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Chapter 10
(i see you have a lot of those detailed on yourself)

Chapter 10(i see you have a lot of those detailed on yourself)

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third person

˚Their bedroom [寝室]

Chanyeol's tattoo on his bicep stuck out horribly in his short sleeve shirt he just changed into. It was in another language, seeing it had no hangul involved in the writing, Baekhyun concluded he would not be able to know what it said. "Am I that hot Lime?" Baekhyun looked away with flushed cheeks, Chanyeol caught him staring.

Baekhyun wasn't going to lie, Chanyeol did have very good muscles indeed. His biceps practically yelled he worked out weekly, probably on arms more than legs seeing how long they were.
"Ah hah, no, i was looking at your s-shirt." Baekhyun removes his eyes from Chanyeol trying to look at the wall instead of the intimidating male. Chanyeol hums at the smaller's statement, knowing none of those words were the truth.

"Whatever princess," Chanyeol smirks at how Baekhyun squeaks, "I have a meeting with Jongdae that you can not come to, so how about a goodbye kiss for daddy?" Chanyeol asks poking his finger to his cheek. Baekhyun stares at Chanyeol confused, why would i kiss him? Baekhyun glares at his cheek, wanting to take no part in kissing the taller. "Hm, don't worry. We can do more than that later." Chanyeol grins, eating Baekhyun's expression up second by second.

"Uh, what does that mean?" Baekhyun asks conflicted.
"How about i show you when i get back babe?" The zombies deep voice whispers in Baekhyun's ear. Chills ran throughout the smaller's body, prickling goosebumps onto his pale skin.
"Y-you're scary!"
"You're just a baby." The elders rough laugh fills up the quiet room. Baekhyun starts pushing Chanyeol's body to the double doors of their shared room; wanting the giant to leave right away. "What's the hurry? I still have some time!" Being the tallest of the two, Chanyeol abruptly stopped in his steps making Baekhyun crash into his chest. Stepping away Baekhyun squeezed his hands in cross of his private place.

"I have to-o go," Baekhyun lead on, but Chanyeol seemed to know what he was talking about. "Go where?" Chanyeol asks the smaller, leaning down to his height level. The giant seems to be challenging the younger, trying to see if he will say whats bothering him (maybe something embarrassing Chanyeol hopes). "The b-boys room." Baekhyun attempts again to shove Chanyeol out of the door, but he stays his ground; making Baekhyun almost yell in frustration.

A wrist tattoo shines in Baekhyun's eyes as Chanyeol looks at his watch. "I guess i have some time. So, shall i help you babe?" Eyes widen at the question and hands go back to shoving. "No! Just leave already." Chanyeol laughs while nodding, flashing a quick smile at the tiny one. The doors shut without another sound and Baekhyun rushes to the bathroom. Finally he can relieve himself.

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