⭐ Chapter 17 ⭐

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As a little girl you dream about things like having your first kiss, your first time putting on makeup, wearing heels, and falling in love. You think it'll be magical like Disney princesses make it seem. You think it'll be memorable and that you'll feel sparkles and stardust falling on your head.

And guess what?

It's not like that...it's so much freaking better. It's unexplainable. It's endless smiles and genuine you-feel-it-in-the-gut kind of happiness. It's ...call me crazy. Call me stupid. Call me ridiculous. Call me obsessive or freakish. But it's like all the feelings I've been having for Harry, all the feelings I've been trying to push away and bury in a sand box, just flourished. It's like they furiously came out of the cave I stuffed them in, with full potential ready to own this. Just with that one kiss.

"Am I crazy though?" I say in my  confused puppy voice as I play with the half of the pink wooden cupcake that hangs around my neck and signifies that Harry is my best friend.

"Heck yeah you are, Sky." Noemy chuckles.

I give her a glare as lay with my head on her extra cushiony lap.  Yes, I am a big baby if you haven't noticed yet.

"I'm serious."

"No you aren't. This Harry guy, sounds like every girl's dream. And he treats you well. I mean, who the heck gets in contact with your long lost grandma and takes you to see her just to make you happy?"

"I don't know, prince charming?" I joke.

"Well then I guess it's confirmed, he's prince charming." She smirks at me.

"Yeah right, Mimi." I smack her thigh.

"And since it's every girl's dream to meet prince charming, I wanna meet him."



"Noemy!" I whine turning my eyes white.

"Why don't you want your home girl to meet your man?" She snaps with that little brow raise like saying 'excuse me bish?"

"Cause he is just my friend and I don't wanna creep him out by introducing all my friends."

"Well y'all kissed so that means I have the right to meet him now."

I sigh deeply. She really ain't gonna let this go. "Okay."

"Yay! Let's go then." Mimi claps her hands before abruptly standing from the couch making me bang my huge head on the edge.

"Ow!" I remark in an exaggerating tone, rubbing my head. "Go where?"

"To Harry's. Let me get my purse."

"Oh you meant like now now?"

"Yup. I'm ready. C'mon." She yanks me by my arm and pulls me out the house.

Boy, do I have a long evening ahead of me.

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"Sky! Guess what? Remember about when you said-" Harry stops mid sentence as he finds a very anxious, expecting and quite creepy looking Noemy sitting in an intimidating position on the ash gray couch.

"Why hello there Harry Styles."

I smack my forehead. Niall, who had been interviewed by Mimi the last 45 minutes, laughs like he's watching a comedy show.

"Uh, hello." Harry grins like he finds this whole thing amusing.

"Harry, this is my best friend Noemy. Mimi this is my other best friend Harry." I introduce them quickly.
Noemy raises her brows as she shakes the hand Harry extends out to her. "Friend, huh?"

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