Chapter 3

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Edited 12/30/17

Naruto stood panting outside Hokage tower. They had made it just in time. After Hinata's realization she had both jumped up and they started running at top speed. As they ran, they pasted the Hyuga compound. Hinata skidded to a stop and ran inside while Naruto stood there awkwardly not knowing if he should keep going or stay put. Hinata ran back outside two minutes later in a set of clean civilian clothes. She jogged out and stood next to Naruto.

"Ready?" he asked her. She gave a nod and they started to run again. They had ran all the way to Hokage tower. Halfway across town they had to switch to running on rooftops because the streets were full of people. Naruto gave her a boost up and then jumped up after. They raced along and made it to Hokage tower just in time. After stopping to catch their breath for a few seconds they passed through the door with a wave at the guards.

Naruto walked right next to Hinata as they walked through the halls to Kakashi's office. After their disastrous meeting this morning he knew he made a bad impression. He really hoped he was doing everything the right way. He didn't know what he was supposed to do. But scaring her and causing her to get hurt, even a tiny bit, was not the way to do it.

They finally reached the door and Naruto awkwardly tried to hold the door for Hinata. She gave him a small smile, a light blush dusting her cheeks, and walked through. Naruto tried to push down his own embarrassment and  followed through, closing the door behind himself. Everyone else was already there. Shikamaru was leaning against the wall, Sai was doodling in his notebook, and Sakura was talking to Sasuke.

Sasuke! Naruto stared for a second before he walked over and punched his friend in the shoulder. He had punched the shoulder without an arm. Sasuke raised his one arm out of the folds of his cloak to lightly rub his shoulder. Maybe Naruto had punched him a little too hard.

"That's for being gone so long." 

"Naruto," Sasuke said flatly, "I'm back now aren't I?" 

"Yes you are but you were still gone." 

"Fine just don't punch me again."

Naruto gave a nod of consent then looked to where Hinata was standing. She was just standing there. How often had she just stood there in the shadows because no on remembered she was there? He felt that guilt creeping up on him again. It felt like a fresh slap to the face.

He walked over and put his arm around her shoulder. He leaned over and whispered, "Sorry."

 Hinata just turned beet red and tried to stutter out something. "N-n-n-n." 

Naruto just looked to the Hokage chair. It was empty. The place where Kakashi should've been sitting. Emphasis on should've. 

"What! Where is he? We ran all the way from the training grounds so we wouldn't be late and  then he's not even here!" Naruto looked around furiously and sensed his lazy sensei walking up the hallway. He crossed his arms and stared at the door. 

"Apologies but I got lost," Kakashi said as he walked in. He had the grace to look a bit bashful as he entered but Naruto was still mad.

"K-kakashi-sama!" Hinata squeaked. She gave a slight bow. Kakashi rolled his eyes and muttered something to himself.

"Hinata," he said gently, "You know I don't care for the bowing and the honorific. I'm still Kakashi. Sensei if you must." 

Hinata just blushed and said a quiet, "Yes Kakashi-Sensei."

"Okay!" Kakashi said with a clap of his hands. "You told the short story last night but now its time for the long story." 

Kakashi gestured for them to take a seat. They grabbed the cushions from by the wall and sat. Everyone spread out into there favorite position. It would have seemed like a normal debriefing if it weren't for the fact that Naruto and Hinata were sitting next to each. Kakashi notice the bit of awkwardness  they seemed to have around each other. Hinata would fidgit slightly while Naruto would glance at her occasionally. It was a while into the story when Naruto reached for Hinata's hand. They were describing when Hinata made the choice to go with Toneri to stop him on her own. After that he released her hand with a slight tinge to his cheeks. When they reached the part about how Naruto fought Toneri with Hinata, there was no hesitation as he grabbed Hinata's hand and held it.

He just played with her hand as he talked about the fight. He talked about how brave Hinata was when they worked together to destroy the Tenseigan. Hinata just sat there blushing as Naruto played with her hand. Slowly touching each finger tip and then just holding her hand. She watched and listened as he told of the deal Toneri had promised. A smile crossed her face as he nervously fiddle with her pinky finger as he told the basic detail lacking version of how he and Hinata had gotten out of the tunnel. He said that the had run through as it was collapsing and eventually it started to collapse faster than they could run. He said, as straight faced as possible, that he had grabbed Hinata and used a rasengan to propel them faster. After that he trailed off.

Sai snickered, "You're forgetting one major detail." 

"Shut it Sai!" Was said from all around. But they didn't push it. They just smiled as the looked to were Hinata and Naruto were sitting. Both had blushes on their faces.

Kakashi cleared his throat. "Thanks for reporting. Why don't you all go enjoy the last bit of the Christmas festival. I'll give you all a day or two off from missions. Enjoy it." 

A chorus of "Yes, sir.", "Yes Kakashi.", and a "Yes Kakashi-Sensei" from Hinata echoed around the office.

Naruto stood up and turned to help Hinata up but found her already standing. He smiled. She didn't need his help all the time. They walked to the door and Naruto reached out and held it for her. He walked out after her and the door shut behind him.

Kakashi turned to the others still in the room. "So the worlds-most-knuckle-headed-ninja finally caught on?" 

"Only after it was shoved in his face many many many many many many," 



Kakashi chuckled. "Well at least Hinata finally got it through to him. I felt bad for the girl over the years." The others all gave a nod. 

Sai spoke up, "I'm not good with emotions but even I noticed!" A round of soft laughter passed through the majority of the group. They all bid their goodbyes and slowly trickled out. Sakura and Sasuke left to go walk around the festival for a short while before Sasuke enevitably left again. Shikamaru didn't say but they all knew he was going to look for Temari. And no one knew where Sai was going.


They had been walking around for a while but soon grew tired of trying to avoid Naruto's fangirls. Naruto finally said, "Why don't we go somewhere private?" He didn't realize what he had said and why Hinata immediately turned crimson.

It suddenly dawned on Naruto and he stared to stutter. "I-i-i-i b-b-b-b." Finally he just fell silent and said nothing. They both stood staring at the ground. Naruto let out a breath and rushed through his next statement. 

"ImreallysorryHinataIdidntmeanitlikethatIjustmeantthatdoyouwanttogoonawalkorsomething?" Luckily for him Hinata understood. She just nodded with a small smile on her face and started to walk towards the woods. Naruto sighed in relief and walked after her. Little did they know that their little outing was being watched. 


Hanabi was lurking in disguise a few feet away. She shed the disguise that consisted of a large coat and sunglasses. (Her inspiration for the disguise was Shino.) She followed at a distance watching with her byakugan. Naruto and Hinata walked along talking and laughing. Naruto made a fool of himself many times. He tripped over rocks and ran into branches. It was a comical sight to watch. Hanabi almost gave herself up when she let out a giggle at Naruto's antics.

Naruto had slipped on a grassy hill and had rolled down. Hinata had chased him down the hill to see if he was okay. He was. A little dirty and covered in grass but otherwise he was  just fine.

Hanabi was still at the top of hill and thinking she was out of earshot she let out a giggle. But Naruto tensed and looked around. Hanabi ducked behind a tree and held her breath. 

"Naruto?" Hinata asked. 

"Nothing. Just thought I heard something." 

"Oh. Okay." Hinata smiled softly and held out a hand to help Naruto up.

Naruto took it and didn't let go once he was standing up. Hinata blushed and smiled. Hanabi watched on from the top of the hill. She was happy for her sister. Hinata had loved that orange wearing goof since she was little. With a smile on her face Hanabi decided that she had done enough spying for today. She turned and walked back towards the village.

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