⭐ Chapter 2 ⭐

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One Direction ~ Ready to run

Where am I going exactly? I have no frickin idea. Now, after three hours of thinking and cooling down, I realize that I may have overreacted and not made the most rational decision. I don't know where to go. I don't know what I'm doing. But I do know I am free.

I feel free. I feel liberated. I feel like there is so much more out there other than the walls of my house. Places to go and explore other than my boring job as a bilingual secretary. I feel that tingly feeling of adrenaline and those goosebumps when I think about all those wonderful places on Earth. And take photographs of those marvelous places and keep them close to me forever.

But....I'm broke. As broke as Ian from Alvin and the Chipmunks 2. And I need money to travel and explore. Now...where can I find three singing chipmunks?

My stomach's whale talk interrupts my thoughts and I remember I didn't touch my dinner because I was too busy arguing with my dad. I sigh because I am no where near a convenience store. So I drive a little more while singing along to Neon Tree's Everybody Talks.

I find myself at the a stop light and there's an exit to my right leading towards the airport. There must be stores there since the first thing people look for after a flight is food. I'm guessing anyway. I haven't exactly been on an airplane before.

I take the exit and as I expected, there is an am/pm nearby. I stop there and count my cash. I got twenty dollars and a gum wrapper in my wallet. I decide to buy a water bottle cause I got to keep my body hydrated, a bag of nuts because I love nuts, and a donut just because I love junk food. I pay everything at the cash register and head back to my car. As soon as I make it inside, my phone vibrates in my pocket.

Mimi boo: WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU SKYLYNN! You're parents just called me worried sick. DID YOU ESCAPE YOUR HOUSE?! WTH? SKYLYNN!

I instantly laugh because 1) my best friend Noemy loves to overreact 2) it's not like I'm twelve and sneaked out of my house and 3) she spelled you're instead of your.

Skylynn: *your. Haha I'm okay mimi. Don't worry bout me. I'm grown up and know how to take care of myself. I'll call you later okay?


Skylynn: I'm safe. Don't worry boo xx


Skylynn: Night babe xx

I toss my phone on the passenger seat and munch on my food quietly. It'd be fairly easy to go to Naomi's and just spend the night there. But I can't do that. Noemy would beat me and send me back home the next day. I love her and all, but she won't put up with my stubborn ways. So, the question remains, where to spend the night? I have plenty of....acquaintances but I'm not familiar enough with them to ask to spend the night. Relatives? Nah, my parents could burst through the door anytime and drag me back home. Dang it, I am twenty years old. I will spend the night in the warm and comfortable space of my car. Crap, but what if I die from carbon monoxide intoxication. Crap. My car isn't safe.

Before I know it, I gobbled down my donut, nuts, half water bottle, and a granola bar I didn't know I had in the glove compartment. Well, it's gone now. And still, I have no idea where to stay. I am about to bang my head on the starring wheel when I catch sight of the airport. People spend the night at airports all the time don't they? Yeah, I've seen it in vlogs and t.v . They sleep until it's time for their flight. And there are flights overnight. I check my phone for the time.

11:18 p.m

It isn't that late. I'm sure there's still people that would let me in. So I drive my crazy arse to the airport and find a parking space. I obviously have to have some suitcases with me if I want to seem believable. I pop the trunk and take out a blanket, and one of the lightest suitcases. Locking the car behind me, I head towards the entrance.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I am so lost. Crap. Not being to an airport before is really inconvenient now. Where the hell do I go? Huh? What are all these numbers. Oh my gosh. Wait, do I have to give them my passport for them to send me to the waiting areas first? Crap. This plan was definitely not thought out thoroughly. And my dad wanted me to be a doctor. Ha. I can't find my way through an airport. How am I supposed to find my way through a person's guts? I laugh out loud a little and hope no one heard me cause that would be embarrassing.

I see a middle aged man around my height, black hair obviously dyed to hide gray hairs, suitcase in hand, wearing a suit and aviator glasses. He looks classy. He must know his way around an airport. I'll follow him. So I grab my suitcases and discreetly follow the man.

Eventually we make our way into the F-section, whatever that is. All I know is there are a bunch of people sleeping on the floor and I won't be the only snoring idiot. So I mentally thank this man and make my way towards a comfy spot. I settle down on the floor. I place my suitcase on its width so I can use it as a pillow. So I rest my upper body on the suitcase and throw on my blanket. I fidget and fiddle but I find my spot.

Oh my gosh, I am doing it. I am really spending my first night as a runaway in an airport. It sounds cool and adventuresy if you think about it. Good story to tell my future grandkids anyway. I sigh as my body starts to relax. I hope my mom isn't too worried about me. I hope my dad isn't too mad. I hope Naomi isn't too sick. I hope I'm not too crazy.


I feel a hand on my shoulder. My eyelids fly open abruptly. My body violently jerks upward ready for a fight. Ready to hit. But I'm so sleepy. I struggle to focus my eyes on the person in front of me. Is he a thief? Is he my dad? Is he a cyborg from the future? I don't know, cause I got that gooey stuff in my eyes.

So I blink and blink until I awake a little more. I rest my eyes on a boy. A boy, well a man. With chocolate brown curls in a quiff. With pale creamy skin. With dark black skinny jeans. With tattooed arms. With jade green eyes that sparkle. He's leaning down eye level to me. And I know I just woke up, and I'm drowsy, and zombie like, but he has the most beautiful features.

"Hi, I'm Harry. I think you missed your flight."

Yay! Harry! Guys, please vote and comment. If you guys noticed, at the beginning is a song. There will be one for almost every chapter. It doesn't really mean anything. It's just a song that fits with the chapter. I've noticed a lot of authors do it and I think it's cool :)

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