⭐ Chapter 11 ⭐

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One Direction ~ Midnight Memories

It's been two weeks since I'm living with Harry. I have gotten to know him more and more each day. And let me just say that I am straight up happy. Him and Niall are the biggest goofballs I've met. Their friendship is so beautiful. Harry makes the lamest jokes and Niall loses it and dies of laughter. They are both pure souls. I'm glad I'm living with them.

I'm currently in Harry's room laying on his bed with my hands tucked under my head and staring at the roof. I already tried reading and looking through Instagram but nothing works. I can't fall asleep. My stomach grumbles and I look at the clock.

11:17 p.m

I roll to the side ready to get up. I wrap the black fuzzy blanket around my body like a cocoon and head towards the kitchen.

I leave the room and hear swift noises coming from the T.V and the dim lights. I hold the blanket closer to my body and take a few steps.

I see Harry sitting on the couch with his eyes to the T.V watching Cupcake Wars. His curly hair  falls loosely around his face and he's wearing black shorts and a white tee. He's holding a cup of tea in his hands and I regret not bringing my phone to take a picture because he looks so beautiful.

"Hey." I say in a small voice.

He sees me giving me a small smile. "Hey." His voice sounds husky and raspy. I love it.

I take a set next to him on the couch tucking my feet under my butt. "How come you're up?"

"There was gonna be a marathon of Cupcake Wars and Cake boss. I couldn't miss out." He responds.

"Oh. Where's Niall?"

Harry takes a sip of tea. "He said he was gonna spend the night at our friend Ed's house."

"Oh, the carrot?" I nicknamed Ed the carrot because he has orange hair and I thought it would be funny to call him carrot. I'm hilarious.

Harry lets out a small chuckle. "Yeah, him."

"Oh." I grin. I turn my attention to the T.V. There's a lady making some really weird looking cupcakes. The batter is green and super dense. It look like a five year old's booger.

"She should've added more milk." Harry says. "The cupcakes aren't gonna puff up."

I raise a brow. "How do you know that?"

"I didn't tell you?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Tell me what?"

He gives me a look like he can't believe it, which is later replaced with a goofy grin. "I used to work in a bakery."


"Yeah, back at home." He smiles. Just by seeing the sparkle in his eye I can see how important this is for him.

"So you would bake cakes and stuff?"

"At first I would just clean and stuff. I remember I would, like, eat the crumbs that fell from the bread." He chuckles. "Muriele, one of the old ladies, would always smack my hand or pinch my bum for eating them."

I let out a laugh. "Old but feisty."

"Yeah. But then later I would help them make the bread. I loved it, actually." He tells me.

"You're French toast was bomb."

"Oh that was just a little something." He waves his hand. "You haven't seen the real deal."

I chuckle.

"One day I might just make you my family's secret recipe." He winks. And I vaguely remember him mentioning something about it the night we met.

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