⭐ Chapter 7 ⭐

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Jack and Jack ~ Paradise

"If you think these are good, you should try the ones I make." Harry says with his mouth full of banana chip muffin.

"You bake?" I ask taking a sip of my orange juice. His French toast was pretty good. Well, okay it was delicious.

"I'm practically a pastry chef." He brags with a small smirk. I roll my eyes hiding my smile.

"Okay, Buddy Valastro." I say and eat some more of my fruit salad.

"Do I hear, sarcasm?" Harry uses my expression and makes a pretend shocked expression. His eyes look like those of a baby deer. Cute.

"Nah fam. Quit trippin." I humor him.

"Yolo, bro." Harry tilts his head back, narrows his eyes, pouts his lips and makes some sort of "thug" hand signal. I almost spit out my fruit.

"You okay buddy? Looks like your suffering a paralysis or something." I laugh but cover my mouth a little cause there's a ninety nine percent chance I have lettuce or something in my teeth. Even though I'm not even eating lettuce.

"Only my heart is, because of you baby girl." He smirks and winks.

I burst into a fit of nervous laughter. Partly because he's the biggest dork and his efforts of being thug are ridiculously cute. But tickles shoot down my spine and my tummy feels funny and my heart skipped a beat when he said baby girl. Cause even though he said it jokingly, I blush. I blush one of those embarrassing blushes where your cheeks grow so tomato red, kinda like strawberry shortcake.

"You're such an idiot, Harold." I smack him a little trying to control my laughs.

We continue to eat our breakfast at the majestic breakfast bar from our hotel. I devour all the food. Fruit salad, French toast, orange juice, chocolate milk, a donut and scrambled eggs. I got a little bit of everything. Harry, or how I nicknamed him, Mr. Green, ate fruit with honey, a green smoothie, a waffle and some leaves.

"It's healthy, Sky. It's good for you." Harry justifies.

"I ain't a freakin bunny rabbit." I say.

"I know. But we need to nourish our body and be healthy." He points out stuffing a forkful of kale and mango. I remain silent chewing my sugar filled and cholesterol packed donut.

"I donut care." I laugh. I saw the opportunity and took it. Harry laughs too, and grabs his belly.

After a splendid breakfast we leave the hotel ready to explore. Last night we had agreed to a bunch of activities. I'm so eager to try them all out. But first, we agreed we would go and explore on foot for a while.

We walk around seeing all the beautiful flowers. They're drenched with beautiful exotic colors. My favorites are the blue and pink ones. Harry tells me it's hard to pick a favorite.

"I can't chose. Every single one of them is beautiful in their own way." He says.

"Well which one do you like more?" I try to reformulate my question.

"All of them. I can't say I like one more. That wouldn't be fair to the others." He approaches a pink flower with a white center. He gently and lovingly touches the flower. "Or would it little flower?" He says softly.

I know a lot of people would probably think it's the most ridiculous thing in the world. They'd probably think it's stupid that he's treating flowers like they're children. But my heart warms and swells with appreciation. I've only known Harry for a small period of time, but I can tell there is so much love inside that boy's heart. He treats everybody kindly. Even flowers.

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