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Chapter 04
(I hate you the most)

Chapter 04(I hate you the most)

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Red marks were left on, Kyungsoo's face. Gauges graved in his arms in purple and green, filling up his skin color even more than the slight tan he already had. He was horribly beaten.

"Kyungie!" I ran to his side, Kyungsoo fell limp. His arms fell beside him as so called Jongin pushed his body down; hard. Kyungsoo was weak, very weak in fact. Red all over his face, his light pink plumb lips have been beaten as if someone took a bite out of them, like a treat.

Jongin backed away from the scene and carried on his way over to the man from before, the one in shackles. Jongin glanced back quickly at Kyungsoo for a brief moment before smirking.
What the heck happened? I thought as Jongin trailed his fingers along the sides of the man.
"Father." Jongin says.

"You know," his black hair flows in front of his purple eyes. "Many people would love to live a free and healthy life. Nothing that'll harm them, having a loving father and husband watch over them." Jongin clutches he mans jaw harshly. The mans face turned red.
"She loved you, cared for you. And you returned her favor by beating the shit out of her. What else? The children oh," Jongin snickers, "Fuck you were so hard on us." His laughter gradually increased.

"You felt nothing for us, not a single drop of piss!" Jongin hit the man square in the jaw, causing the man to double over like Kyungsoo did.
"You know, i did feel emotions for you," he pauses, "then again, i don't think it was ever love that crossed my mind." An echo of a hit was heard in the fading Food Court. "Maybe it's because it was behind," hit, "all," hit. "The hatred," hit, "i've always felt for you!" A final blow was to the eye, but with an object involved.

A knife. The blade surged into the eye, hitting every spot you'd think it would. I looked away instantly, the granola bars almost came back up to say hello to the floor for awhile. Maybe i should've followed the elder male to my room. "Kyungsoo-" I beg, looking at him.
That's only until i realize what his situation was. The blondie boy was gripping Kyungsoo tightly now, his fingers pressing on Kyungsoo's bare chest.

Under his rib cage on the right side were symbols embedded, no, burnt, clawed into his skin.
'김종인' was read on his skin, it was red. Leaking with remaining blood. My eyes widened at what the hangul had stated, a name. In fact the very man who'd been yelling at his father for the past twenty minutes. No one stopped him this time, no one dared to.

"Jongin," i whisper, low enough for no soul to hear it. Sadly, i was wrong. I'd been heard by the scary man beating up his own father, his ears seemed to perk up at his name. "Low life-" He never got to finish his sentence when Chanyeol abruptly stepped in front of me, silencing Jongin. "Baekhyun, like i said before. Follow me to your room." Chanyeol motioned with his blue eyes to the two big, bronze doors. My feet lead the way to them, since i didn't want to make the meanie even more angered than he seemed to already be.

"Baek, I-i," Kyungsoo tried to speak, i could tell that he couldn't. His now blood red lips pour out mumbles of lewd grunts, he clutched his side where the mark was buried into his skin like it was burning. His voice got louder, louder than the man who'd just been stabbed with a knife to the eye. "Kyungie!" I yell, launching to my best friend in pain. More pain.

A tight grip held onto my wrist as i tried to reach for what seemed like my brother thrashing around in the grip of the blondie. I turned around to see Chanyeol's grip on me tighten, his expression was dark, telling me not to do anything about his pain. But i have to.
"L-l-let g-go." I struggle to free my wrist from his grasp.
Kyungsoo by me, thrashes get more intense, causing my anxiety to take over. "I n-need to h-help him!" I yell at the giant. Chanyeol's face changed, not out of worry, but out of anger.

The red heads long fingers start to dig into my skin, hard. He jerks his hand in the direction of the doors before i could react. The doors flung open and quickly closed with a loud thud. Chanyeol's long arms abruptly shoved my shoulders to the wall causing my head to hit as well. Everyone else couldn't see what was going on, it's like they knew not to enter when the 'king' was mad.

"Does little puppy think he controls what goes on around here?" Chanyeol asks leaning closer to my face. His voice didn't even hint anger, all was spit out forcefully. I shook my head to his question. Without a warning Chanyeol's hands reached down to my belt loops like earlier, gripping them to harshly bring our fronts together. "Listen to what i say and do, one slip up could leave you on a dinner plate. Like i said, you don't want to get on my bad side."
Our privates touched harshly making me whine at the feeling that was just brought upon my lower region. It hurt.

Chanyeol chuckles lowly, "It sounded like you liked that," Chanyeol smirks close to my ear, " and i thought you were innocent." His hand lightly touched my part lightly making me squeal.
"You really aren't innocent."
"What're you doing?" I managed to squeak out, embarrassed that someone was touching my parts.

"Enjoying the show!" Chanyeol mood seems to grow a little brighter with those said words. Relief flooded through me for some unknown reason, like i knew nothing else would happen. "But if you so ever, disobey me again. I will teach you a very, very important lesson on how to obey me." Chanyeol steps away from the spot we were just in, leaving me shaking. I felt so scared, anxious and tired. I want my mom. I want my home. I want Kyungsoo.

"Now as we were before, let me show you to your room." Instead of staying still this time, i followed him to the room i would be staying in. Probably for a long time. Chanyeol lead me through a long white corridor that had red pictures frames decorated all over the walls, but no pictures littered inside of the place holder.
"Why i-isn't there an-any pictures?" I ask, hands twisting with one another.

Chanyeol doesn't turn around to know it's me speaking.
"We don't like to be reminded of our family." The elders voice was quiet, yet even more questions ignited my brain like a forest fire in the middle of the night. His deep voice grunts as he opens two more doors that we seemed to run upon.
"This is the room you will be staying in." My eyes winden as i see golden sheets with white lace around the bottom and top of the sheets on the bed. Neatly organized pillows, big bathroom with delight grey granite. All was seemed to be in a book about a princess marrying a king. And this was her room in the castle.

"It's so pretty!" I say as i lay down onto the clean bed. Finally a place to properly sleep and shower. The only worry is him, Chanyeol. What does he plan to do with me and Kyungsoo? Does he have other humans here as well? And most importantly,

Will he kill Kyungsoo and i?

+ +
Welp hello there peeps.
I am tired and this books sucks man.

i, hate, myself, goodnight.

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