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Chapter 16
(look at his heart)

❝᷀Sehun + Baekhyun❝᷀༎third person༎

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❝᷀Sehun + Baekhyun❝᷀
third person

˚✧Peach Jeep [ジープ]

The sky was a crystal pink, it was a beautiful sight to many if they stepped outside to witness it. In a way it reminded the youngling of Christmas.

He remembers the way the sky looked at five am sharp on the long waited Christmas day, the warm pink color swarming in white clouds.

Beautiful. It was remarkable how just months ago Baekhyun was home with his mother by his side, with his unborn sister in her belly.

Honestly, he missed her so much. Baekhyun had no idea what happened to her or if she is even alive. What if one day his mother stumbled upon the building the male was currently being taken back to?

Would he cry upon seeing his beloved mother? Baekhyun thought he would, he was a mama's boy after all.

Not letting his tears get the best of him just yet, he turned his head over to in Sehun's direction. To be quite honest, the smaller was disappointed to see that Chanyeol hadn't cared to venture out and get Baekhyun himself.

"Why are you here?" Baekhyun asked, clearly upset that he was caught in action. Sehun didn't say anything at first, just letting his blonde hair cast over his eyes as he drove back 'home'.

"Luhan made me come and get you," Baekhyun laughed. He really felt angered now, sad and worthless. It was great that someone was forced to come and get him.

"Glad he had to make you come to my aid," Baekhyun knew Sehun wasn't too fond of him yet but hell, he didn't have to sound like an ass.

Let alone be one.
"I wasn't meaning it like that-" Sehun was cut off by a yelling boy. When Baekhyun got mad, he seemed to become more intelligent than he already was.

His Peter Pan Syndrome did weird things to his body. Mostly when he was mad or around Chanyeol.
"For your information mister, you did not have to come and get me!" Baekhyun yelled.

A pair of now wide eyes stared at the sudden outburst of the guy who looked and acted like he never knew what anger was.

"I could be happily making my way down the street and away from you rude people!" In no way lying Sehun felt like shit now. He felt awful.

How did he not see how wrecked Baekhyun has been ever since his fight with Chanyeol? Right, most of this was about Chanyeol in a way.

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