freezing a moment in time. It's-"

"It's a waste of time, Skylynn. That's what it is." He interrupts bitterly.

"Oh and studying medicine for eight years, losing all your youth, graduating and still not being able to find a job isn't?" I fire back.

"No, it isn't. Because you're acquiring knowledge. You're training to save people's lives."

"Well that won't make me happy. It doesn't make me happy. And I don't plan on spending all my youth being stressed out and bitter."

"But you do plan on being broke?"

"Oh, so it's because of the money huh? That's it, isn't it?" I question.

"Well taking pictures of the grass isn't going to feed you." He replies. "And don't even think I am going to help you out. I won't reward your stupidity."

My blood boils. I can't believe he is speaking to me like that. He's my dad. He's supposed to be supportive. He's supposed to be there for me. He's supposed to care about my happiness. Well, he's supposed to, but he doesn't. Tears brim at the corners of my eyes.

"I don't need you! You can keep your filthy money. I'm out of here!" I yelled. I got up from my seat angrily. My chair almost tipped back.

"Wait, Sky. Calm down, darling." My mom finally speaks up. I don't care. She didn't defend me earlier either.

I ignore my mom's pleads and my dad's demands to come back to the table. I stomp upstairs to my room and slam the door shut. I let out a really loud groan and the tears fall down. Why doesn't he get it? Why is he so rude? Why don't they care about my happiness? I don't need people like that in my life. I need people who are supportive. I don't need negativity. And I am determined to cut anyone that brings that, out of my life. Even if its my parents. So I dry my tears and lift my chin up.

I head towards the closet and take out three suitcases. I set them all open on my bed and start throwing things from my closet into them. Shirts, jeans, sweaters, sweats, shoes, everything. I do the same with the clothes in my drawers. They are soon stuffed with my clothes and shoes. I also take a couple of picture frames and other valuable things. Once I am satisfied, I swing my purse over my shoulder, grab the suitcases, and head downstairs. I struggle and nearly fall down quite a few times but I manage to make it down where my parents are arguing. My mom is crying, yelling at my dad. He is yelling back and pulling at his hairs. They turn to look at me the moment I make it down the last stair.

"Skylynn, please. Don't go. Honey, think this through. Please." My mom cries. Honestly it does break my heart to see her like this, but I won't stay around all this negativity.

"Sorry mom. I love you. Take care alright?" I say as I struggle out the door. I try to dry my tears at the same time.

I make it to the car with both my parents yelling behind me. I pop open the trunk of my car and throw all the suitcases inside.

"You're being stubborn and childish Skylynn. Stop throwing a tantrum and realize how idiotic you are being." My dad says.

"I don't care." I reply angrily and close the trunk. "I'm done listening to all your rude hurtful comments.

"It's for your own good." He defends.

"No! You don't care about me or my happiness. Only your own selfish desires." I spit out and angry tears run down my face again. He tries to respond but I ignore him and hop in the car. I fish the keys from my purse and place them in the ignition.

"Look dad. Nothing you say will make me change my mind. I've made my decision." I put my hands on the wheel. My mom is crying behind him and it takes everything in me not to just stay because of her.

"Stop being irrational. Use your brain Skylynn-"

"I am. Goodbye." I say and pull back from the driveway.

Before I drive off, I take one last look at my parents. My dad is furious yelling profanities. My mom covers her cries with her hand. I sigh deeply. If I keep looking I won't be able to leave. But I have to chase my dreams. There is so much to discover out in the world. So, I swallow and dry the tears from my eyes before driving off with no intentions of coming back.

Heeey, so I hope you liked the first chapter. I decided to write this story because all my other stories are dark and dramatic and I just wanted one that was cute and fluffy. I know the first chapter seems dramatic but the rest of the story won't be. I hope you enjoy it :) and of course inspired by the song Flights by the best duo in LA since kobe-Shaq, Jack and Jack. I looooove them! They are baes, go check them out!!!

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